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America's Man-Handler-in-Chief

this parasite is enslaving unborn future generations

by: jayme evans | published: 04 26, 2010

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Back in 1994, Republicans swept both houses of Congress and shifted the balance of power back from Bill Clinton's leftward tilt. Their backlash was largely a result of Clinton's push for nationalized health care. A lot of pundits are making all manner of comparisons between then and  2010, but, as I see it, the main distinction between then and now is that Bill Clinton was fundamentally a proponent of the free-market system, while Barack Obama is an opponent of it, seeking to impose government control over every single aspect of American life he disagrees with, a very long list indeed. 

There's no sign he's going to stop. He is, after all, a community organizer at heart. So, what exactly does a community organizer do?

Organizers develop a list of grievances held by people in a given community. They then organize and agitate those people to act on those grievances through protest and other tactics meant to influence the legislative process. Incidental to this process of organization is the reality that those who won't assume the role of useful idiot are then "organized" into their own special group, "the opposition", which becomes the target of the organizer and those he has agitated. Does this sound familiar? Let's take a look at a few examples of Barack Obama's organizing.

Initially, I was just as infuriated as anyone by Afghan president Karzai's recent comments that he may join the Taliban if the US didn't ease the pressure on him. But, when you dig deep enough, you can finally understand what would have driven Karzai to say such a thing, knowing he could one day wind up a US target. The same thing that motivated Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu.

Netanyahu, has recently been put under a full-court press by the Obama Administration to put a halt to Israeli settlements. Rebuffed by Netanyahu, Obama's inner organizer took over and he boorishly left Netanyahu staring at the White House paint job while he went to eat dinner. What a class act.

Insulting other heads of state, however crass, is one thing. Attacking, insulting and thuggishly "organizing" Americans, whether they be rich people, senior citizens, corporate executives, bankers, Tea Party supporters or conservative political commentators is quite another. Yet, we see this time and again from Barack Obama and his underlings.

Obama identifies an area of American law, power or culture he despises (in other words something in need of "reform"), such as an uneven economic playing field, perceived rape of the environment, insurance companies, right-wing talk-radio, Wall Street fat cats, or a Supreme Court that lacks the requisite "feelings". Democrats then propose the most extreme, outlandish and expensive legislative proposals imaginable. Inevitably, when the Hegelian Dialectic is put into play by the two-party system, the result is trillion dollar bailouts, stimuli, cap and trade, ObamaCare, Obamnesty and God knows what else. And, like we've seen over the last year, as the opposition to Obama's dismantling of our Constitution and his ever-increasing control over private sector corporations ratchets up, so do the attacks and character assassinations.

To the eternal scorn of our Founding Fathers, this parasite is enslaving unborn future generations into debt, using the tyranny of the federal government to take complete control of the nation's financial backbone in the process. Now, he's proposing even more financial regulation, despite the fact that there are more than enough laws to address the conduct that resulted in this mess.

I've got a suggestion, Barry: If you want to stabilize and police the financial markets, you should start by dismantling the S.E.C. or at the very least ensuring that the overpaid perverts masking as S.E.C. bureaucrats are doing their jobs instead of spending thousands of man-hours ogling pornographic media on taxpayer-funded resources.

By far, the most outrageous of all insults of late, was at an April 15 Democrat rally. Tax protesters, fair tax advocates and ordinary Americans from all walks of life were out protesting our self-cannibalizing tax system and America's Man-Handler-in-Chief couldn't resist taking a swipe:

"I've been a little amused over the last couple of days, where people have been having these rallies about tax c... about taxes. You would think they'd be saying 'Thank you' "

Well, Barry, I can tell you I'm not amused. In fact, I'm pissed. YOU might think I'd be saying "Thank you", but every single piece of legislation you've signed has been loaded with fiscal booby-traps that are just now beginning to explode in the faces of millions of Americans, now that the ink is dry. You're the most infantile excuse for a leader to ever occupy the office and I'm sick and tired of your insipid attacks on senior citizens and having to look at your ugly mug on my television every, single day.

If you want to know why the political discourse in this country has degenerated so far into the gutter, you need look no further than your own mirror, you insufferable Narcissist. Thank you? No, I had a different word in mind. But, it's only four letters, starts with "F" and describes exactly what you're doing to the United States right now.



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