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Light-Years Ahead of His Time

the more oil, the stronger he'll argue that fossil fuel production should end

by: jayme evans | published: 06 07, 2010

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Barack Obama has been held up by the liberal elite as a true visionary. But, rather than fix the problems he was elected to fix, he has exacerbated every single one of them and then some.

Even before he was sworn in, Obama's impatience with America resulted in the creation of the unconstitutional "Office of President-Elect", though nothing precluded his staff from planning his transition without the slick logo and letterhead.

During his campaign, he promised to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. One of his first actions upon assuming office was to issue that order. But, the prison remains open. He quite obviously had no plan to deal with the inmates.

When Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley arrested Henry Gates Jr., Mr. Obama accused the Cambridge Police of acting "stupidly". The "Beer Summit" that followed was Obama's way of trying to repair the damage he alone caused by jumping to race-tinted conclusions.

While the debate raged over his so-called health care "reforms", Obama repeatedly made two claims: That health care legislation would lower industry costs and premiums and that his reforms would not lead to more rationing. But, no legislation existed at that time for him to cite in making those claims. As time goes on, Washington is slowly coming to the same conclusion that most Americans on a budget did a long time ago: Those claims were patently false.

While the balance of his first "stimulus" remains to be spent and its alleged benefits remain to be seen, he has already asked for and signed into law additional, wasteful spending bills under the false premise of rescuing the economy, creating jobs or keeping unemployment low. But, unemployment has barely budged, the balance of jobs created were either government or temporary jobs, the dollar continues to weaken, the stock market continues to dive and a whistle blower has alleged that Census is cooking their job numbers, calling into question the integrity of the entire head count.

When Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed legislation to combat the scourge of illegal aliens infecting that state, Obama and his underlings heavily criticized SB1070. Janet Napolitano and Eric Holder both weighed in, but when questioned, both admitted that, like all Democrats these days, they had not actually read the law. Although the language of Arizona's law mirrors US federal law and although Arizona's law is more lenient than both Mexican and US federal law, Obama will waste even more taxpayer money and deepen the political divide attempting in vain to fight it.

When news broke of the explosion and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon rig, it took Obama weeks before he appeared engaged. Nearly two months later, British Petroleum still cannot stop the leak, slowly strangling Gulf Coast livelihoods. Rather than asserting control, he continues to defer to BP. Rather than mobilize a massive, war-like response to this threat, he opens a criminal investigation and promises to make people "whole". He seems perfectly content to let the oil gush, because the more oil, the stronger he'll argue that fossil fuel production should end altogether.

When the Service Chiefs signaled that they might be on board with a repeal of 10 U.S.C. § 654, which prohibited openly-gay military service - only after a complete, service-wide study was conducted to gauge the mood of the Armed Forces to such fundamental change, Obama and House Democrats moved to short-circuit that process and force a bill through as soon as possible, rendering the opinions of our 1.4 million-strong active duty military force virtually irrelevant. Only a Senate vote stands in their way.

Under the failed leadership of Barack Obama, who has surpassed both the  ineptitude of Jimmy Carter and the criminality of Richard Nixon, our  country has now moved far beyond polarized to dangerously  dysfunctional. On nearly every major issue that confronts us, Obama has exhibited the temperament of an impatient child. When the country asked  him to slow down and weigh trillion dollar spending packages that  enslave future generations more carefully, the little brat pushed even harder. But,  when our military leaders were screaming for reinforcements for the men who were sent out as decoys in Afghanistan or Gulf Coast fishermen were  pleading with him to do something to stop the flow of oil killing their  coast, he sat on his hands debating, analyzing, examining tar balls for the cameras or  singing with Paul McCartney.

Barack Obama may have been elected on lofty speeches that promised to solve all of our present problems, but that seems to be all that holds up his empty suit. On every issue he's confronted, his socialist ideology is so far out in left-field, that only in his world can you simultaneously come up a day late and a dollar short and still be light-years ahead of your time.

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