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The Wrong Side of History, The Right Side of Reality

by: douglas v. gibbs | published: 01 06, 2013

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There is an old saying: "History is written by the winners." That is not always necessarily so. History is often written by the well funded, the most devious, and in today's society, whoever controls media and the education system. History, however, can be discovered if one is willing to look, and for America, our history has always flowed through the United States Constitution.

An old liberal friend, who I have battled with Online for years upon years, told me recently that he believes that there is no longer a Republican Party and a Democrat Party. Instead, we have a political machine. Tom may be right. I really don't buy into the right/left paradigm in the ways that many folks believe. There is a left versus right war going on, but the establishment has blurred the lines, and have now hijacked that battle for their own use.

A listener of my radio program, and reader of my website, in Orlando, Florida constantly sends me emails explaining to me how he thinks the system is broken. The two parties are both traitors to the nation, and ultimately have the same goal: an all powerful political establishment that enslaves the populace, and shreds the principles this nation was founded upon. He is right, to a point. I only hold on to hope that the Republican Party will get its act together because I am naturally an optimist, and I don't believe we have reached the point of no return, just yet.

Commenters that oppose my conservative commentary constantly leave little messages in my comments section. Though I don't "approve" their comments often because of the belittling nature of them, I do read them all. Among those messages of late have been attacks on my ability to recognize the political theater as it is. They tell me I am on the wrong side of history, and my failed prediction that Romney would win the election was evidence of that.

Early on in the election season of 2012 I commented that if Mitt Romney won the nomination, he had the greatest chance of losing the election over all of the candidates. The key to winning was not pulling in the vote of various groups, but to energize the conservative base in America. I still believe that this nation is largely conservative, and that conservatives outnumber liberals (those in the middle not withstanding) four-to-one. The problem is those that hold conservative values don't vote because they see little difference between the candidates, or they vote democrat because they don't recognize the danger of voting for the more liberal candidate, nor has there been a Republican candidate out there that can properly articulate the conservative message.

The fact is, liberalism (I use that term only because that is the one we currently have available) has infiltrated both parties, controls the democrats to the point of Marxism, and controls the republicans to the point that the Party of Reagan has literally neutered itself. In return, the parties have become meaningless, and the government bureaucracy that regulates to make itself important reigns supreme. The statesmen of Washington have been replaced by a ruling class of elitists that consider themselves elite not because of their position in life, or the money they have, but because they believe they are wiser than the populace, and that it is only the ruling elite that can properly manage the lives of each and every American. Rules for how you eat, and what activities you can engage in, are not too far off in the future, if we continue to allow the statists of the federal government to continue to stack on more rules, more regulations, and more power for themselves.

For the liberal left it has all become about winning the political argument, silencing the opposition, and being on the right side of history. They are willing to use the unions to gain control, promising favors to the powerful political organizations that have long since abandoned their concern for worker's rights. It has become a great big, "What can I do for you that can get you to do something for me," orgy of pocket-lining. The corporations have jumped into the "political favors" game as well. The politicians want to bail out their corporate friends, and let their opposition fall into failure under the weight of a destroyed economy. Barack Obama has worked to finance his friends in green technology, not because he believes in green energy so much, but because of the favors and money involved. Bankers are picking sides, and more pockets are being lined. Al Gore, Mister Environmentalist himself, sold his Current TV network to Al Jazeera, who not only supports terrorism against America, but is a part of the big oil of the Arab nations that the oil-hating Gore always criticizes. Why did he choose to sell to them? Perhaps money. Perhaps power. Perhaps because the other potential buyer was Glenn Beck, and Gore would rather help terrorists and big oil over his political opposition in America. And on top of all that, Al Gore will remain on board as an adviser for Al Jazeera in America.

Besides, the liberal left uses environmentalism for power and money, anyway. It has nothing to do with saving the planet. That is just what they want you to believe, so you'll jump on the bandwagon, with your money and support. Hell, even the failed "Cash for Clunkers" program that Obama hailed so much has turned out to be damaging to the environment.

Barack Obama, and the liberal democrats, tell us all the time about how much they hate the corporations, but when it comes to their money, their political support, and an exchange of favors, suddenly the rich ain't so bad. At Barack Obama's upcoming inauguration, now that he doesn't need his anti-corporation rhetoric for re-election, anymore, has gone against his 2009 decision to reject big-dollar donations from corporations to finance his inauguration. This year the Presidential Inaugural Committee is logging donations from heavy hitters in the business world, including AT&T and Microsoft.

More than 400 donors have given money, according to the latest list posted to the committee's website. Most of the donors are individuals, but the committee has said it will accept unlimited sums of corporate money to pay for Obama's inauguration.

You'll notice that the list of corporations and individuals are people who have benefited from Obama's political policies. Favors, perhaps?

In the world of the Founding Fathers, that was called "mercantilism," and that was one of the concepts that emboldened the American Colonists to rebellion. Our Constitution was written in part to protect this nation from mercantilist policies. Thanks to the political establishment's (thanks to both parties in large part) love of Crony Capitalism, the manipulative and unethical practice of mercantilism is alive and strong in American Politics.

Government regulations to control your lives, and the dependency of government gifts from the treasury, are at an all-time high. Federal Food Stamps are at a record high, with the federal government unconstitutionally spending $80.4 billion on the vote-buying program. As a result, Americans are less likely to be self-reliant, personally responsible, and willing to work hard for the American Dream. Meanwhile, the "producers" of society, the ones that took a risk, put it all out there, and succeeded, are being hammered with higher, punitive, taxes.

Taxation has little to do with revenue, and everything to do with control. When Britain hiked up their tax rates against the rich last year, the millionaires fled the nation and the country lost revenue. When France kicked their rate up to 75%, the rich fled from that country, spurring the high court in that country to call the confiscatory tax "illegal." If we were to eliminate the income tax in America, the total revenue of the federal government would drop back to 1998 levels. The progressive taxation system in America, and around the world, is also in lock-step, or should I say "goose-step," with the ten planks of communism in the Communist Manifesto. It is a means of a redistribution of wealth, used under the guise of helping the poor, but ultimately being used to transform the our system into a community of goods where, as John Lennon put it, eventually where there will be no possessions, no money, no countries, and no religion. Collectivism. Socialism. Communism.

The progressive tax system is all about power and control, and that is why after losing his fleeing millionaires in the United Kingdom, Prime Minister David Cameron is calling for global taxation that will make sure that all of the rich, and big companies, pay their taxes.

When I predicted that Mitt Romney would win the Presidential Election, and win big, it was based on the belief that Americans were sick of the mercantilism, high spending, and failures of the Obama administration. His presidency during his first term was such a failure, surely the American voters were done with him. 2010 revealed this belief, when not only the Republicans, but very conservative TEA Party Republicans, won big in a massive landslide. Surely, Americans had not changed their minds, after the last two years of regulations, lies, scandals, and failures by the Obama administration.

I underestimated the Democrat Party's ability to tilt the vote through fraud, and an incredible campaign for getting out the vote of their base through text messaging and the social media. From Obama Phones to Facebook, the democrats pulled off an incredible campaign that got their base out to vote. In the meantime, frustrated that the Republican Party had handed the voters yet another fairly moderate nominee, the conservative voters stayed at home.

I was stunned, to say the least. However, I don't care if that makes me on the right side of history, or the wrong side of history. It is not about how history will view all of this as much as it is about doing what is right.

I believe unborn babies are living human beings, so I will always support their right to live. I believe that government governs best when it acts within the limited authorities granted to it, so I will always support the limiting principles provided in the United States Constitution. I believe that a moral society is more likely to follow the rule of law, and that an immoral society is likely to follow the rule of man, and degenerate into mob-rule, so I will always fight for a moral culture. I believe individuals make decisions, and it is then the individual's responsibility to live under those consequences, and perhaps that will then encourage the individual to be more responsible in the future with their decisions, so I support individualism and self-reliance. I believe a free market is more apt to generate wealth and make a society prosperous, so I support capitalism in America - and with it I recognize the good and bad that can arise from it. No system is perfect. I believe that we should care for the poor and homeless as individuals, with voluntary decisions to give to charities, but when a government system provides to the less fortunate, it creates a system of dependency, kills incentive, inhibits innovation, and becomes a system where the politicians use the welfare policies to control the masses and buy votes, so I do not support federally funded entitlement programs. Besides, they are unconstitutional, and for good reason.

I can go on and on, but I think you are getting the point. It is not about whether I want to be on the right side of history, or the wrong side of history, and whether or not what I write or say on the radio will get me more, or less, readers and listeners. It is all about doing the right thing, moving this country in the right direction, and acting in accordance with my core beliefs, which are largely rooted in my Christian Faith and the United States Constitution. To do any less would put me on the wrong side of my conscience.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Unions look for benefits from Obama re-election - Fox News

Al Jazeera Takes Over Current TV as the Arab News Network Looks to Expand American Audience. . . and Al Gore will be an adviser - U.K. Daily Mail Online

A tale of two Als: Why Al Gore sold out to Al Jazeera - The Independent

Whoops - 'Cash for Clunkers' Actually Hurt the Environment - Yahoo! News

AT&T, Microsoft on donors list for Obama's second inauguration, in change from 2009 - Fox News

Federal Food Stamp Program Spent Record $80.4B in FY 2012 - CNS News

I'll make damn sure big companies pay their tax, says David Cameron - The Independent



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    One of the greatest bumper stickers I ever saw read : "Republicans and Democrats, Same Sh*t, Different Piles".

    Oh how true that is. In light of the many failings of the Republican party over the last few years to represent anyone, outside of die-hard party loyalists and the aging group of those who still think they are a "conservative" party, I have "de-registered" with them and am now a registered conservative. I still agree much more ideologically with them than the Democrats, any day, but one thing for sure is the Democrats have absolutely streamrolled the Republicans in terms of playing better politics as of late.

    Thomas Sowell made one of the best points when it comes to this in saying that what difference does it make if you are the party of common sense and logic, if you cannot articulate that point. And that's exactly it, they don't. So what difference DOES it make? If the Democrats said it was racist/sexist/homophobic to believe that 2+2 = 4 enough times, and it really equals 3, then guess what? It would for all intents and purposes equal 3, especially if with the media on their side putting it on endless repeat-loop.

    Conservatives by our very nature are more passive. We sit back, sip our lemonade, and talk about they way things should be, and that people should naturally agree with us because it is logical. We are shocked when they don't. We should not be, however. The left is aggressive, very much so. Some may think this is a new phenomenon, but it is certainly not. You have to aggressive be to convince so many people of theories that are at best exaggerated, and at worst out and out lies. Rather than being Mr. Logic, and Mr. Anti-Obama, Romney needed to articulate the conservative message, and he failed.

    Really, nobody has articuated it well since Reagan, and if we don't start trying to make a point rather than rely on what people "ought to believe", and be simply anti-the left, we as conservatives are doomed.

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