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Liberal Democrats are Pushing More Stimulus Spending

by: the american conservative union | published: 06 25, 2010

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You may have read about it in your newspaper today, the liberal Democrats are trying to pass even more massive, wasteful stimulus spending.
Despite repeated cries from the American people to stop - Obama, Reid and Pelosi are still trying, still pushing for more spending.
The liberals want $100 billion more in new spending, even as our nation's debt has climbed higher and higher.
Last night united Republicans pushed back another attempt to pass this spending. 
Your efforts with ACU have had an impact in sending a message that we cannot afford more wasteful, Washington spending.
However, the liberals know if Republicans win more seats in November they could lose their majorities.  They are going to try and pass every liberal priority they can before this fall.
Help Fight Back Here, Now.  Send a Message to Democrat and Republican Members of Congress.  We Cannot Afford More Stimulus or Massive Liberal Spending.  Stop the Spending Now.  Do Not Pass Another Stimulus. 
One hundred billion - with a "b" - more taxpayer dollars.  If they get their way that is $100 billion more that we as taxpayers, our children and grandchildren will have to pay as it is added to our nation's debt.
The Washington-based newspaper Politico wrote this morning: "A Democratic-backed jobs and economic relief bill collapsed in the Senate on Thursday after failing for the third time to break through a wall of Republicans who rejected repeated entreaties to join in advancing the $100 billion-plus package..."
However, just like we saw with the health care bill, the liberals will not give up.  They will come back again and again to try and pass this spending.
Even Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins spoke out against the liberal Democrat plan last night with Collins saying, "Given our nation's astronomical federal deficit and the continued troubled economy, the last thing Congress should be doing is passing bills that increase taxes on small businesses and further stifle the economy," and Snowe said the bill was "ill-conceived" and a "terrifying template" for small-business owners already facing more taxes because of Obama's health care reform.
With the liberals on the ropes we need to keep pushing back.
Help Fight Back Here, Now.  Send a Message to Democrat and Republican Members of Congress.  We Cannot Afford More Stimulus or Massive Liberal Spending.  Stop the Spending Now.  Do Not Pass Another Stimulus. 
This morning the government was forced to announce that our nation's GDP, our gross domestic product, had to be revised downward showing that our economy is still in need of recovery.  Our GDP 2.7% annual rate in the January-to-March period was lower than the estimate of 3% the government previously released. 
In the face of continued economic weakness, can we afford more wasteful Washington spending?  The liberals think so...
Not only are the liberal Democrats who control Congress trying to increase spending, they are also trying to increase taxes.
The Washington Times newspaper reported today that Republicans also objected to the bill not only because it added $33 billion to the deficit over the next decade but that it also included tax hikes.
Our nation is reeling from the oil spill in the gulf, home sales are down, our GDP was revised downward, but Obama, Pelosi and Reid are still pushing for more massive, wasteful Washington spending and tax increases. 
Help Fight Back Here, Now.  Send a Message to Democrat and Republican Members of Congress.  We Cannot Afford More Stimulus or Massive Liberal Spending.  Stop the Spending Now.  Do Not Pass Another Stimulus. 
We have proven that speaking out works.  ACU was one of the fist organizations to encourage people to attend the August Town Hall meetings, the result was tremendous.  We have helped encourage attendance at local and Washington based rallies and we have helped send a message to Capitol Hill that enough is enough. 
The message is getting through.
Now, with the elections approaching it is even more important to make our voice heard.
Help send a message here today:  No More Wasteful, Stimulus Spending.  Urge Congress to Vote No.




  • Reply to this comment

    Coastal Eddie

    The first stimulus was so resoundingly sucessful, why not do another?


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