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USA: On Becoming a Marxist-run Nation

The days of massive oppression have just begun.

by: sher zieve | published: 11 05, 2008

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Despite the gratuitous rhetoric that the American people and the world were subject to—during the 2008 US presidential election—opposition to now President Elect Barack Hussein Obama had little to nothing to do with race.  But, it had everything to do with ideology.  We who opposed and still oppose this man for president of the United States of America oppose him because he is a Marxist.

Although Socialism (more appropriately Communism) has been pushed into our country’s governmental systems by Democrats for years, it is now official.  With the results of last night's elections, the people of the USA have called for the end to our republic, freedom and liberty and are demanding the beginning of tyrannical rule and the rise of the self-avowed Marxist soon to be Dictator Barack Hussein Obama.  Too late they will discover that who and what they voted into the presidency of the United States was an illusion of their own making.  Too late they will discover that what they thought they voted into office is actually just the opposite.  And too late they will realize that what they thought was truth was and is the biggest lie ever perpetrated and perpetuated on any people who have ever existed.  If you are one of these, may the Lord help you when you finally realize what you've done.

Becoming a Marxist nation will change—destroy—the very fabric of the country, our lives and our very ability to exist.  Unfortunately, those who voted for Mr. Obama—legally or illegally—either don’t perceive those important truths or simply don’t care.  And the RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) are almost as culpable as the far left lunatics which now comprise virtually all of the Democrat Party.  These are the faux Republicans who told us we had to be “compassionate” and “all inclusive” in order to attract “diversity to the Party.”  Balderdash!

When the Republican Party really was all inclusive, it attracted a very culturally diverse base of voters.  We won elections.  This happened under President Ronald Reagan.  And the reason we won elections is because we were—and hope to again be—a conservative party.  The reason we now keep losing elections is that the Republican Party has become liberal and “Democrat-lite.”  Contrary to popular lies, conservatives do not discriminate against gender, race or religion.  We believe in and support meritocracies—those systems that reward excellence, regardless of one’s background.  But, we DO discriminate against ideologies that are bent upon the destruction of the American Republic.  That is why we oppose Barack Obama and the leftists who now run Congress.  Conservatives do not like Marxists.  In fact, as Marxists are anti-humanity, most of us detest them.

My prediction is that we are now going to experience some of the darkest days—if not the darkest—that have ever befallen this country.  Marxism—as professed by Barack Obama—will destroy both this once-great country and its people.  Harbor no doubts, my friends. The days of massive oppression have just begun.  With no one—or groups—willing to oppose him and his minions, this will be the end of the American experiment.  May the Lord God bless us all.



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    Randy P

    Yes I voted for Obama but I am not guilty, because he is a liar and we are the ones that were lied to.. I heard rumors in 08 about his legitamacy to run for office but I did not think their was anything to it. After all who would have the nerve to run for President of the United States if he was not a valid candidate- doesn't the CIA or FBI verify such things? I guess not! I find fault with your article in that you think that the people who were lied to are the ones who constructed the illusion. Let me clear this up right here Sher Zieve, Americans aren't as dumb as you think they are. Yes I was lied to and not fooled, but the saying fits anyways - I for one will not be fooled twice! I have never voted Republican but I am actually seriously thinking about voting for the rich just to get this deceiver out. I like Romney on all his moral stands but not on his financial stands. So I will either be sitting home this November or going down the republican line at the polls. God have mercy on us!

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    Scott C.

    Although I agree with your dire view of this election and the subsequent consequences. I am still heartened by one very important thing. God is Sovereign, and no matter who is in the White House or in Congress, Christ is still on the Throne! This may be a time of judgement for our once great nation, but let's work together as conservative to take back our political system. We need to be pushing for the mid-term elections to take back the seats lost in the last two, and fill them with true conservatives. No more RINOS!

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    tom w.


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