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Tea Party Starts a Political Revolution

by: kimberly meeks | published: 08 21, 2011

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“The Tea Party didn’t start this fire, they sounded the alarm,” said Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, during his Senate speech on the deficit battle. Tea Party popularity has grown throughout the Obama presidency, as his ultra liberal ideology has failed the nation. Obama outlined his anti-American agenda in his inaugural address - “starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.”

Those who did not consider Obama’s plans to remake America a dangerous proposition were either politically ignorant, or wrapped up in the tingly sensation that many felt at the very sound of his voice. After a failed stimulus bill, a disastrous health care bill, soaring unemployment figures, businesses in a deadlock and liberal politics facing, overall, enormous opposition, the Tea Party arose and, in the words of Jess Sessions, “sounded the alarm.”

The Tea Party movement is not merely an anti-liberal movement, as it has been labeled; the Tea Party movement surpasses the politics of both the Democrat and Republican parties, because its values are derived from the conservative foundations of America. Some of its core values include fiscal responsibility, limited government, and a free market economy. The Tea Party is often labeled an ultra conservative, country first group of men and women who believe dirty politics is destroying the country.

The Tea Party movement has been mocked, belittled and scorned by those who oppose its mission and what it stands for, but after the Tea Party influence on the deficit battle, its opposition takes notice - and they’re not happy about it. “Tea Party direction of this Congress the last few months has been very, very disconcerting,” stated Harry Reid in a recent Senate speech. Democrats in Washington are preparing to fight the Tea Party as the deficit battle continues. According to a Fox News article, “GOP lawmakers say they’re going to press for serious entitlement reform as part of that process. But already, Democrats are vowing to press just as hard for revenue on that committee- and challenge the Tea Party ideology.” With democrats in Congress now aware of Tea Party influence, Tea Party patriots plan to move forward with their mission to revolutionize the American political system, by holding politicians accountable. Matt Kibbe, President of FreedomWorks, said of the growing Tea Party influence, “the Tea Party movement has changed the debate. Next up is changing out more congressmen. That’s where we will get our big policy changes.” 

According to a Rasmussen poll, 48% of Americans say their political opinions favor the Tea Party over Congress, forty nine percent of Americans think the Tea Party movement is good for the country, and forty five percent of Americans say that the average member of the Tea Party has a better understanding of the issues that America currently faces

The Tea Party has promised to take an active role in ensuring the 2011 election leads to big changes in Washington. In a recent Fox News interview, Tea Party Patriots’ Jenny Beth Martin said, “we’re going to have an impact in this debate, we’re going to have an impact when it comes to the budget in 2012 and we’re also going to have an impact in the debt ceiling and next year’s elections. We’re not going away. We’re here. We’re going to be vigilant.”   

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