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 »  Home  »  Culture  »  Movie Review - Flags of Our Fathers
Movie Review - Flags of Our Fathers
By Mark Butterworth | Published  10/24/2006 | Culture | Unrated
Mark Butterworth
Studied Classics at San Francisco State University; has been writing fiction, plays, poetry, non-fiction for thirty-five years; married with one adult child; as an accomplished guitarist, he has also composed music from classical and sacred forms to rock and roll. Began blogging after 9/11/01 at Sunny Days in Heaven (now retired), contributes to Spero News as film critic, New English Review, The American Thinker, and expects to be the film critic for The Sacramento Union if it ever sees print again.

He is also an award winning digital photographer and some of his pictures can be seen at his photoblog, Sacramento Photo.

He is currently working on a book of his film criticism which hopes to help people experience hidden beauty and expose often seductive manipulations and ill agendas.

Guaranteed to "get him started"? Say something like, "but it's only a movie."

"Yeah, and you're only 98% water and 2% dust."


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Continued ...

One of the great mistakes that Clint Eastwood, the director, makes in this movie is the often re-iterated modern statement that soldiers don't fight for a cause, they fight for their buddies. This movie, which has many similarities to Saving Private Ryan can't seem to find it in its heart to assert that WW II is worth the suffering to win it.

After all, America, on the home front once the "heroes" of Iwo Jima are on their tour to raise money by selling war bonds, is presented as an unreal place, the people hardly affected by the war and invulnerable to the suffering going on across the oceans. They hardly seem worth defending or saving. Particularly since we have no idea who or what America is saving itself from.

The movie cuts back and forth between the horrors of battle on Iwo Jima and the tour of the three men who raised the flag in the famous picture and survived long enough to be pulled from their units and sent back home for their propaganda value (which was not inconsiderate).

War is presented as all tragedy and horror, an endeavor which is never worth it's cost. War is terrible, of course, but this strain of pacifist rhetoric which now charges all war movies coming out of Hollywood is simply too much; especially when applied to WW II.

That war was once considered sacrosanct as the last truly good war fought by the "greatest generation", but now directors are going after it, too, to illustrate that since all war is bad, that war was bad, too, and not worth the suffering and sacrifice.

But men didn't fight simply to do their jobs or back up their buddies. If you read their letters home, they often state very clearly just what a monstrous evil they had to contend with and there was no way out of it unless they wanted to live like slaves.

At the end, the movie states that, "heroes are something we create." But again, what an egregious lie. Coming on the heels of the loss of so many firemen and police during 9/11. Coming after what a group of passengers did on flight United 93 that day. Coming after what our soldiers did in Afghanistan and in Iraq and elsewhere around the world in the new war against an evil so great that few will even begin to reckon the truth about the head cutting, death loving minions of evil Islam -- we are supposed to shrink in horror at the hideous deaths and wounds suffered at Iwo Jima and cower in our skin at the idea of having to risk any precious lives and flesh ever again.

Well, I say damn Clint Eastwood, Steven Spielberg and every other Hollywood idiot whose main message is that war is so evil, in and of itself, that we should just stop having wars.

Yes, it's true that Americans are often reticent about declaring their actions heroic. Some guy jumps into the frozen Potomac River after a plane crashes in it and rescues a woman who was in the water. He says he didn't think. He just did it. He's not a hero because he didn't think he was being brave, just instinctive.

A teen grabs a gun and shoots someone through a bedroom door. Someone who had broken in their home, tied the mother and boy up, and was coming back to kill them. The pair had escaped their bonds, the boy had opened a gun safe under the bed and grabbed a pistol and shot the man dead when he returned. No hero. Just a frightened young man doing what he could.

This modesty thing is tiresome, too. Maybe it wouldn't hurt for an American to suggest, by God, maybe I am a hero! What I did was brave (and scary) and successful.

You have idiot professional athletes dancing all over the field when they sack the quarterback or make a touchdown. It wouldn't hurt if a soldier or cop once in awhile said, by golly, that really was something I did. I didn't know I had it in me, but I guess I did at the right moment.

So, no, Mr. Eastwood, we don't create heroes. They create themselves in the moment and under stress, and when thrown into the terrible situation of war, mayhem, and death.

A lot of soldiers perpetuate the myth that those who know don't say, while those who say (talk about exploits) don't know. This is nonsense. There have been plenty of former soldiers who spent the rest of their lives getting free drinks based on their war stories which were true. Not everyone thinks they ought to pretend, "aw shucks, it warn't nothing'."

Movies like Flags of our Fathers make it seem like we had a choice about the war, and the one we made was bad. That's what I object to. This movie should not have been made because it has nothing good to say about the sacrifices made in WW II. It's a miserable movie and does no honor to the men and women who served and serve this nation, nor honors the costs paid by so many families, nor celebrates the freedom that was preserved.

Eastwood is seventy-six. What is the matter with these privileged people that they can never make a movie that ever says, thank you to America, to God, to life?

Simply as a movie, it's weak. The war scenes are riveting and intense but the constant cutting back and forth is annoying. We'd much rather follow the company and their situation on Iwo Jima (we want to see them win) than go back to hotel rooms, dining rooms, or baseball stadiums to watch the three men bicker and the "Chief", Ira Hayes, throw up again. Then the last third of the movie is a long coda on what happened to them all later on and a son doing research for his book.

This is a European movie. Again, life is ultimately meaningless, and suffering worthless. Furthermore, why is "Flags" plural? What other flag does it refer to when only one flag matters in the whole movie?

Running with Scissors

This is a difficult movie memoir to appreciate. It is part post modern Dickens and part Dostoevsky on crack. It's the story of Augusten Burrough's adolescence when he was virtually abandoned by his mother when he was thirteen, ignored by his father, and left in the home of a crackpot psychiatrist who was a conniving swindler.

We meet Augusten as a child. His mother, Dierdre, (Annette Bening) fancies herself a great poet. "Augusten, your mother was meant to be a famous woman."

She's a narcissistic, drama queen whose husband (Alec Baldwin) copes by being an alcoholic who studies his child and notices that, "I can't seem to find any of myself in you."

Deirdre hosts a woman's poetry writing group where she eviscerates any turn toward joie de vivre or sweetness with exhortations that they must "funnel that rage. Get the rage on the page."

She is eager to express her unconscious.

One night after a domestic quarrel, Dr. Finch (Brian Cox) enters the picture to counsel her. He wants to know about her bowel movements. Is she constipated? Constipated in life means constipated in creativity.

The doctor's crackpot demands invariably result in divorce for the Burrough's. He begins drugging Deirdre with valium and who knows what else. She becomes something of a zombie and leaves Augusten with Finch.

Dr. Finch has assembled a human menagerie by adoption of children in a great home he has reduced to rococo squalor through his demented misguidance of people who have come to him for therapy.

The boy calls his father collect to come save him, but his dad hangs up on him without accepting the charges.

At this point, the movie has been rather comical. The situations are so bizarre as to provoke the laughter of disbelief and stupendous incongruity. But being left in a sick doctor's personal loony bin with an assortment of other pathetic oddballs in varying degrees of dysfunction makes what was uncomfortably funny into downright horrifying. A sort of Fall of the House of Usher on acid.

Augusten adjusts as children try to do and becomes as depressed as everyone else around him while he confesses that he is gay.

For the audience, that becomes a turning point where sympathy begins to leak away for the main character. The movie assumes that the audience will find the homosexual revelation acceptable, approve of it's matter of factness and all that will naturally result from it. When the junior high school aged Augusten is introduced to homosexual sex by a much older man (a former adoptee of Finch's who hears voices), we are expected to find that normal and not all the consequential.

The homosexual element, although unavoidable and factual in terms of biography, creates a gulf. It brings in a powerful yuck factor to a heterosexual audience that then distances itself emotionally from the very real pathos the young Augusten endures; the terrible situation he has been thrown into. Homosexual or not, he is just a child having no control over his life and exposed to abuse, mistreatment, neglect, and misery on a very rare scale.

He's a gay David Copperfield, but when he strikes out on his own for New York City at sixteen to escape the madness around him, we don't have as much hope for him as the movie would like us to. Clearly he survived well enough that he could write a book about his childhood that got turned into a motion picture, but on the other hand, his wounds mated to a frequently self-destructive sexual deviancy do not bode well.

In fact, in a further memoir, he details the dark lifestyle -- sex, drugs, and alcoholism that cause an eventual breakdown of his own.

Running with Scissors

, though, is a well made movie. The performances are exceptional, the characters are completely believable despite their high degree of dysfunction, and it's memorable in its eccentricity. It has a great Faginesque villain in Dr. Finch.

I'd say it was one of the year's best films if it weren't for the matter of homosexual sex which is repellent, the fact it doesn't generate any real hope for the characters, and that the depiction of the miserable lives of unhappy, swindled, and lost people has no counterweight, no character of genuine decency or goodness to relieve this very Bleak House.


Deliver Us From Evil

If a child is raped by a priest does it make a sound in the Church? How about a nine month old baby?

But no sound is heard.

The documentary, Deliver Us From Evil, is an attempt to make a sound except that the filmmakers don't realize what they're up against.

This movie recounts through interviews the story of an Irish Priest, Fr. Oliver O'Grady, who came to California and began a long career of raping children, male and female, in the Fresno Diocese where he was aided by various bishops who kept moving him from parish to parish, even making him a full pastor.

A number of Catholics object to the movie as simplistic Catholic bashing, but I am a Catholic and more than willing to state that the Church aided a great many monsters in their careers as molesters and continues to do so to this day since few bishops who criminally abetted them were removed from office or sent to jail.

One of the most egregious offenders apart from Cardinal Law of Boston is Cardinal Mahoney of Los Angeles who continues today to do everything he can to obstruct justice.

He is featured in this movie through depositions he was forced to participate in as he carefully attempts to weasel his way out of any responsibility as a man who knew what O'Grady did, but kept him in business anyway.

There is a sequence where the police of Lodi have consented to not prosecute O'Grady on the assurance he shall have no contact with children as a priest again. But O'Grady is sent to a parish where he has all the contact he wants.

The fact that the police dept. of Lodi allowed O'Grady to escape prosecution doesn't speak well for it, either, but then we watch Mahoney deny any promise by him or anyone else to keep O'Grady away from children.

You simply want to take Mahoney out and shoot him.

Still, we also have to endure the self-serving and diabolically unreflective O'Grady talk about his crimes with an equanimity which is deeply disturbing. He even proposes writing letters of apology and meeting those he abused with the belief that it will all go away and be just fine once he says he's sorry and they can all move on.

But he's not sorry. He has no actual remorse or understanding of what he's done, the betrayals he's perpetrated and horrors he's visited upon the innocent. Moreover, he is free in Ireland and unchanged.

But the Church doesn't care.

The movie doesn't understand that the Church has been doing this for nearly two thousand years. It has an agenda that does not reckon the value of it members, only the importance of its clergy and the perseverance of the institution.

And that works. The laity remains passive and cowardly while continuously offering up themselves and their children for sacrifice as if before Moloch rather than Christ. The Church set up an annuity for O'Grady so that he wouldn't testify to Mahoney's culpability.

The Vatican even asked President Bush for immunity from prosecution (and got it) for Pope Benedict since he was responsible for the clergy prior to his election and could be held to account by a US court for his inaction in the face of so much abuse that was never attended to.

The Church's attitude about the abuse is quite simple and logical -- we may be responsible but it's your job to find the spiritual good that can come of such suffering rather than seek justice or revenge against us. Why persecutest thou me, is the Church's belief. After all, the Church is spotless and holy. Not to blame.

This is a sad and disturbing movie, but in the end it makes not one whit of difference. The Church, the hierarchy, doesn't care and has never cared and will never care. It only cares about itself. Not even about Jesus. It has no shame or accountability in this world.

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The Taliban takes control of Afghanistan and conquers Jalabad and Kabul; Kabul University is shut down. Taliban law limits male students to a high school education and bans female students over the age of 12 from all schooling. The Jamiat-ul- Ulema-e-Islam political party in Pakistan assists in the organization of terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden is expelled from Sudan and establishes a training facility near Jalalabad, Afghanistan, to develop al Qaeda into an international terrorist network.

A truck bomb is detonated outside the U.S. Air Force complex Khobar Towers in Dharan, Saudi Arabia; 19 U.S. servicemen are killed and 515 people are injured, including 240 U.S. citizens. The attack is blamed on the Movement for Islamic Change organization, with key suspects Ahmed Ibrahim al-Mughassil, Ibrahim al-Yacoub, and Abdel Karim al-Nasser.

TWA flight 800 en route from JFK airport to Paris crashes near Long Island; all 230 aboard are killed. The location of the explosion-over the plane's fuel tank-is identical to the point of detonation aboard PAL flight 434, a bombing that was carried out by Yousef. The explosion is immediately believed to be a terrorist attack, but eventually an electrical short is blamed and the investigation is shut down.

A bomb planted by the Algerian Armed Islamic Group explodes at the home of the French Archbishop of Oran in Algeria, killing the Archbishop and his chauffeur.

Osama bin Laden releases a written declaration of attack against the United States, including a demand to withdraw U.S. troops and to overthrow the Saudi Arabian government.

The Taliban conquers the capital city of Kabul, Afghanistan, and hangs Mohammed Najibullah on a public street.

Letter bombs with Alexandria, Egypt, postmarks are discovered at Al-Hayat newspaper bureaus and at a prison facility in Washington, D.C., New York City, and Leavenworth, Kansas, USA; London, England; and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

A Palestinian gunman opens fire on an observation deck atop the Empire State Building in New York City, killing a Danish national and tourists from the United States, Argentina, Switzerland, and France. The gunman's suicide note claimed his attack was a punishment against "the enemies of Palestine."

A Taliban militia executes 11 Iranian diplomats in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan, after conquering the city.

Pakistan formally recognizes the Taliban government in Afghanistan.

4 U.S. auditors and a Pakistani driver are killed in Karachi, Pakistan, by the Islamic Inquilabi (Revolutionary) Council and the Aimal Khufia Action Committee. The attack may have been carried out in retaliation for the U.S. conviction of Pakistanis who murdered 2 CIA agents.

Six militants claiming to be members of Jamaat al-Islamiyya (The Islamic Group) and a combination of "Talaa Al Fath" and its parent group Jihad massacre 58 foreign tourists at the Temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor, Egypt.

The Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation (with prayer houses in Ashland, Oregon, and Springfield, Missouri), raises over $30 million a year; part of these funds are directed to Osama bin Laden. The Global Relief Foundation in Chicago, Ill., knowingly or unknowingly raises more than $5 million per year to be given to bin Laden.

Osama bin Laden releases a declaration stating that, "To kill Americans and their allies, civilians, and military is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it, in any country in which it is possible to do it." Bin Laden also stated in an interview, "Our battle against the Americans is far greater than our battle was against the Russians. We anticipate a black future for America. Instead of remaining United States, it shall end up separated states and shall have to carry the bodies of its sons back to America."

The United Nations is forced out of Iraq; an announcement is made that Saddam Hussein produced thousands of liters of weaponized anthrax and botulinum toxin, more than enough to kill every human on earth.

The U.S. embassy in Lebanon, Beirut, is attacked by rocket-propelled grenades.

The U.N. General Assembly votes overwhelmingly to give Palestinians a larger role in the U.N. The Palestinians hail the vote as a first step toward full U.N. membership.

The Taliban government of Afghanistan murders 4,000 to 6,000 people of the Hazara ethnic group and of the Shiite denomination of Islam.

Truck bombs are detonated almost simultaneously outside two U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing 224 and injuring more than 5,000. The attacks are carried out by 22 al Qaeda members, including Osama bin Laden.

The United States retaliates for the attack against U.S. Embassies by bombing key targets in Afghanistan and Sudan with cruise missiles. Osama bin Laden is targeted in the attack, but escapes from a training camp in Khost, Afghanistan, before it is hit.

The U.S. Justice Department indicts Osama bin Laden for the bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

The 11-year-old son of a U.S. businessman is kidnapped, held for $1 million ransom, and later released.

The Aden Abyan Islamic Army takes 17 western tourists hostage in Yemen.

The wife and son of Afghan political moderate Abdul Haq are killed in their home in Peshawar, Pakistan.

The U.S. Justice Department indicts Osama bin Laden and 11 other al Qaeda members. Osama bin Laden is added to the FBI's Most Wanted list.

Mohammed Jehanzeb, secretary of the anti-Taliban organizer Haji Qadir, is assassinated in Peshawar, Pakistan.

The United Nations Human Rights Commission condemns the Taliban government for Afghanistan's human rights abuses. Afghanistan is designated a "terrorist-sponsored state."

The United Nations Security Council resolves that the Taliban must turn over Osama bin Laden.

Ahmed Ressam's plot to blow up LAX airport is thwarted when U.S. Customs agents find explosives in the trunk of the vehicle he was attempting to drive across the Canadian-U.S. border at Port Angeles, Wa.

A plot to kill U.S. and Israeli millennium celebrators by bombing a fully booked hotel and prominent Christian sites in Amman, Jordan, is thwarted by a tip to intelligence officials. 2000-2004 More than 1,000 people are killed through Palestinian terrorism and violence; the majority are killed by suicide bombings.

A plot to bomb a hotel in Amman, Jordan, an attack on Mount Nebo, and an attack at a site on the Jordan River are all thwarted. A plan to bomb Los Angeles International Airport is thwarted. A plan to bomb The USS Sullivans with a boat laden with explosives is thwarted. All plots were formed by al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda defector Jamal Ahmed al-Fadl testifies that Osama bin Laden had tried to buy uranium on the black market for $1.5 million in a presumed attempt to develop nuclear weapons. Summer 2000 Israeli demolitions of Palestinian homes rise past 3,000. Israel has been demolishing the homes of suicide bombers and their families in efforts to deter and punish attackers.

The Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, and other national monuments in Washington, D.C., are identified as possible terrorist targets. August 12, 2000 4 U.S. citizens are taken hostage in Kara-Su Valley by the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan; the hostages later escape.

The New Intifiada, a Palestinian rebellion against Israeli occupation, begins.

A U.S. Navy destroyer, the USS Cole, is rammed by a small boat loaded with explosives in Aden, Yemen, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39. Osama bin Laden is believed responsible for the attack.

A plaza across the street from the U.S. embassy in Manila, Philippines, is bombed by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front; 9 are injured. 2001 An estimated $30 million per year is spent to sustain al Qaeda.

United Nations Security Council states that the Taliban is selling opium and heroin to finance terrorist training.

A disco in Tel Aviv, Israel, is bombed; 21 are killed and 120 injured, mostly teenagers. Hamas organization leader Ayman Halaweh is blamed for the attack.

The Taliban arrests 24 humanitarian aid workers in Kabul, Afghanistan, including several people who were attempting to propagate Christianity, an act punishable by long prison terms or execution.

A suicide bomber blows up a pizzeria in Jerusalem, Israel; 15 are killed, and 130 injured.

General Ahmad Shah Massoud, leader of the Afghan Northern Alliance anti-Taliban opposition, is assassinated in a suicide bomb attack in Khvajeh Be Odin, Afghanistan. Al Qaeda is believed responsible.

A suicide bomb is detonated by an Israeli Arab working for Hamas in Nahariya, Israel; 3 are killed.

9/11: American Airlines flight 11 en route from Boston to Los Angeles is hijacked and crashed into the World Trade Center (north tower); United Airlines flight 175 from Boston to Los Angeles is hijacked and crashed into the World Trade Center (south tower); United Airlines flight 93 from Newark to San Francisco is hijacked and crashes in southwestern Pennsylvania; American Airlines flight 77 en route from Washington to Los Angeles is hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon. More than 6,000 are killed, and thousands more are injured. Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda mastermind Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, and 19 hijackers plan and carry out the attacks.

The fiscal damage to the United States resulting from the 9/11 attacks exceeds $16.5 billion; 200,000 jobs lost. The travel industry makes $13 billion less annually. It is estimated that only $400,000 to $500,000 was spent to plan and carry out the 9/11 attacks.

An al Qaeda plot to attack U.S. embassies and the Eagle Base airfield in Paris, France, and Brussels, Belgium, is thwarted by NATO officials. In a separate incident, Israeli authorities prevent a radioactive backpack-bomb from entering Israel; the smugglers have ties to al Qaeda.

Letters containing anthrax are mailed from Trenton, N.J., to five U.S. media outlets, along with notes, one of which read "09-11-01, this is next, take penacilin [sic] now, death to America, death to Israel, Allah is great." One recipient dies.

10/7/2001 - 3/2002
Operation Enduring Freedom: After repeated warnings to surrender terrorists, U.S. and British forces begin bombing Taliban and al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan.

Plots to bomb the U.S. embassy in Paris, France, and possibly NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, are uncovered.

The Department of Homeland Security is formed in response to the acts of terrorism perpetrated against the United States, and in order to coordinate the work of America's security and intelligence agencies. It is the largest governmental reorganization since 1947.

A second batch of letters containing a new, weaponized form of anthrax (previously unseen by bioweapons experts) are mailed to two Democratic senators in Washington, D.C., along with notes that read "09-11-01. You can not stop us. We have this anthrax. You die now. Are you afraid? Death to America. Death to Israel. Allah is great." 22 people develop infections, and 4 die. Both these letters and the September 18th set of letters contain the same strain of anthrax. Some suspect that the attacks are linked to the 9/11 hijackers, but the FBI claims the anthrax attack are a result of domestic terrorism.

Two nuclear suitcases reportedly reach al Qaeda operatives in the United States.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine assassinates the Israeli Minister of Tourism, Rehavam Zeevi, to avenge the death of Mustafa Zubari.

A Christian church in Bahawalpur, Pakistan, is shot up; 15 are killed.

Afghan President Burhanuddin Rabbani resumes his presidency in Kabul, Afghanistan, after being removed from power by the Taliban in 1996.

According to Osama bin Laden, nuclear weapons are available for $10 million and $20 million inRussia.

Mullah Mohammed Omar reports that the nuclear destruction of the United States is underway.

Two Hamas suicide bombers attack a mall in Jerusalem, Israel; 11 are killed, and 188 injured.

A Hamas suicide bomber blows up a bus in Haifa, Israel, to avenge the death of a Hamas member; 15 are killed, and approximately 40 wounded. 2002 Saddam Hussein and his regime support terrorism by offering $25,000 to the families of all suicide bombers.

Operation Defensive Shield is enacted by Israel to respond to massive Palestinian attacks.

Armed militants kidnap Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Karachi, Pakistan. Pearl is later beheaded, and a video of his murder is shown around the world. Hundreds more will be be kidnapped and beheaded by Muslim militants in the years to come.

Abdul Rahman, Afghanistan's minister of civilian aviation and tourism, is beaten to death at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan by al Qaeda operatives. The attack was ordered by Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar.

According to Associated Press figures, 941 Palestinians and 273 Israelis had now died in the current intifada (Palestinian uprising).

The U.N. Security Council passes a U.S. resolution calling for a Palestinian state to exist side-by-side with Israel. U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan urges Palestinians to halt "morally repugnant" acts of terror against Israelis, and he calls upon Israel to end its "illegal occupation" of Palestinian land.

A Protestant International Church in Islamabad, Pakistan, is attacked with grenades; 5 are killed, and 40 injured. Islamic militants are suspected to have carried out the attack.

The U.N. Security Council passes Resolution 1402 calling upon Israel to withdraw its forces from all Palestinian cities, but also expressing "grave concern" over the practice of Palestinian suicide bombings against Israelis.

A truck loaded with propane gas is blown up near the El Ghriba synagogue in Djerba, Tunisia; 16 killed, 26 injured. Attack carried out by al Qaeda operatives and the Islamic Army for the Liberation of the Holy Sites.

Bombings in Kabul and Kandahar, Afghanistan, kill 32 and injure 150. Later that day, Afghan president Hamid Karzai survives an unsuccessful assassination attempt. The attacks are blamed on Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and the Hezb-e-Islami.

Kashmir's Law Minister Mushtaq Ahmed Lone and 6 security guards are murdered in Tikipora, Kashmir, by Lashdar-e-Tayyiga, Jamiat ul- Mujahedin, and Hizb ul-Mujahedin.

The "Beltway Sniper" attacks over a period of 3 weeks, killing 10 and injuring 3 in the Washington, D.C., and Baltimore-Washington Metro area. John Allen Muhammed (a member of the Nation of Islam) and Lee Boyd Malvo are convicted of the attacks.

A barge loaded with explosives rams into a French oil tanker in Al Mukalla, Yemen, killing 1 crew member and spilling 90,000 barrels of oil into the Gulf of Aden.

A U.S. Marine is murdered and another wounded at a training center in Kuwait. The Kuwaiti government calls the incident a terrorist attack.

Al Qaeda plants bombs that explode outside two nightclubs in Kuna Beach, Bali; 202 are killed, 300 injured.

An al Qaeda bombing in Manila, Philippines, kills 2 and injures 20.

10/2 - 10/22/2002
Lee Boyd Malvo and John Allen Muhammad (both converts to Islam) shoot 13 people, killing 10 of them, in random sniper attacks in the Washington, D.C., area. While there motive is unknown, a friend reports that John Muhammad had stated that the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks "should have happened a long time ago."

Laurence Foley, Executive Officer of the U.S. Agency for International Development Mission in Jordan, is assassinated in Amman, Jordan, by the Honest People of Jordan terrorist group.

Reghunath and Shiv temples in Jammu, Kashmir, are attacked by armed Lashkare-e Tayyiba militants; 13 are killed, and 50 injured.

Three suicide bombers attack a hotel frequented by Israeli tourists in Mombasa, Kenya; 15 killed, 40 injured. In a separate incident, two SA-7 shoulder- fired missiles are fired at an Arkia Airlines Boeing 757 near Mombasa's airport. The attacks are carried out by al Qaeda, the Government of Universal Palestine in Exile, and the Army of Palestine.

The cost of the United States war on terrorexceeds $4.5 billion per month.

Kurdish legislator Shawkat Haji Mushir is murdered and two other Kurdish officials are kidnapped in Qamash Tapa, Iraq, by Ansar al-Islam.

Al Qaeda operatives open fire at a World Cup cricket match in Karachi, Pakistan, killing 9.

The American College of Forensic Examiners (the world's largest forensic membership association) and The American Board for Certification in Homeland Security in Springfield, Missouri, spearhead the private sector efforts to prepare for, prevent, and respond to terrorist attacks by forming the groundbreaking Certified in Homeland Security, CHSSM, program. Thousands of professionals sign up in the first year.

Osama bin Laden's plan to create a "nuclear hellstorm" by constructing and detonating dirty nukes on United States soil is uncovered when Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, al Qaeda's military operations chief, is arrested in Karachi, Pakistan. Osama bin Laden, al-Zawahiri, and "Dr. X" are behind the plot.

The Iraq War begins.

Davao Airport in Davao City, Philippines, is attacked by the Islamic Liberation Front.

A car bomb is detonated outside the Jordanian Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq; 19 are killed, 65 injured.

8/14/2003 A massive power outage causes total blackouts at 21 power plants throughout the Eastern United States and part of Canada within 3 minutes. A communique attributed to al Qaeda claims responsibility, but lightning is blamed as the official cause.

The massive power outage is estimated to cost Canada and the United States more than $10 billion (U.S. dollars). A communique attributed to al Qaeda claiming responsibility states, "It is a message to all the investors that the United States is no longer a safe country for their money, knowing that the U.S. economy greatly relies on the trust of the investor."

A truck loaded with surplus Iraqi ordnance explodes outside the United Nations Headquarters; 23 killed, more than 100 injured. Al Qaeda branch Brigades of the Martyr Abu Hafz al-Masri is believed responsible.

12/14/2003 and 12/25/2003
Pakistani President Musharraf survives two assassination attempts in Islamabad, Pakistan.

The Baghdad office of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution is bombed; 1 killed, 7 injured.

A suicide car bomb is detonated outside the Kurdish Interior Ministry in Irbil, Iraq; 5 killed, 101 injured.

Two suicide truck bombings in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, kill 14. Members of Jaish-e-Muhammad are suspected to have carried out the attacks.

More than 177 contract workers from over 25 nations are killed or missing in Iraq; many taken hostage and beheaded by terrorists.

In Darfur, Sudan, Sudanese government forces and Janjaweed Arab militias launch a self-declared jihad on the mostly Christian and animist south through massacres; civilian executions; rapes; town, village, mosque, and church burnings, and forcible depopulations of lands by Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa ethnic groups. Over 70,000 people are killed and more than 1.6 million displaced in the conflict.

Osama bin Laden pays an estimated $60 to $100 million to obtain the expertise of Pakistan's nuclear engineers and other specialists. Former Soviet and Chinese nuclear scientists and technicians are also employed by bin Laden. One purchase of 12 kilos of uranium reportedly cost bin Laden more than $75 million.

Some 200 international terrorist acts were carried out in 2004 by groups and organizations linked to Al-Qaeda, killing about 1,500 and wounding about 4,000. Almost half of the attacks involved explosives; about 1/4 used firearms. Nearly 20% involved suicide missions. About 12% of the acts were directed solely against U.S. targets, around 1/3 of the attacks involved non-Western targets. The main victims of international terrorism were the people of Central Asia and the Persian Gulf region--overwhelmingly Muslim societies.

Explosions occur at Camp Crame Philippine National Police Force headquarters in Quezon City, Phillipines; the explosions are officially reported to have been caused by an electrical short.

Pakistani police guarding the U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, fall under gunfire; 3 are killed, 6 injured.

A bomb planted by Abu Sayyaf explodes on a ferry in Manila Bay, Philippines; 27 killed, dozens injured, and 100 still missing. The incident is originally called an accident, but Sayyaf's involvement is later uncovered.

Bombs explode on 3 commuter trains in Madrid, Spain; 201 are killed, 1,400 injured. Al Qaeda believed responsible, with Rabei Osman Ahmed as the key suspect. Soon after the attack, Spanish voters elect a new government that pledges to withdraw troops from Iraq.

The United States comes under threat of attack by suicide bombings on financial buildings in New York, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C. (The New York Stock Exchange, Citigroup, Prudential, and the International Monetary Fund and World Bank are targets.)

The 1,000th U.S. troop is killed in Iraq

Palestinian leader and founder and president of the PLO Yasir Arafat dies at age 75 in a military hospital in Paris, France. He was responsible for hundreds of terrorist attacks.

Armed gunmen linked to al Qaeda attack on the U.S. Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Five employees and four attackers are killed.

The Muslim extremist group Abu Sayyaf sets off three bombs in Manila, Davao, and General Santos city in the Philippines, killing at least 9 people and wounding more than 100 others.

The previously unknown terror group Victory and Jihad claims responsibility for a massive bomb in Beirut, Lebanon, that killed Former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and 16 other people and wounded 137.

Saajid Mohammed Badat of Gloucester, west England, becomes the first British citizen convicted of a terrorist offense since the 9/11 attacks in the United States. He plead guilty to conspiring with convicted "shoe bomber" Richard Reid to blow up an aircraft in 2001

A suicide bombing outside a nightclub in Tel Aviv, Israel, kills 5 and injures up to 65 people. Islamic Jihad and Syria are suspected in the attack.

A suspected suicide bomber detonated an explosive device in a Cairo, Egypt, market popular with tourists, killing 4 (an American man, a French woman and man, and an Egyptian man believed to the bomber) and wounding 17. The Islamic Brigades of Pride in Egypt claimed responsibility for the attack, claiming it was retaliation against the United States and other "colonial powers" oppressing its Iraqi and Palestinian Islamic brothers.

In London, England, Kamel Bourgass, an Algerian, was found guilty of plotting to spread ricin, murdering a policeman, attempting to murder 2 other officers, and wounding another officer in January, 2003. Police believe Bourgass was h&picked; for training in poison-making in one of Osama bin Laden's camps in Afghanistan, and that he was part of a network of hundreds of mainly Algerian terrorists stretched across Europe and North America.

Saajid Mohammed Badat, 25, of Gloucester, west England, is sentenced to 13 years in jail for conspiring with convicted "shoe bomber" Richard Reid to blow up American Airlines Flight 63 on December 22, 2001.

A military court in Astina Military Base, Israel, convicts former Israeli soldier Wahid Taysir of manslaughter in the April 2003 shooting death of Tom Hurndall, a young pro-Palestinian British activist who was helping Palestinian children avoid Israeli tanks in the Rafah refugee camp.

Police in Ankara, Turkey, kill suspected suicide bomber Eyup Beyaz as he runs toward a crowded street. Beyaz was identified as a member of the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front, or DHKP-C.

In London, England, bombs explode on three Underground trains and a double-decker bus during the morning rush hour, killing 52 people, plus the four bombers, and injuring more than 700. Scotland Yard officials immediately suspect al Qaeda in the attacks, and they later identify 4 suspects in the bombing: British citizen Shahzad Tanweer, age 22, British citizen Mohammed Sidique Khan, age 30, and Germaine Lindsay, age 19, and Hasib Hussain, age 18.

A soon-to-be-operational electrical power plant in Amorebieta, Spain, is rocked by four explosions. The Basque separatist group ETA claims responsibility for the bombing.

A Palestinian suicide bomber blows himself up at a mall in the coastal city of Netanya, Israel, killing three Israelis. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the blast. In response to the bombing, an Israeli force moves in to Tulkarem in an attempt to arrest Islamic Jihad militants believed responsible. At least one Palestinian is killed and two Israelis wounded after armed Palestinians open fire and the Israelis fire back.

A car bomb detonates in a Christian neighborhood in Beirut, Lebanon, killing at least two and wounding 12, including Lebanon's outgoing deputy prime minister and acting defense minister Elias Murr. Al-Qaeda-linked terrorists are suspected in the bombing.

Pakistan's interior minister Aftab Khan Sherpao announces that a planned terror attack in Britain, set to take place before the country's May general elections, was thwarted and arrests were made in several countries as a result of help from Pakistan's government.

Palestinian militants fire a rocket into Israel, killing an Israeli woman.

Palestinian militants launch at least six rockets into Israel from northern Gaza, inciting violence between the militants and Palestinian security forces, brining a state of emergency to the territories.

In London, England, four minor coordinated explosions occur at three underground stations and one London bus. One person is injured. The group, Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades, claiming links to al Qaeda, claims responsibility for the attack.

In Tehran, Iran, an explosive device detonates in a building housing offices for British Airways and oil company BP, breaking windows and causing damage. No deaths or injuries were reported.

More than 100 bombs detonate in in more than 36 districts, mainly in and around government facilities, press clubs, and the courts across Bangladesh, inuring at least 125 people and killing at least 2. Jamayetul Mujahedin, an Islamic militant group that wants to establish an Islamic state in Bangladesh, distributed leaflets at the bomb sites but did not officially claim responsibility for the attacks.

Three rockets narrowly miss 2 U.S. military ships in Aqaba, Jordan. They strike a warehouse and hospital, killing 1 Jordanian solider and severely wounding another. An al Qaeda-linked group claims responsibility for the attacks.

Three suicide bombers attack crowded tourist restaurants in Bali, killing 22 and wounding more than 100. Officials blamed unnamed terrorists, are suspected to have been schooled by the Philippines-based terror group Abu Sayyaf, for the attack.

Suspected Islamic insurgents shoot and kill 5 soldiers and wound 2 others as they eat dinner at a military outpost in southern Thailand. The beheaded body of a villager who is suspected to be have been killed by insurgents is also discovered in a southern province. The beheading is the 11th reported in Thailand since Islamic separatists revived a violent insurgency in January 2004. The violence has claimed more than 1,000 lives.

The new constitution of Iraq is approved. 10/25/2005 The 2,000th U.S. troop is killed in Iraq

Hadera, Israel - A suicide bombing in a crowded marketplace kills 5 and wounds 28 others. Palestinian sources identify the bomber as Hassan Abu Zeid; Islamic Jihad claim responsibility for the attack

Tehran, Iran - Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad publicly states that Israel "must be wiped out from the map of the world." He then also states, "and God willing, with the force of God behind it, we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism." Several world capitals immediately condemn Iran's leader and call for Tehran to be expelled from the United Nations.

Netanya, Israel - A suicide bomber kills 5 people and injures 35 others -- in an attack outside a shopping mall. The radical Palestinian group Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

Democratic parliamentary elections are held in Iraq.

Tel Aviv, Israel - Twelve people are wounded when a suicide bomber detonates his backpack bomb outside a sandwich shop.

Hamas wins a majority in the Palestinian elections, giving the group control over the Palestinian government. Hamas, which is dedicated to the destruction of Israel, is recognized as a terrorist group by the United States and the European Union.

University of North Carolina graduate Mohammed Taheri-azar drives his SUV into a crowd on the U.N.C. Chapel Hill campus, injuring 9. He stated that the act was to avenge the treatment of Muslims.

Since February 22, 2006, waves of violence between Sunni and Shiite factions in Iraq kill 100s of Iraqis.

The new Iraqi parliament convenes for the first time.

32 Islamic extremists are indicted in Madrid, Spain, for a failed plot to bomb the National Court in Madrid with the goal of destroying evidence in other terror investigations and killing the more than 1000 people who worked in the building. The suspects are also charged with belonging to a terrorist group.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is killed by a U.S. airstrike on a safe house north of Baghdad. al Zarqawi was the Al Qaeda leader in Iraq and behind numerous kidnappings and beheadings there.

Israel bombs Hezebollah in Lebanon in response to the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers. Air strikes from Israel destroy air strips and roads in Lebanon. Israel blockades ports. Thousands of people leave Lebanon in fear of the bombings.

British police arrest 21 suspects in an apparent al- Qaeda plot to detonate liquid explosives on planes flying from the UK to the US. The plot was to blow up 10 airliners heading to the US. Throughout History to Date Mount Moriah in Jerusalem remains a holy site for the world's three major religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Control over this area continues to be a point of contention, largely because the site is mentioned in these religions' prophesies on the biblical end of times and the coming of the messianic age.

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