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By J. Grant Swank | Published  01/23/2006 | Conflict | Rating:
J. Grant Swank
Pastor, New Hope Church Graduate: BA and seminary M Div degrees with graduate work at Harvard Divinity School. Author of 5 books and thousands of articles in various Protestant and Catholic magazines, journals, web sites, and newspapers. Writer of religion column for LAKES REGION SUBURBAN NEWS. For more: Email:  

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J. Grant Swank, Jr.

Oprah presented a statement by Queen of Jordan, Rania Al-Abdullah. Oprah asked the queen what was needed most to combat Muslim murderers global. Of course, Oprah did not use the "M" word but instead it was understood.

The queen responded by speaking to the "hope gap." By that she meant that there are those who have and those who have not. The latter lose hope. And so they kill and maim.

What then is needed, queen? She answered that education is the answer. Education. So that’s it. Generic education.

Earlier in the show, Oprah had New York Senator Hillary Clinton give a statement concerning the same subject. Clinton stated that women of the world needed to come to the fore to protect their children and communities.

Both of these women spoke but they missed the main point. The main point for the Jordanian queen is this: What are you as the woman of chief Jordanian female influence doing to EDUCATE your Muslim females and males?

For instance, do you, queen, educate them that they don’t have to hide behind a veil their entire lives?

Do you tell them that honor killing must be banished and thereby convince your government body and Islamic leadership of same?

Do you inform your Jordanian females that they need not cower before Muslim males who cane them, put a bullet in their heads and slit their throats?

Do you protest stoning a woman who has been accused of committing adultery?

Do you champion Muslim females worldwide being educated, finding their own professions, being an equal to their husbands?

Do you champion the cessation of "temporary wives" whereby present-tense Muslim males have women considered as "wives" but leave them to live with their parents and provide them no support? In other words, the males use these extra wives as sex slaves.

Do you seek to banish the sharia judicial system positioned on the corrupt, unholy Koran which discriminates blatantly against females?

Do you give public speeches throughout your country and via media television concerning the plight of Muslim women global, the latter considered by legalistic Muslim males to be cursed from conception, the curse being the exposing of their genitals in public?

Do you seek to rescue the next generation of Muslim women from the shackles of a killing cult called "Islam"?

It is easy and America-friendly for the queen to give her politically correct statement on one of the most popular TV shows—Oprah. But what was not spoken by the queen is especially frightening and telling. Further, it is telling that Oprah let that verbal vacuum slip by on her telecast rather than bringing to the fore the awesome silence of the queen of Jordan.

Now to Hillary Clinton.

When she spoke of the world’s women protecting their children and building community, especially in light of religious professions hiding murder and mayhem, she should have gone further and said the word "Muslim" as well as defining particularly the atrocities sited above.

Why did not Hillary Clinton speak to honor killing, the sharia judicial system embraced by the evil Koran, mistreatment of Muslim females by Muslim males, the Islamic killing cult accepted in America as a religion among world religions, and so forth.

Two influential women lost their chance on the most popular television program in the USA. They had their chances, as did Oprah, to come forth on behalf of females global and they missed it.

Women speak of women not defending their own gender properly. Today were two examples on Oprah: the Jordanian queen and Hillary Clinton. These two females know better. They took the opportunistic route and still appeared acceptable to the public ignorant of what the two women should have informed the world.

But there were not just two women—the queen and Hillary. There was also a third—Oprah.






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