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Half of America Seems Blind to Reality
By Marie Jon' | Published  02/2/2006 | Conflict , Politics | Rating:
Marie Jon'
Marie Jon' is a political and religious-based writer and is the founder of — a sister website to Marie is a featured or guest writer whose work has appeared on many sites, including, The New Media Journal,, and, to name a few. She is a columnist for, The Daley Times Post, and, and The Conservative Voice. Marie brings a refreshing and spirited point of view that is reflected in her writings, as well as a genuine and spiritual opinion regarding God and his teachings. Marie is an active Christian, a nurse, a student, and a patriotic American. Your comments, yea or nay, regarding her writings are always welcome. Write to Marie Jon' at  

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The State of the Union Address notwithstanding, half of America seems to be deaf, dumb, and blind to certain realities. It's a sad state of affairs when one understands that nearly half of all Americans have been successfully made doubtful to such a degree that they can't think clearly and correctly about reality concerning the war on terror.

“There Is no War on Terror." This from well-known liberal provocateur, Noam Chomsky, who (incredibly) sees the war on terror as contrived. He is part of the destructive left in America who seems willfully blind to reality, and if not kept in check, could lead the way to our destruction.

Further, there are those who now seek the impeachment of President Bush, principally because of security methods he employed after 9/11. While the liberal press and elected Democrats call this a case of “domestic spying” on the part of the Bush administration, it is not. Most Americans approve of the wiretapping Bush employed for the security of the country. They believe the way Bush executed his executive powers as president is neither breaking the law, nor unconstitutional. (,2933,183387,00.html)

The total unity of the American people is desperately needed if we are to survive the terrorist attacks of Al-Zawahiri and his depraved master, Osama bin Laden--who is once again making his thoughts known from the caves that he now calls home. We live in ominous days that affect us all. It is little wonder than that in his State of The Union Address, President Bush called for an end to partisanship, and asked for political unity several times.

Here’s why. In Egypt, Al-Qaeda’s number two man, Ayman Al Zawahiri, said in a videotape aired Monday that President Bush was a "butcher" and a "failure" because of a deadly U.S. air strike in Pakistan. The strike killed some civilians, as well as several Al-Qaeda mid-level planners. The strikes were carried out believing that Zawahiri himself may be among those targeted.

So how important is Ayman Al Zawahiri? These excerpts from an Associated Press (AP) story serve to illustrate: "A U.S. counterterrorism official, speaking on condition of anonymity in compliance with office policy, said there was no reason to doubt the authenticity of the tape, which U.S. intelligence officials were analyzing. The official said the message broadcast by Al-Jazeera showed Al Qaeda believed it was important to convey that al-Zawahiri is alive.

Consequently, the tape broadcast by Al-Jazeera made official Washington more than a little nervous: "In Washington, FBI Special Agent Richard Kolko said the bureau would ask agents around the United States to review ongoing cases and tips in light of the new tape, especially with two major events this week, the State of the Union in Washington, and the Super Bowl in Detroit." (,2933,183222,00.html)

Unfortunately, America's biased media--along with the Democrat Party-- have lost their way to be of any real help or usefulness. They have willfully politicized the war on terror on all levels. This, I would think, should be totally unacceptable to most Americans. Most people with two brain cells to rub together understand the need not to be partisan while facing potential chaos.

Though the headlines showcase impending danger, these same people remain complacent. Regardless of the continuous threats echoed daily by terrorists, many try to deny world’s possible fate. They remain argumentative and combative. They would rather harness what energy they possess and accuse President Bush of illegal wiretapping and various other media-hyperventilated matters, regardless that their efforts may undermine the war.

Still, there are many thoughtless Americans do not see the impending dangers. Visions of death, and beheadings of innocent Americans, does not seem to awaken these slumbering ones to reality. This very week, journalist Jill Carroll was shown weeping and begging for her life on media outlets all around the world, showcased by Al-Jazeera. Yet, there are those who wish to turn their faces from her, afraid of the possible reality of her fate and what it represents.

Here is how the AP handled it:

"As a deadline neared for hostage American journalist Jill Carroll, Muslim leaders and her pleading mother appealed Thursday to kidnappers to spare her life and set her free. Referring to demands from Carroll's abductors that Iraqi women be released from U.S. custody, a senior Iraqi official said six jailed Iraqi women were due to be freed by the U.S. military.
"But the White House said no prisoner release appeared imminent, and a major Sunni Arab clerical group said it could do little to help because it did not know who was holding the 28-year-old reporter. The kidnappers, identified as the previously unknown "Revenge Brigade," have set a deadline of Friday evening for all Iraqi female detainees to be freed or they will kill Carroll. However, Iraqi kidnappers have often given such ultimatums only to ignore them and continue holding captives.” "New images showing Carroll surrounded by three armed and masked gunmen were aired Thursday by Al-Jazeera television. The 20 seconds of silent footage were from the same tape as excerpts broadcast Tuesday announcing the 72-hour deadline." (,2933,182129,00.html)

The debauchery seen on Al-Jazeera has tragically become all too common. It has hardened the left to sound even shriller. Their harsh rhetoric is typically disrespectful and abusive towards President Bush. Rather than stand by his side in unity and be the loyal opposition, the left emboldens our enemies with their unwise words.

In the meanwhile, rumors of attacks on American soil, some time in February, are making its way across the Internet. One can only imagine if those attacks will be worse than 9/11.

The reality of a sleepy America is very disheartening. Blame this complacent condition at the feet of the leftists who do not have clue as to just what is reality. To them, it is far more self-serving to blame Bush first, and last. Aside from the “blame-Bush” obsession that has been the norm of the left for these past 5 years, they have nothing to offer.

The good news here is that half of America is not deaf dumb and blind, it is wide awake. It is the part of America that will save it, in spite of the bitter wishes of some of its own. (

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  • Comment #1 (Posted by Scott)
    She has nailed it totally. I'm happy to read her intelligent commentaries as I receive a double bonus looking at that face. As a conservative I appreciate intellect that comes from such a woman. She is gorgeous. Scott.
  • Comment #2 (Posted by an unknown user)
    1. Zawahiri is from Egypt. However, he has been in Afganistan for 15 years. So I'm pretty sure he did not make that tape in Egypt. 2. Im concerned about terror, and most importantly our response to it. But Im also concerned about our tragic bluder to invade Iraq( a country that had nothing to do with international terror before March 2003), as well as this or any President from wiretapping US citizens without court approval. So am I sleepy, or just twice as awake as you.
  • Comment #3 (Posted by an unknown user)
    I was disturbed the very thought of a "loyal opposition." I mean, I can pledge to uphold the laws of our country while remaining opposed to Bush's policies, but going along with something I believe is wrong just for loyalty's sake is contrary to reason. Also, the part about Ayman Al Zawahiri was a real eye-opener. Of course, if he is a member of Al-Qaeda we must be a little cautious, but from what this story is saying, he didn't threaten the U.S. at all. He merely criticized Bush, which is something that the administration apparently feels threatened by. It is little surprise that vocal opposition to Bush is treated the same way abroad as it is here: as a threat. Unity for unity's sake is pointless; we must be unified in ideals as well as bodies. Oppositional ideas are the bedrock of our country, and in my opinion, it is in fact more patriotic than anything else to try to change America for the better rather than go along with the crowd.
  • Comment #4 (Posted by The Colonel)
    You're right. One other example: a "concern" for Iraqi civilians killed in the U.S. military operations there becomes a fixation for some in the left. Never mind that Saddam killed thousands of civilians (on purpose), the number of U.S.-caused civilian casualties is unknown, Islamic monsters strive to kill civilians (whether U.S. forces are around or not) all over the globe, civilian casualties are unavoidable (especially when the killers hide amongst civilians), great care has been exercised by the U.S. to avoid casualties, and . . . we are in a bitter, long-term struggle with some nasty, sick fanatics. The civilian casualties, Bush's lies, or whatever straw is grasped by the left, assume gigantic proportions dwarfing ANY other consideration of national security. The casualty figures need never be proved and Thomas Acquinas would have difficulty unraveling the convoluted theories of the left about what was known to Dems prior to the invasion and what was (only) (really) known to the president. Knowing about the one-half of the U.S. population who are not complacent is somewhat reassuring. I would feel better if its enthusiasm for carrying the fight to the enemy weren't so tepid.
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