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Daily Kos Wrong on Tax Cuts and Jobs

by: jason hammond | published: 09 02, 2010

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Daily Kos's Joan McCarter had a posting today on the struggle within the White House on what to do about jobs and the economy.  This is nothing new with the Obama Administration and their buddies.  The idea of handing out money and building more regulations on top of everything else has them shaking their heads in disbelief on the continuing loss of jobs.  Joan sees the Small Business Lending Bill very simply as tax cuts for the rich or employment for people in need.

There is one problem with her argument and it lies in a big assumption implied within the article.  Even though it is not articulated in the posting very well, Joan seems to believe that employment for people will be a direct result from handout money (with strings attached) from the Federal government as prescribed in the Small Business bill.  The flaw in this assumption is we are reaping consequences from a decision based on that thought.  The 800 Billion plus stimulus bill has done nothing for NET job increases within our economy.  It has only placed our country in more debt, jeopardized our financial standing in the world and was merely a payoff to unions and other leeches in our economy that do not deserve to exist.

These tax cuts that Joan demonizes as an evil GOP idea has on several occassions produced positive results for private business in this country.  Those positive results are increase in wages, productivity increases, captial investment AND the creation of jobs for people like you and me.  Do the research and one will see how that within several months of an across the board tax cut there were positive job increases and real GDP growth.  I am not saying this is the end all solution, but it has a better track record than the government printing presses running overtime.

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