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Obama & Liberal Summertime Push for Government Take Over of Health Care

by: the american conservative union | published: 07 14, 2009

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Obama and the Liberals don't want you or the American people to know what they are doing this summer.
While Americans are in the heat of summer, enjoying vacations with family and visits with the grandkids - Obama and the liberals within Washington are working to push government-run health care as fast as they can before the American people really know what is going on.
They want to catch us sleeping, they want us distracted.  They think they can get away with it.  They snuck through the stimulus and auto bailouts.  That is why they want to pass a so-called health care reform bill before the August recess.   They are using America's desire for some reform to force moderate Democrats and Republicans to vote for a government-run "option" for health care.
As you will see in a video we made with Congressman and long-time medical Doctor Phil Roe (R-TN) recorded in his office just last Friday, this is part of the liberal's attempts to have government take over and control your health care.  To view the video go here
We need to send a message now - right now - that American's don't need government-run health care.
Before you sit there and think that we cannot have an impact - or that our work against the all out liberal assault coming from Congress is falling on deaf ears - consider this.  Recently the Cap and Trade Energy Tax vote in the House was so close and so controversial, because of your voice, the liberal leadership in the Senate has put off acting on it anytime soon. 

We can do the same here and now, we can help put the brakes on this attempt to have government takeover health care, now, today!
Look at these News headlines and stories:
  • "Health care reform proponents are growing pessimistic that they can meet President Barack Obama's August target for passing a bill." (POLITICO newspaper today)
  • The AP reported, "Officials push for health care despite delay," stating that Obama and Pelosi have hit a roadblock but they are not giving up. (Associated Press)
  • "President Barack Obama, after a week of diplomacy abroad, now faces the possible derailment of his top priority at home, the overhaul of the health-care system." (Bloomberg News)
 We can do it.  We can fight back and win.  We can stop a liberal attempt to take over Health Care!
We know that the governments will only make health care worse, not better.  Conservatives stopped the ill-conceived "Hillary Care" plan in the 1990s, let's fight back again together now!
In the video with Congressman and Dr. Roe at he talks about all of the medical innovations we have seen in our nation.
Congressman and Dr. Roe also says our system is already better than that in Canada or England.  Why would we copy a European-style system that doesn't deliver better care?
Why? ... Because the liberals just want bigger government and more control over your lives. 
In our video Dr. Roe notes a "public option," as Obama and Pelosi call it, is merely nice language to disguise a government takeover plan.  This so-called health care reform plan will only provide coverage to a very, very small percent of the American population but it is estimated to cost more than $1 Trillion in taxpayer money.
Congressman Roe points out small businesses will drop health coverage first, then larger businesses.  Soon everyone will be in government-run health care.
As a colleague here at ACU said, if you enjoy waiting in line at the state DMV office to get a driver's license, just think about visiting a doctor in a government-run health care system. 
Politico said today, "House Democrat leaders still hope to approve a robust new network of government-sponsored health care this year."  However, moderate Democrats are starting to buck their liberal Democrat leadership. 
Moderate Democrats are beginning to join Republicans in demanding that small business owners not be forced to provide coverage or pay into the government's plan (up to $750 per employee) - which is Obama's real goal.  These more moderate Members met with Pelosi last week in what was called a rather tough meeting.  Let's show them some support.
Obama, Reid and Pelosi hope that Americans will go about their lives this summer and that they can sneak this into law.  Let's prove them wrong.
There are many things happening on Capitol Hill this week.  But this week, this issue is also important.
Please talk to your family and friends about this issue and help us send a message today.



  • Reply to this comment

    Jacqueline, Holland, R

    This article is scare mongering. This article is wrong.

    I have received excellent health care all my life. My personal doctor sends me to labs to have blood tests each year. She sends me for ultra-sounds, treadmill tests; she sends me to internists and dermatologists and to gynecologists as a follow up when I raise a concern about something.

    I have never seen a doctor bill in my life. (except when I lived in USA) I have never waited for service. I have been able to choose any doctor I want.


    On the other hand, your insurance companies make millions, nay billions, by denying their paying customers certain services. You have between 37 to 43 million people who cannot afford insurance and go without.

    A bureaucrat does not "run" the health care. It is managed by professional people.

    There are no greedy people raking off a profit out of the misfortune of others.

    This article is FALSE. SHAME ON YOU! I have lived in USA, England and Canada. The USA has the worst health care system of any industrialized country.

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