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Liberal Health Care Fight Continues - Critical Senate Vote Saturday

by: the american conservative union | published: 11 20, 2009

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Liberal Senate Leader Harry Reid has scheduled the first major Senate health care vote for this Saturday at 8:00 PM.

He hopes that you are tired and won't fight back.

We are all getting tired of fighting a Presidency that has spent our children and grandchildren into debt.  We have seen millions of dollars go right into a pile of government waste.  We have seen our government move away from free markets and toward socialism.

But we know we cannot give up.
Poll numbers are moving our way - more Americans oppose the Obama/Pelosi/Reid health care scheme than support it.  More Americans are now conservative, than liberal - by a two to one margin.  The liberals are trying to ride against this wave.  They are trying to ignore the American people.  THEY ARE TRYING TO IGNORE YOU.  It would be scary to even think how bad these policies would be if we had not been fighting back. 
Now we face this very crucial vote in the United States Senate as Reid tries to move his part of the health care bill.
Larry Hart from here at ACU wrote you earlier about this vote.  It is called a Senate "cloture on the motion to proceed."  It means just what it says.  If the vote fails, the bill goes no further.  It stops right in its tracks.
We need to send a message today - now - that Americans are opposed to this massive government takeover of health care.
Just think about this ...

The Democrats said that the stimulus would work. Now even their fellow Democrats in Congress are assailing Obama officials because job losses are mounting along with massive government debt.
Obama, Pelosi and Reid promised the American people that H1N1 vaccines would be available for American people; plenty of them and on time. Instead we have seen lines out the doors of hospitals and families are worried as they failed to deliver for the American people.
There is a reason Americans are scared.  And they should be ... putting government between a doctor and a patient is a recipe for disaster.
The liberals claim this new nearly $1 trillion government scheme will actually save taxpayers money.
Can you believe it?
Here is what you need to know: 
  • Reid's plan has almost half a trillion dollars in new taxes
  • The taxes start immediately but the so-called "benefits" don't start until 2014. That's right.
  • Reid's bill forbids the use of Health Savings Accounts (or other similar programs) for over the counter drugs. We can throw those savings out the window ...
  • His plan guts the Medicare Advantage program. In other words, a gutting of choice for seniors.
  • Reid raises the threshold for medical expense tax deductions from 7.5% to 10% of adjusted gross income; which means less Americans can deduct medical expenses
Do I need to tell you anymore?
Here at the ACU we are tired of having to fight these liberal schemes.  We are weary, but we are more determined than ever to make sure that the American people know the truth about what is happening in Washington.
We are determined to send a message that Americans do not want this so-called reform.
Our efforts are working according to the latest polls.  But we must keep the pressure on.
If we do not, things will only get worse than they are now, not better.  So, please sign the petition and help the effort.
Sign the petition and call your United States Senators.  We will give you specific instructions this time when you sign the petition.
Let's create a wave of protest across this nation.  Please forward this email to your family and friends.

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