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FreedomWorks Rolls Out New Presidential “Get Out The Vote” (GOTV) Materials

Where do the two candidates for president stand?

by: freedom works | published: 10 10, 2008

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Where do the two candidates for president stand on the most important economic issues? You may be wondering how Barack Obama and John McCain plan to deal with pocketbook issues like taxes, spending, labor, health care and energy prices. So were we. That is why we developed this educational piece about both major party candidates vying for the presidency.

With the economy facing serious challenges, now is the time to study the policy positions favored by each candidate, and evaluate their plans for dealing with our financial situation. There are stark differences between the two candidates, as indicated by their votes and statements on the major economic issues in this election.

Please take a moment and review where Barack Obama and John McCain stand on economic liberty and the size and scope of the federal government. 

And don't forget to VOTE on November 4th!

Click here to view FreedomWorks' Presidential Voter Guide. Download copies and distribute in your community.

Bailout Blues

FreedomWorks spent the better part of the past three weeks fighting against Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson’s idea to bail out struggling investment houses on Wall Street using $700 billion in taxpayers’ dollars. $700,000,000,000. That’s more that the annual GDP of Australia. With a proposal this big, and this bad, we pulled out all the stops to try to prevent this bill from harming the taxpayers. Some days we worked all night trying to defeat Paulson’s plan. Our members visited Congressional offices across the country, placed thousands of calls, and sent tens of thousands of petitions to Capitol Hill telling Congress to oppose this bill. As one of the few groups that stood strong on our principles, we made a difference.

In fact, our website had over 60,000 petition signers. News articles referencing our work appeared in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Politico, Washington Times, Indianapolis Star, and Agence France-Presse. The Wall Street Journal commented on the good work of some of our North Carolina members saying, “Ten people under the banner of conservative group FreedomWorks appeared in an online video protesting the bailout at Democratic Rep. Heath Shuler's Asheville, N.C., office.” Politics goes to those who show up, and FreedomWorks members show up. Read more...

Thank You for Making the Gas Price Protest Campaign a Success!

Since its launch, over 47,000 people have signed FreedomWorks Gas Price Protest petition demanding lower prices at the pump through expanded oil production and increased refinery capacity. In addition, thousands have requested our “It’s the Supply, Stupid” bumper stickers, displaying them with pride and further raising awareness for our campaign.

Recently we delivered Gas Price Protest petitions to Senators and Representatives who led the charge, calling for an “all of the above” energy solution that included more oil exploration and alternatives like nuclear and wind energy. The petitions from their respective states were delivered as a sign of gratitude for their efforts in working towards solutions for our high gas prices and particularly for letting the moratorium on offshore drilling expire on Oct. 1.

The petitions were also delivered to remind members of Congress that the fight for solutions to the energy crisis is not over. There are still vast supplies of domestic oil that Congress has left off limits, not to mention environmental and regulatory hurdles to overcome. Looking to ahead, FreedomWorks is going to continue our Gas Price Protest until we truly achieve sound energy policy.

To find out more about FreedomWorks Gas Price Protest Campaign and to see photos of activists proudly displaying their “It’s the Supply, Stupid” bumper stickers, click here! 


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