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Phil Gramm, “economic condition is a mental crisis”

Barack Obama gleefully makes political hay of Gramm’s statement

by: jb williams | published: 07 11, 2008

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When I first heard former Senator Phil Gramm refer to our economic condition as a “mental crisis” and suggest that too many Americans had become “whiners,” my immediate reaction was, too bad too few Americans would comprehend the hard truth he just set before them…

Despite leftist efforts to run capitalism out of town on a rail, by talking the economy into the toilet 24/7 since the day Bush assumed office in 2001, America’s economic indicators have been the strongest in a quarter century, up until second quarter 2008.

Even now, the country is technically NOT in a recession, defined as at least two quarters of economic down-turn, negative growth, back to back. But leftists will keep working at it until it becomes a reality, I’m sure.

Technically speaking, as if the facts matter any more, Phil Gramm is right on both counts, though it was dumb of him to think he could just blurt out the truth to an ignorant American electorate at this late date. He wins the “dumb” award for not knowing how the “whiners” would react to such a comment, or how the dumber would jump at the chance to exploit it.

Gramm was NOT referring to the very real individual tragedies of families in real economic crisis, which exists even in the best of economic times. He was referring to the seven years of leftist “whining” about an economy that was miraculously very strong, considering the heavy economic consequences of September 11, 2001. This is the whiny mental disorder he was referring to, and he was right.

But then along comes “dumber,” Barack Hussein Obambi, who wet himself with glee at the opportunity to make political hay of Gramm’s dumb statement by acting as though he had no idea what Gramm was talking about. Maybe he doesn’t have any idea what Gramm was talking about, since the freshman nobody do-nothing from Chicago is completely clueless about most things.

Consider - the man raised his family in an anti-American racist church for twenty years without ever noticing it was an overtly anti-American racist church. We have to face the very real possibility that he missed all the strong economic indicators of the last seven years too… or that he doesn’t even know those indicators at all.

Obambi’s puppet masters wasted no time updating his “hope” and “change” stump speech with a new attack on McCain. Never mind that it wasn’t McCain who made the statement. A mere technicality which often goes missing on the mindless.

It was a shot at political opportunism and political opportunism is the one art Obambi has indeed perfected. He has half of a nation drooling in lockstep behind him and not one of them has ever asked “what kind of change” or what Obambi has ever done to inspire “hope” in anyone.

Twisting Gramm’s statement into a palatable spoon sized bite of anti-McCain propaganda for his transfixed minions took hardly any effort at all. Obambi-TV (the 24/7 MSM) was all over the story in minutes and Obambi supporters lapped it up like honey covered hemlock. Obambi and his minions win the “dumber” award for their consistent inability to grasp the obvious.

But then I have to talk about John McCain, who I have awarded the title of “spineless.”

Instead of standing up like a big boy and pointing out Obambi’s overt gross ignorance of economics, or taking the opportunity to use Gramm’s opening to point out just how insidious the left has been in their efforts to justify Democratic Socialism by constantly talking the economy and capitalism into the gutter, McCain spinelessly ran to the left himself…

This is exactly why both Bush and congress have the lowest approval ratings in U.S. history and why few Republicans are enthusiastic about the prospects of a President McCain.

The man has been a Washington D.C. fixture for so many years that he has his pander sensors set on sensitive and will blurt out the obligatory lefty response like a child’s See-n-Say, without a moments thought. Just pull his string and listen to him pander…

Too many cocktail parties with cousin Teddy has left John a spineless shadow of the formidable man he once was. Too many years inside the Washington D.C. beltway has turned his mind to mush and his spine to spaghetti.

Of the three stooges involved in this story, Phil Gramm is the only one worthy of a single American vote and he’s not running for office.

No matter who wins the general election this fall, the ignorant American electorate will get exactly the kind of leadership they deserve, none.

Voters have limited themselves to a racist nobody Democratic Socialist fraud from Chicago and a has-been war hero who can’t even stand up to anti-American leftist drivel anymore. Which ever one becomes president, the people who limited us to these two choices deserve what they get…

Maybe after four years of real trouble, the average American voter will come to their senses and demand that real leaders run for office in the future. That’s the only “hope” I see in the 2008 election cycle!

I “hope” there’s something left to salvage four years from now… Enemies around the globe must love both of these nothings! We’ve got nothing to fear but gross stupidity and we have plenty of that to go around this year. Hope we can survive it!

God help us if we fail to regain sane conservative control of congress!



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    Greg R

    This article exemplifies the exact problem the Republican party is facing. The Repulican party has all of the sudden become a group of elitists. We refer to Americans as "ignorant." These "ignorant" people are the ones who are ready to boot the Republicans out of office. I am a life long Republican. However, the party is absolutely lost. We have gotten away from our small government, low taxes, strong defense platform. We have become a party more worried about social policy than anything else. What happened to MY party??? I remember 4 years ago, I was watching political coverage and was saying how I couldn't stand the Democratic party because all they did was whine. The parties have done an about face this election cycle. We have McCain who only knows how to whine. On the other hand, Barack Obama has a POSITIVE message. That is what we need in this time. I'm beyond disappointed in our party. We have nominated a terrible candidate and to be honest, I think we need a loss this election to wake up the NRC. We need to get back to our roots and quit whining and talking about how Barack Obama is a Muslim instead of debating policy.

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    Frank C.

    Seems to me we heard a whiner named Michelle Obama complaining about barely making ends meet on millions of dollars a year in income, while living in a multi-million dollar home.

    If that's not whining, I don't know what is. Even on her salary alone, 360,000 a year, someone would have to be pretty dumb not to be able to make ends meet.

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