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Tell Congress No to Gov't Run Health Care Taxes

by: the american conservative union | published: 01 14, 2010

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 "Well, there you go again."

That was the line made famous by Ronald Reagan, my former boss and one of America's greatest Presidents.
That line rang in my ears a I began to look at the Pelosi, Obama, and Reid liberal agenda for 2010.
Unfortunately for America, Congress has returned to Washington this week.  I say "unfortunately" because time and time again over the last year what we saw from this liberal-controlled Congress was a drive for more spending, more big government and more liberal policies that will harm, not help, America's economy.
Just like the liberals during President Reagan's term in office; Pelosi, Obama and Reid are continuing the same old mentality of tax and spend.
Now, as the liberal leadership returns to Washington, their focus is squarely on finding a way to fund their liberal government-run health care scheme.
As has been reported in multiple news stories, the liberals first course of action is to raise taxes on Americans to fund the health care scheme.

It just makes me think ...there you go again.
However, this doesn't have to happen.

If Americans rise up and say no to higher taxes and more spending, Congress will need to re-think the health care bills. 
Now is the time to speak out against higher taxes to fund government-run health care.
It seems liberal Democrats are always scrambling to find a way to pay for all of their spending. 
And, we all know that nine times out of ten their funding comes through massive tax increases.
The Senate has passed a health care bill that wants to impose tax increases on existing private insurance plans, a concept Obama supports.  The House pushed through surtaxes.  Now there is discussion of increasing the amount of Medicare withholding taxes to fund the liberal's health care plans.
However, none of these taxes have been passed into law.  And, the massive health care scheme is still not law.  The House and Senate still will have to pass a compromise bill.
So now is the time to send a message:  no new taxes to fund a government-run health care bill. 
Reuters news service reported that "the United States must soon raise taxes or cut government spending to curb its debt, and failure to act will risk a crippling dollar crisis as investor confidence ebbs."
Yet, liberals seem unwilling to stop their massive amounts of spending and only willing to tax more Americans.
Pelosi, Obama and Reid are still paying lip service to belt tightening as they go about their day trying to pass a massive taxpayer-funded health care plan.
Their health care plan, at a cost of nearly $1 trillion dollars, will require a huge increase in government bureaucracy and red tape from Washington.  They claim it will be "deficit neutral" but every American knows that when you start a new government program costs only increase, not decrease.
It is time to fight back against their funding schemes.
There is no better time to send this message as we begin a new year in Washington.
Now is the time to send a clear message that Americans, our families and our economy, cannot afford more taxes to fund a massive liberal health care plan.
Thank you for all you do for ACU and for America.

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