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Hey Liberals, Thanks for the Violence

by: tim dunkin | published: 08 26, 2013

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By now, most people are familiar with the murder of Australian college student Chris Lane by three two-legged animals in Duncan, Oklahoma last week. In what has understatedly been called a “senseless act of violence,” three local teenagers shot Lane in the back as he was walking down the street, and later told police that they did so because they were “bored.” Because the shooter was black, while Lane was white, Jesse Jackson apparently felt that he had to step in and do damage control, since there was no way of Trayvon Martining this incident successful. Jackson stated that he was praying for the family of Chris Lane and that “…this senseless violence is frowned upon and the justice system must prevail,” which I’m sure was a tremendous comfort to Lane’s grieving family in Australia. In addition to the “bored” argument, it appears that the shooter had previous made a number of racist tweets about committing acts of violence against whites. As such, it seems that Lane’s murder way have been intended as “payback” for the killing of Trayvon Martin in self-defense by George Zimmerman (who is a “white Hispanic,” which is like an honorary white, when needed for the purposes of race-baiting), something which Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and other “civil rights leaders” must find completely flabbergasting and totally unexpected, given their cool-headed, rational rhetoric over the past few months.

One wonders if Obama thinks that if he had another son, he’d look like Chris Lane?

Naturally, the radical left-wing fanatics in this country wasted no time trying to ride the Lane murder to another gun control rodeo. Apparently, even though Lane was murdered by juvenile criminals (both words denoting people who are already forbidden to own or carry guns), law-abiding middle class adult gun owners who support the NRA are the real culprits in all of this. Some of these non-thinking fanatics go so far as to try pinning the blame not on the murderous thugs who actually shot Lane, but on America’s “gun culture.”

I will admit, they are half right – the problem here does lie with “culture.”

Specifically, it traces back to the permissive, amoral, unrestrained, “if it feels good do it,” question authority, no-wrong-or-right type of culture that the Left has been gradually instilling into America for the past five decades. In a sense, the worldview and ideology of liberals are why we see terrible tragedies like the shooting of Chris Lane in Oklahoma. This does not exonerate the three worthless wretches who participated in his murder – but it does help to explain where they got the idea in the first place, and why they felt that boredom is a sufficient justification for taking another human being’s life.

Ours is an entitled culture. Half the country believes itself to be entitled to other peoples’ money, to a “living wage,” to free health care, and so forth. But along with this comes the sense of entitlement to never being told that you’re doing something wrong, that your behavior is unacceptable, and that you ought to restrain yourself from certain actions and activities. Telling people these things means you’re either a square or a theocrat, depending on the particular action and the mindset of the person being criticized. America is the land of putting complete idiocy on YouTube and knowing that you’ll be applauded by thousands, or possibly millions, of other people for doing so. Ours is the land of doing whatever comes to mind, and expecting other people to accept it and even compliment you for it.

That is essentially the distillation of the left-wing mindset that came to the fore in the late 1960s. When there are no moral absolutes, then there are no real checks to what people not only will want to do, but what they will do. And if what they want to do is kill other people for the fun of it, then there are always a certain (fortunately small, so far) number of them who will act on that impulse. Chris Lane’s murder was hardly the first “thrill killing” that America has seen, after all. It all boils down to how the Left has spent decades instilling our nation’s youth with a deadly combination of entitlement and the endorsement of evil.

Coupled with this is America’s increasing culture of violence. This is not the same thing as our “gun culture.” Guns are inanimate objects. Guns do not create or perpetuate culture, which is a term denoting uniquely human institutions. By a “culture of violence,” what is meant is the fact that our nation is encoding violence into the organs of our common society. What do I mean? I mean the violent video games our kids play. I mean the violent movies that we watch. I mean the glorification of violence in many genres of our music (and not just rap). While it is true that not every individual who listens to or watches these will turn into a homicidal maniac, there is always that small subset of already-imbalanced individuals who can be pushed over the edge by what they will perceive as legitimization of the things they see depicted in popular media.

More generally, though, violent media do passively affect the way people think and interact. These do contribute to a coarsening of our interactions with each other that leads to everything from road rage to simple callousness towards others. Why wouldn’t we understand this point? We know that advertisers successfully ply their trade to induce people to spend billions of dollars a year – so why wouldn’t repeated depictions of violence in our media induce us to be more callous and violent as a people? It’s simple logic, really.

Another area where liberals contribute to the violence and coarsening of American society is in their rabid support for abortion. These people seem like they’ve never met an abortion that they didn’t like. This week, the Left was celebrating (and that’s the proper word to describe it) the first abortion performed in Ireland – as if this were some great and noble accomplishment. So essentially, liberals are supporting and applauding the destruction of helpless babies inside the womb. They are approving murder of the helpless and innocent, all in the name of selfish, immature personal convenience. They can’t even bring themselves to condemn a monster like Kermit Gosnell, nor speak against a hideous practice like partial-birth abortion. Some of them go so far as to think that even newborns have no personhood and can be murdered if their parents want to.

If you think that this mindset doesn’t filter down demotically to the average Joe, then you don’t have any sense of how things like “culture” and “ideas” work. It does. Acceptance of abortion sends the message that life just isn’t worth as much as we used to think it was. If we don’t even respect the life of little babies who have never done anything to anyone, then why would we be bound to respect anyone else’s life (and by extension, their property, the sanctity of their person, etc.)? It’s no coincidence that during the time when abortion laws were being liberalized in America, violent crime rates were also starting to go up as well, and even despite some declines in the last decade, are still at levels far, far above where they were even in the early 1960s. A message was being sent by that liberalization, and it was being filtered to the low information Americans as an inchoate yet real sense that human life and liberty just aren’t what they used to be.

Liberals loved Obama when he promised to “fundamentally transform” America because they’ve been working at doing this for decades. Liberals hate America as it has been traditionally constituted for over two centuries. They hate individual liberty, individual responsibility, individual self-restraint and self-government. Liberals love the idea of a “judgment-free zone” society where anyone is free to “express himself” no matter how crudely, disgusting, or immorally. This necessarily means, however, that there are going to be people who take this mindset to its logical limit. They will literally come to view themselves as having no responsibility for their own actions and requiring no restraints on their own behavior. They will decide that killing someone else for grins and giggles is a smashing idea. The liberal mindset breeds this sort of antisocial, repulsive violence.

So the next time an 88-year old World War II veteran is beaten to death by a couple of young punks not fit to kiss his combat action ribbon, be sure to thank the nearest left-winger you can find.

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