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Feminism - Churches bought the lie (Part III)

by: bonnie alba | published: 06 02, 2011

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“There’s a God-shaped vacuum in every heart.” Blaise Pascal, 17th century philosopher

In 1993, over 2000 “Christian” women prayed, “We invoke Sophia, Divine Wisdom ... let her speak and bless us throughout our days.” This was at a Minneapolis Re-Imagining Conference partially funded by Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist and Lutheran denominations. The agenda: Re-imagining Jesus, themselves, their sexuality, and their world. They wanted a new god with a feminine face. (1)

These seekers evidently were not satisfied with their churches or their relationships with God and they opened themselves to new experiences to fill that “...vacuum in every heart.”

Feminists are “re-imagining” God in their own image. Calling on the goddess Sophia, the Greek word equals Wisdom, or Mother God, or any other deviation from the masculine image of Father God.

Old paganish idolatry is nothing new. There is a vast array of spiritual condiments to choose from when there is no higher authority -- except one’s self. These women and churches are choosing from a vast array of various pagan philosophies, witchcraft tricks and ancient rituals along with pagan goddesses of old.

“God is going to change. We women . . . will change the world so much that He won’t fit anymore.” (2)

Many mainline churches have gradually opened their doors wider to accommodate the moral relativism and liberal tolerance of modern America’s decadent culture. What happened? Feminism. These churches are involved in a process, transforming patriarchal biblical churches to idol-worshipping matriarchal churches, from God-centeredness to human-centeredness.

Churches and Families

Radical feminists issued a 1971 “Declaration of Feminism” which states, “The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women.” Along with choosing whatever they want to believe, feminists have advocated the end of marriage and family.

Feminist Gloria Steinem, editor of Ms. Magazine, has said: “By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God.”

Historically, churches have been comprised of generational families, husbands, wives, children, grandparents, etc. But the once sacred vows of marriage are no longer upheld as God’s commands and blessings between a man and woman. “Christian” divorces are common. And children have become inconveniences for many couples or just possessions to be discarded when no longer wanted.

The effects have been devastating as these denominations decline and grown children accept the philosophies of the world, seeing no need for God and church.

Women Leading God’s Churches?

Women started making inroads into church leadership by claiming equality and abandoning their God-given roles.

When we see women pastors standing in the pulpit, we have to wonder, what happened? to the men and male leadership? Thirty years of being emasculated and undermined by women striving for an equality they already had, men have ceded to women. Men have abandoned their God-given roles.

Cultural and religious change always comes in incremental steps. Feminists taking on the mantle of church leadership have led churches to take one more step -- ordaining homosexual ministers. What’s next -- transgendered males preaching?

Humans don’t require much influence to sidetrack them from following God. The entertainment-bent culture and educational indoctrination have certainly done a good job for the feminists.

No wonder some churches are no longer fit for God’s remnant of Bible-believing people.

What about the Bible?

One result of the feminist influence in churches is that people may not hear sound Biblical teaching. They may have one or more Bibles at home, but God’s Word sits on a shelf, unread and unstudied. God’s wisdom and plan for mankind within its pages is rejected and not given any authority in their lives.

Feminists and liberal scholars have discarded parts or all of the Bible, but specifically what God says about His roles for women and men. These churches don’t believe the Bible to be inerrant, the work of the Holy Spirit through men, nor solely the Word of God.

They uphold a false theology that goes back to believing a lie in the Garden of Eden and the consequences: God’s curse on both men and women.

As noted by Pastor John MacArthur’s Bible teaching on Radical Feminism: “Typically fallen women want to take charge and you have a (fallen) man who wants to dominate in an insensitive and overbearing way. ... he paraphrased Genesis 3:16, ‘From now on, her desire will be to rule over you and you will subdue her.’”

In ejecting the Bible, God and Jesus Christ from their churches, they “have deceived themselves and the Truth is not in them.”

As “in the days of Noah” -- there really is “nothing new under the sun.”

[This series of articles have barely touched on the devastation to America of rejection of God and our pending demise through liberalism and Feminism which have permeated all social discourse and political institutions.]

(1) Twist of Faith, Berit Kjos, 1997, p.29
(2)Changing of the Gods: Feminism and the End of Traditional Religion, Naomi R. Goldenberg, 1979, p.3

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