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» You Always Hurt...
By Erik Rush | Published Yesterday | Conflict , Education , Justice , Religion , Culture | Rating:  | printer version

I’d been giving a lot of thought to the fairly recent phenomenon of reasonably desirable young female teachers seducing their male teenage students and getting into gobs of trouble. I had actually forgotten then name of the New Hampshire teacher who persuaded her teen lover and his friends to kill her husband in May of 1990. Pam Smart was subsequently convicted of first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit murder and witness tampering and is currently serving a life sentence.

By J. Grant Swank | Published Yesterday | Religion | Rating:  | printer version

Muslim boys and girls are taught murder, maiming and hate from birth. They are handed weapons as toys. They are sent to training schools where adult instructors guide them in torture and slaughter, especially against Jews and Christians.

Islam is a killing cult that starts at life's start. It guarantees that each generation learns early the bloodthirsty. It is of the devil. There is no other way to explain it spiritually, particularly when researching the Bible.

By J. Grant Swank | Published 03/10/2006 | Religion | Rating:  | printer version

"East Timor remained largely unreported throughout the 80's and most of the 90's. A Christian land ravaged by Muslims - nobody cared. Untold crimes have been committed in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh against the Chakmas, and yet how often is the conflict reported? - never!," a believer noted in despair.

Over 150 churches and monasteries in Kosovo, Serbia have been destroyed or seriously damaged over the last 6 years. Now authorities project to turn the hull of one sanctuary into a nightclub. The Church of Christ the Savior in Pristina has been turned into public toilet

» The Muslim Trigger
By Pete Fisher | Published 03/7/2006 | Conflict , Religion , Culture | Rating:  | printer version

Most people have already heard about the NCU Chapel Hill incident where a Muslim student drove a vehicle into a crowd. His reason was to avenge the way Americans are treating Muslims. Here is a guy who was raised here for the most part, using all of our freedoms and education, and in the future would have had a lucrative career in his chosen field. And due to his religious beliefs, he threw it all away to gain whatever it is he thought he was getting by attacking innocent people.

» The Equivalency Fiction
By Selwyn Duke | Published 03/6/2006 | Religion , Culture | Rating:  | printer version
No, Not All Cultures and Religions are Equal

If anything renders people sheep among wolves, it’s when they convince themselves that every creature is a sheep.  We live in an age in which one of the few sins is giving offense, one of the only virtues is a tendentious tolerance and one of the top priorities is getting along.  In light of this, it’s not surprising that a steadfast refusal to draw moral distinctions is all the rage.

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Crusader of
the Month

Alan Caruba

In the 70's it was global cooling, in the 90's it was global warming, now it's global warming caused by global cooling. Are we running out of oil? We're doomed! If you have anxiety over the news, read Alan Caruba's articles. He's the Crusader of the Month, so listen as our own Frank Cabanski interviews him.

Click here to listen or right click and
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Articles by Alan Caruba
Past Crusaders