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Tell Sen. McConnell to Rally Against the Obama Debt Plan!

by: freedom works | published: 02 03, 2009

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Last week I told you about how the Left was trying to ram through a package of goodies totaling more than $825 billion for their liberal allies like ACORN, and calling it “stimulus.”   Well that price tag has now swelled to $1.1 trillion, which means it will cost each American family over $10,000 a year!  Or, another way to think of the massive size of this legislation – its cost is greater than the economies of Saudi Arabia and Iran combined.  (For a list of the Top 10 Reasons to Oppose the Stimulus click here!)

The good news is we have a real shot at stopping this. We need your help to send a message to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Please call his office at (866) 956-9161 and ask him to rally Republicans in the Senate to kill the so-called “stimulus” package.

If we can convince Leader McConnell (R-KY), to stand strong behind the promise that he, and other conservative leaders made to the American people to get serious about reining in wasteful spending and returning to a philosophy of limited government, this bloated economic stimulus package will fail.

Bold leaders must emerge in the Senate however, and it’s up to Leader McConnell to hold his Republican colleagues’ feet to the fire.  In the House, Republicans made good on their word.  G.O.P. legislators rallied behind Minority Leader John Boehner (R, OH-8) as he called on his party to vote “no” on the stimulus bill.  Every single Republican House Member, joined by some moderate Democrats, stood up for fiscal responsibility and voted against the stimulus.

Time and time again, the Republican leadership in Congress has pledged that its party will embrace a limited government agenda and support fiscally responsible policy.  This trillion dollar debt package is a critical test of this pledge.

Tell Senator McConnell that, as their leader, he must hold Senate Republicans together in voting against the stimulus bill.   Please call (866) 956-9161 to tell Leader McConnell this urgent message.

In such tough economic times government should not be taking MORE of the American taxpayers’ hard earned money and wasting it on a Keynesian scheme that won’t work.

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  • Reply to this comment

    Frank C

    Someone has to explain to me what the Republicans are doing to stop this. They claim they're pruning and cutting, but meanwhile in the senate the plan has ballooned to over $925 billion dollars.

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