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The Annihilation of Capitalism

by: kimberly meeks | published: 10 18, 2011

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Throughout the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, liberalism has deceptively infiltrated the American political system, in the name of progressivism, threatening the dismantling of the foundations that have made America a superpower nation. The Obama presidency has exposed the reality of the consequences of the implementation of liberal policies, and Americans are proclaiming their intolerance.

While optimistic Americans refute the allegation that America’s worst days are yet to come, the rise of progressive radicalism disputes any defense to the contrary. With liberal theology guiding the path, progressive ideals are endorsed, with fervor, by those who seek to create in America a bureaucracy that mimics the essence of socialism in the name of “fairness,” “social justice,” and “economic equality.”

The boldness of the charge has the opposition claiming the assertion that America is headed towards the path of socialism is merely a conservative strategy to scare away Americans from favoring progressive policies; however, with the dawn of liberalism linked to 20th century progressivism, the connection between liberalism and progressivism cannot be repudiated intelligently.

With the reduction in America’s national credit rating from AAA to AA+, the difference in political ideologies between liberals and conservatives could not be more blatantly obvious. While liberal theology endorses the growth and power of government, conservative theology endorses the free market system and the growth of the private sector - and so the battle begins.

The Obama presidency marked one of the biggest attacks on capitalism in US history, and the ongoing war between big government and big business is destroying America. In his book Pillars of Prosperity, presidential hopeful Ron Paul writes, “It is now commonplace and politically correct to blame what is referred to as the excesses of capitalism for the economic problems we face, and especially for the Wall Street fraud that dominates the business news.

Politicians are having a field day with demagoguing the issue while, of course, failing to address the fraud and deceit found in the budgetary shenanigans of the federal government — for which they are directly responsible. Ignorance, as well as disapproval for the natural restraints placed on market excesses that capitalism and sound markets impose, cause our present leaders to reject capitalism and blame it for all the problems we face. If this fallacy is not corrected and capitalism is even further undermined, the prosperity that the free market generates will be destroyed.”

While allegations that Barack Obama bought the election which he won remain, sadly many Americans believed his “pro middle class” platform. What many Americans did not seem to understand is that the premise on which he ran was nothing more than a ploy to win the election. Liberals gain favor by promoting themselves as the party for the working class – they claim that their policies will address the “war on poverty,” and increasing the role and power of government is their solution.

The intervention of the federal government into the private sector leads to extreme business regulation to the point where a business can no longer operate independently. It will abolish the private sector, and therein lies the danger. Big government is the mask that, when removed, reveals a tyrannical form of government. Its mask conceals the looming reality that regimes which increase the power of their governments oppress their people.

As of October 2011, the unemployment rate in the US remains at 9.1% under Obama. Congressman Sam Graves, Chairman of the House Small Business Committee, attributed the rising loss of jobs to the fact that “business owners are stymied by uncertainty over healthcare, taxes, energy, and in especially over-regulation.” Of government intervention in the private sector, Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, during his testimony before the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs on September 13, 2011 stated, “In a free market jobs are created by profit seeking businesses with access to capital. Unfortunately Government taxes and regulation diminish profits, and deficit spending and artificially low interest rates inhibit capital formation. As a result unemployment remains high, and will likely continue to rise until policies are reversed.”

While capitalism is not absent of flaws, the people must remember there is a price for freedom. The capitalist system is the only system that provides opportunities for all– where tyranny exists, such opportunities cease. It is capitalism in America that gives life to the American dream.

Those who think that the federal government can fix the problems that exist in the capitalist system are giving an open invitation for socialist policies, and they are either too naive or too stupid to realize it. Obama and his liberal regime have had only one true success - they succeeded in causing one of the biggest battles between big government and big business that hasn’t been seen since the presidency of Jimmy Carter.

In the name of progressivism, capitalism, and the liberty that presides, will be destroyed. The growing anti-business, anti-capitalism mentality is leading America down the path of socialism. Until the entitlement mentality diminishes, the American capitalist system will face recurring threats of annihilation, America will join the ranks of other third world countries, and generations to come will learn of what was once the greatest country in the world only through their ancestors.

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