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Easter Recess Call to Action: Keep Socialized Medicine Out of the Budget

by: freedom works | published: 04 11, 2009

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First, let me say "thank you." We had a big win last week and struck a critical blow against those trying to enact a backdoor government-run health care scheme.

FreedomWorks had discovered language buried in the Obama Budget that would allow Congress to push through socialized medicine with limited debate. Fortunately, Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) came forward to offer the Health Care Freedom Amendment to the budget, which would require the support of 60 Senators for any bill that would usher in government-run health care and take away an American's ability to keep their current health plan and choice of doctor, thus ensuring meaningful debate on this important issue.

We knew we needed to support Sen. DeMint and create a massive grassroots outcry on behalf of his amendment. And thanks to freedom-loving activists like you, FreedomWorks was able to direct thousands of calls into the offices of targeted Senators on behalf of the DeMint Amendment. This past Thursday, the Health Care Freedom Amendment passed by a wide margin, giving us a key victory against socialized medicine. But the fight isn't over.


Members of Congress are now at home in their districts for two weeks during Congress' Easter Recess break. Those who want to see socialized medicine in the United States similar to what Canada and Cuba have are working hard lobbying centrist Senate Democrats. They want to include rules in the final version of the Budget that would set the stage for socialized medicine with just 51 Senate votes, and strip out the assurance of a full debate and support of 60 Senators given by Sen. DeMint's Health Care Freedom Amendment. To counter them, FreedomWorks is launching an Easter Recess "Call to Action." []

This includes an online Health Care Freedom Action Kit with important policy information, talking points, and legislative feedback forms that you can use in conversations and meetings with legislators and their staff to pin them down on the issue of socialized medicine. You can also post comments about your contacts with different offices and communicate with other limited government activists from around the country.

Last week, our voices against socialized medicine were heard loud and clear in Washington, D.C. Now they must be heard in the district offices of our nine targeted Senators in order to keep the pressure on and make sure they know that the idea of enacting government-run health care without real debate is unacceptable.

We believe that based on their voting records and statements, these nine Senators don't have their minds made up on the health care issue. They will be the key targets of those that want to see America adopt socialized medicine and they will likely be the deciding votes on whether or not Congress will have a real debate on the issue or simply sneak through a socialized medicine scheme that will affect every American.

Even if you don't live in one of these Senators' states, it is still important that you take FreedomWorks' Easter Recess Call to Action [] , download our online Health Care Freedom Action Kit, and call the district offices of the targets. And if you do live in one of the targeted Senators' states, please take the time to schedule a visit with the Senator's district staff. In either case, let us know about the contacts that you make so that we can share your feedback with others.

The issue of government-run health care and putting a bureaucrat between a person and their doctor is a scary thing. It's even scarier to think that some want to rush it through without a real debate.

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