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The Two Reasons to Vote for McCain

Obama and Palin

by: randall nunn | published: 10 03, 2008

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Like most conservatives, I am not entirely happy with Senator McCain as the standard bearer for the Republican Party. In fact, I was not sure that I could vote for him. But I have decided that there are two good reasons to vote for Senator McCain—Senator Obama and Sarah Palin.

Senator Obama is the most liberal person in the U.S. Senate and is a radical masquerading as a “moderate”. What we know about Senator Obama shows beyond any doubt that he is a leftist who represents the biggest threat to traditional American values and limited government that we have yet seen in a presidential election.

While I have never believed in “the lesser of two evils” as a principle to follow in voting in presidential elections, the time has come to recognize that Senator Obama is a real threat to the stability of our government and our economy. Given the nature and magnitude of the threat, a vote against Senator Obama is the only alternative in this election.

I openly admit that I will be voting against Senator Obama. While there are things about Senator McCain that I admire and respect, there are some significant differences with his positions that prevent me from being a committed supporter. I am philosophically better suited to being “against” Senator Obama than I am being “for” Senator McCain. And I suspect there are many in this country who feel the same way.

Senator McCain could still sway me more to his side if he refined his positions and took the fight to Senator Obama with real passion. Senator McCain could make the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac collapse one of the major issues in this campaign and show how intimately connected Senator Obama is with that fiasco. Senator McCain could go after Senator Obama on his ant-Second Amendment record, and clearly differentiate himself, which would benefit him greatly in several of the “battleground” states. Senator McCain could strongly support drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and use that to focus the voters on the significant differences with Senator Obama’s energy policies.

Although Senator McCain could sharpen his positions and become more passionate and aggressive in attacking Senator Obama’s weaknesses, my fear is that he will not do so. Now is not the time to be restrained and “bipartisan”. Now is the time to arouse the base and give people a reason to go to the polls and vote—if not “for” McCain, then “against” the most serious internal threat to our republic we have yet seen.

But McCain has an asset that may well turn out to be the best weapon in his arsenal—Governor Sarah Palin. Governor Palin has excited the conservative base like no one else in recent years. She is a major reason to vote “for” the McCain-Palin ticket. If the Republicans win this election, Governor Palin will be a force to be reckoned with four years later—and quite possibly the strongest candidate conservatives have seen since Ronald Reagan. And that is the reason for the frenzy in the mainstream media, Hollywood and the leftist pressure groups to try to destroy her at all costs.

Much of the anti-Palin sentiment in the past couple of weeks has been “manufactured” by the mainstream media to try to make it “uncool” to support Palin. Ridicule her, accuse her falsely of many things to show that she is insensitive, biased and not experienced. But much of the voting public has figured out that the economic fiasco we are facing was brought to us by intelligent, sensitive, politically correct elitists on Wall Street and in Washington who had lots of “experience.”

The nonsense about Palin’s “inexperience” simply illustrates the ignorance, and in some cases, the clever deception of those leftists trying desperately to demonize Palin. Go back in history and look at the experience levels of most vice presidential candidates and you will find experience levels comparable to that of Governor Palin. Theodore Roosevelt comes to mind as one who was younger than Governor Palin and with comparable levels of experience.

The real irony in this debate on “experience” is that Senator Obama has less experience relevant to governing than Governor Palin, and yet the mainstream media rarely mentions this as an issue. If Senator Obama is elected, the country will have the most inexperienced leader ever in its history.

Senator Obama wants the presidency. But Senator Obama does not want to tell the American people what he really believes and what his true positions on issues are—he wants to obtain the prize through deception and artifice. He has made a career out of avoiding positions of clarity by voting “present” and by obfuscating his true positions and core beliefs to all except his inner circle. That inner circle, as we have learned largely through talk radio and the Internet, is a frightening contingent of radicals, America-haters and elitists. Governor Palin has none of these types around her.

My vote will be driven largely by two factors—Senator Obama and Governor Palin. Senator McCain will be the immediate beneficiary, but if the McCain-Palin ticket is elected, the country will be the ultimate beneficiary. And Hillary should be very concerned.

Randall H. Nunn



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