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Obama's minions meet with police brass to discuss immigration

by: jim kouri | published: 02 10, 2013

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Officials from President Barack Obama's administration met on Wednesday with law enforcement officials from throughout the nation at the White House to discuss the subject of reforming America's chaotic immigration system.

A key portion of the meeting was White House Domestic Policy Council (DPC) Director Cecilia Munoz outlining President Obama's overall immigration reform proposal that includes creating a pathway to citizenship for up to 11-million illegal aliens, the majority of whom entered the U.S. from Mexico. While Munoz mentioned a plan to strengthen border security and cracking down on employers that hire undocumented workers, most police brass attending were aware that there are current laws already addressing those two enforcement issues.

"The meeting -- which was a major photo-opportunity for the pro-amnesty administration -- offered nothing new and nothing that is not dealt with by current immigration enforcement laws," said Chief Gregory Hampton, who represents the National Association of Police Administers as its Washington, D.C., liaison officer.

Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) Janet Napolitano claimed at the meeting that significant progress has been made as "the administration has dedicated historic levels of personnel, technology, and resources to the Southwest border over the last four years."

According to officials at the ICE agents union, "You will begin to get more and more of the 'hands off' orders as this amnesty bandwagon gains steam with the Obama Administration. If you think they really care about border security as it pertains to illegal immigration, you are dead wrong.

Union officials claim CBP Commissioner David Aguilar said it best, “You are NOT immigration officers.” Then, to emphasize, he said “I repeat, you are NOT immigration officers. Don't lower yourselves to that level.” "We have him on tape making these statements to groups of Border Patrol agents. How much more clear can our top level leadership be? They have little interest in arrests of illegal aliens. It is just a fact," said the officials.

Napolitano also claims that on her watch the DHS has undertaken an unprecedented effort to transform the nation's immigration enforcement systems into one that focuses on public safety, border security, and the integrity of the immigration system.

The Secretary, one of the few cabinet members to be retained in Obama's second-term, made it clear that "commonsense immigration reform is the single best step we can take to continue to enhance border security, enabling our officers and agents along the border to spend the bulk of their time focused on public safety and national security threats."

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