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RNC Chairman: Repudiate Obama’s Failed Agenda

by: kimberly meeks | published: 01 08, 2012

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In a January 4th Fox News Article, Obama admin David Axelrod referred to Mitt Romney as the symbol of “what concerns most people about this economy.” He also stated that Romney’s “economic vision isn’t the vision of Americans.” Oh, the irony! I suppose Mr. Axelrod would therefore contend that America’s current economic state is the epitome of economic success.

Conservatives, chuckle lightly. Despite the democrat attempt to hinder Romney’s chances of becoming the GOP nominee, Romney has remained the steady GOP frontrunner – as confirmed by his recent Iowa victory.

The battle to defeat Barack Hussein Obama in 2012 has already been projected to make history as the most expensive presidential campaign election to date. Mitt Romney’s campaign has already received donations from 42 billionaires (more than Obama to date), reported the Washington Post, giving him an undisputed edge over the remaining GOP contenders. According to a January 5th Fox News Article, however, Romney’s “strong campaign infrastructure” has been the culmination of his success, thus far.

With the rise of the Tea Party movement, conservatives hoped the GOP would realize that abandoning its conservative roots is the very reason why the GOP lost the election in 2008 to Barack Hussein Obama. To their dismay, conservatives foresee a repeat of the trend for 2012.

Despite the eminent inability of the GOP to deem a conservative candidate electable, conservative republicans and moderate republicans are more than willing to unite for the mere purpose of ensuring Barack Hussein Obama is not re-elected for a second presidential term.

Of the bridge between republicans and conservatives, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus told Steven Castleton in an exclusive March 2011 interview, “The Republican Party is just part of the Conservative movement; we are united behind fiscally conservative principles and the desire to get our economy back on track by cutting government spending. The TEA Party movement helped propel the fiscal realities of the state and national governments to the forefront last cycle and they have a great voice that we must help use.” Authors of Resurgent: How Constitutional Conservatism Can Save America, Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski stated in a January 3rd article, “conservatives face a historic task, of making the case to the voters for how and why constitutional conservatism is the way to return our nation to strength and stability.”

The conservative movement is creating momentum and support during the campaign for 2012 by endorsing “A Conservative Consensus for 2012.” In a memo issued by the Conservative Action Project on December 16, 2011, the CAP declared, “We call upon all those seeking public office to promise to return America to a true and prosperous Nation grounded in constitutional principles and a restoration of Federalism in order to receive the support of tens of millions of citizens represented by the American Conservative Movement.”

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said, “Ultimately, there's a hugely important task at hand -- defeating President Obama. The president promised better health care; it’s more expensive. He promised low unemployment; it’s higher. He promised ethical government; yet he’s beholden to special interests. He promised optimism, order, and unity; he divided us.” The plan is to “repudiate his failed agenda.”

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