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The Fight over America's Health Care Freedom is on!

by: freedom works | published: 10 08, 2009

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Things are getting into full swing now in the health care debate.  The next few weeks will be critical to determining the outcome of liberals’ attempt to takeover America’s health care system.


President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and others have fought hard to advance their big government power-grab, but we have fought right back.  Thanks to the hard work of freedom-loving activists like you, FreedomWorks has been able to substantially slow down the Left’s march towards government-run health care. 

Over the recent August Recess we were able to arm thousands of activists with talking points that exposed how government-run health care would fleece taxpayers, restrict choices, and degrade the quality of care.  Through our “action kits” we mobilized grassroots volunteers from coast to coast to attend town hall meetings and put key lawmakers on the spot.

Then on 9-12, we saw the culmination of our efforts to date as literally hundreds of thousands of limited government advocates flooded Washington, D.C. to announce the end of the big government agenda and to put Congress on notice that critical threats to freedom like government-run health care would not stand.

Now comes the final showdown.

Obama is leveraging his allies in Congress to try and rush a bill through the Senate Finance Committee.  His hope is that with the help of Harry Reid he can speedily move a bill to the Senate floor and invoke cloture (requiring 60 votes) to shut off debate and get the legislation to his desk where he will quickly sign it.   Ultimately this will require every Senate Democrat, including several moderates still on the fence, to vote in favor of cloture when it comes up for a vote sometime in the next few weeks.

FreedomWorks has established a list of targeted Senators that will be critical to the final outcome.  You can access this list in our virtual “war room” that also includes updated talking points and the latest information on the Left’s government-run health care bill, as well as opportunities for you to take action and help apply the necessary pressure on these targets that will convince them to oppose the hostile government takeover of American health care.  They need to know specifically that a vote for cloture = a vote for government-run health care.

We need to get to these legislators now and make sure they know that real Americans do not support the nationalized health care nightmare that Obama and others want to impose on us all.  To that end we are also helping to organize rallies outside their Senate district offices.  If you would like to take part or even organize your own "Say No to Government-Run Health Care" rally, check out our interactive Google Map.

Again, now is the time.  You helped send a powerful message to the politicians during the August Recess and then again on 9-12 as part of the Taxpayer March on Washington.  But it will all be for nothing if we don’t keep the pressure up.  TAKE ACTION NOW!



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    Jim C

    Actually, I think we've lost this battle. It is inevitable that some form of health care reform is going to pass. Even Bob Dole has said so publicly.

    We already have government run health care with Medicare, Medicaid and the Veterans Administration. We also have county hospitals and free clinics.

    And, although I'm a conservative, I will admit that I'm worried about what would happen to my family if I lose my job. With my pre-existing condition, no insurance company will go near me.

    Maybe it would be better to concede the inevitable and move on to other issues we conservatives can actually win. Health care is going to happen, one way or another.

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    B.K. Clark

    When choosing between life or money, my bet is on life. This includes my life, my spouse's life, my children's life, my neighbor's life, and yes, even the lives of the homeless mentally ill who are incapable of making a living wage. I would rather pay a higher tax than let even one American citizen die because they are uninsured. 64% of all Americans agree with me according to a poll taken last week by the Washington Post. We the people disagree with your stance. It is time to let go of sour grapes and gracefully bow to democracy.

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    LETTERS WITH A FACE.COM...ken nowicki

    Great article...the fight is on and it will take each and every one us to combat this all out assault on a core principle we were founded upon....INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY!!!!!

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