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Stop Government-Run Health Care; it's moving again!

by: the american conservative union | published: 10 26, 2009

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I am sure you have heard, the liberal Democrats are swinging hard again today to have a government take-over of health care.

After a month of protests all across the nation at Congressional town halls in August many thought they got the message.
Unfortunately they did not.
They have only been waiting.  Waiting for you to calm down.  Waiting for the American people to get distracted.
This is what I have repeatedly warned you about.
Our newspapers are filled with stories saying they are now going to pass the "public option."
They claimed they were looking for bipartisan support for health care.
But after Republicans agreed with Democrats on many provisions to make health care more affordable and help those with pre-existing conditions the Democrats just ignored them.
We knew all along that the liberal trio of Obama, Pelosi and Reid did not want to hear from conservatives.
They only want to spend more and tax more.
Liberals want the government more involved in every aspect of people's lives - from the cradle to the grave.  From the banking system where your paycheck is cashed, to the automobile you drive and to the health care that you need.
Liberals just want more control over your life.  That is why they want the "public option" which will lead to complete government control of health care.
They don't even care to have Olympia Snowe's opinion which they championed to the liberal press.
After Snowe gave them one vote in committee, they locked her out.  Harry Reid made comments that she was not going to be a final decision maker.  Pelosi and her liberal allies in the House said Snowe could not control the debate.
Why? Because even Olympia Snowe has opposed the "public option".  Her spokesman told CNN again on Saturday that, "her opposition to the modified public option" is confirmed.
Liberals only believe as the old saying goes, "it is their way - or the highway."  Anyone who doesn't agree with their opinion can "take a hike."
Well they tried that before and look at what they got in August.  They believe we have run out of steam.  They think you don't care anymore, that you are tired of the fight. 
We want to give it right back to them.  Not only signing petitions but calling their offices.  We will give you a link to the ACU Action Center to do just that when you sign the petition and support ACU.
Pelosi is trying to hold together some Democrats who live in Republican-leaning Districts to stay with her on the Public Option vote.
We know that if we put pressure on these Democrats, they might re-consider. We also need to keep the pressure up on Republicans so they realize where you stand.
Testimony by Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Elmendorf has correctly indicated health care costs under the House legislation could rise after 10 years.
ACU warned you about this.  Every time the government "estimates" costs, they always rise.  Just think how expensive the nearly $1 trillion current taxpayer-financed health care plan could get in the future.
Even some more fiscally conservative Democrats have warned the bill does nothing to rein in the costs of health care...
Let's remind them that you agree.
I can think of no better reason to oppose this bill then the front page of the Washington Post on Saturday.
Saturday's WASHINGTON POST had two headlines that jumped out at me - one at the top which read, MOMENTUM SHIFT IS DRAMATIC - in saying a Public Option might now pass. 

Another headline dealt with the Obama administration's plans to help struggling homeowners which read, FEDERAL PLAN MISSES ABOUT 97 PERCENT OF ELIGIBLE BORROWERS.
Think about that for a second.
Now, let me quote from the second story: "A seven-month-old government program to help homeowners ... so far reached fewer than 3 percent of those targeted.  The program is a key component of the Obama administration's efforts to stabilize the house market."
Now we are supposed to turn health care over to the Obama administration?
The Obama administration can't even successfully implement a program to help struggling homeowners, but we are supposed to spend nearly $1 trillion more of taxpayer money trying to help those who need health care. 
Liberal program failures ... how many more do we need?  How much more money must be wasted before they understand big government does not work?
This fight is starting anew.
Thank you again for all you do for ACU and for our country.

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