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The Apocalypse of Mohammed
By Pete Fisher | Published  04/1/2006 | Conflict , Religion | Rating:
Pete Fisher
Pete Fisher is a concerned citizen in the Chicago area who has written several articles on the economy, educational system, politics, and religion. He has been feature on several sites such as,,,, The, and has been circulated on various other sites worldwide. He is a 6 year veteran of the Armed Forces.  

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Continued ...

The FBI just nabbed members of Hezbollah trying to cross our borders with the intent to pull off an act of terror. The worst part of it all is the fact that some members had already succeeded in sneaking over at the time of the arrest. Again, their intent is terror because they are filled with a hatred too deep for most civilized people to understand.

When will the West and the main stream media begin to see what is going on not only here in the USA, but all over the globe? How can so much be ignored so blatantly by those who are supposed to be printing the truth? It is no surprise that liberal newspapers and television have lost so much ground to the Internet in the past 5 years. People want the truth. It is that simple.

Many Muslims are well aware of their goals to eventually try and issue in an age they believe is foretold in the Koran, basically a bastardized version of the Jewish and Christian Millennial Kingdom and what is commonly called the Apocalypse in which we await the return or in some beliefs the original arrival of the Messiah. In fact, many are turning to terror in an attempt to usher this age in. It has been no secret, it has been taught in mosques and in schools in the Muslim world, and the goal of many militants is to bring it in at any cost.

The part that concerns me the most is whether you believe in them or not, Biblical prophecies have shown themselves to be incredibly precise, displaying mathematical probabilities that boggle the human mind. And it is within these passages that nations are called out by name, whether the names they were known by thousands of years ago, and in many cases by the same name today that we see alliances called out in scripture that are incredibly precise today. Islam was not even a nightmare yet in the human mind when these passages were written, in fact neither was Christianity at the time of Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and others.

The passages call out Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Libya, by their former names, as well as some that remain to this day as forming an alliance against Israel in the days when we once again see Israel rise from the ashes of Arab and Persian domination. The scriptures also call for Russia to be backing those nations, and in the end there will be a huge conflict and an attack on Israel that will stun the world. And these passages were written prior to and during the Babylonian conquest of the Middle East, and into the Persian conquest under Darius the Great. It also showed how Alexander the Great would come and conquer and how his kingdom would be split into four regions, as well as the foretelling of the Roman Empire.

And we see the foretelling of how the ancient Roman Empire would be reconstituted in the same timeline as Israel debuted once more as a nation. Whether this is the EU, or as some believe another alliance in the Mediterranean area, remains to be seen. However the one thing that is certain is the Antichrist will rise from this coalition in the area of ancient Syrian territory. And these passages tell us he will lie and lure Israel and other nations into a false sense of security while plotting the downfall of both Jews and Christians.

Today there exists only one religion that is intent on the total obliteration of Jews first, and other religions afterwards, and that is Islam. No other religion has hated more, or done more, so blatantly to rid the world of Jews and any other religion that refuses to adopt Mohammed’s twisted version of both Judaism and Christianity as taught in the Koran. They have shown time and again to be brutal and dominating, and as commanded in the Koran, can lie to achieve the furtherance of Islam. In this day and age, as clerics are yelling from Mosques about the ushering in of the Last Imam, we have seen Islam display the characteristics of the Antichrist as described in the Bible.

Arafat lied to the world as he condemned Hamas attacks on Israel while in front of a camera, and ordered more attacks as they were turned off. Leaders of entire nations like Iran and Iraq have publicly called for the destruction of Israel, even though the Koran says that land belongs to the Jews. They live in complete contradiction, as the Koran is a contradiction, not only to itself, but to Judaism and Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. Islam is the only religion that commands it’s members to violence and domination, encourages riots and bloodshed for any perceived infraction. And the only religion that calls for the destruction of an entire race and religion by name.

And now we find ourselves in the midst of Biblical prophecy, and the Muslims have drawn their line in the sand. Armed and supported by Russia, they will eventually attack Israel. We will see the Muslim world trying to usher in the Great Battle between Islam and the world. We see the stage being set for them to deceive the world that they are peaceful, and anyone following the main stream media and politics will see they have been effective. Even with the massive riots, acts of terror, declarations of genocide and domination, the politicians and media do not want to admit they have a global agenda.

Mohammed began the religion that will see the world at war, but little did he know that had already been predicted. He was a prophet alright, but a prophet who lived contrary to any other. He was a prophet who lived by his lusts, by his contradictions, by his lies, and his sword, robbing and killing all who called him false. The same thing the antichrist will do when he arrives on the scene. Slay and oppress all who deny his global religion, and with the agenda to kill all Jews and Christians. The stage is set, the players are in place, and the deceit is well advanced to take by surprise those who trusted them.

Mohammed set in motion the Apocalypse when he began Islam in 600 A.D., now his followers are intent on making sure it becomes the reality the Bible says it will be. Much to the chagrin of Muslims worldwide, they are not merely following Mohammed and his evil, they are also fulfilling the precise events as foretold in the Bibles of the Jews and Christians thousands of years before he walked this Earth in his intent to destroy what God had blessed and usher in the Age of Death.

Ezekiel Chapters 37-39
Daniel chapters 7-12
Revelation chapters 6-13

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  • Comment #1 (Posted by an unknown user)
    wow. A different take for sure here. But a real possibility. Thanks.
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