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are you Sick of Obama's health care plan? - Answer the survey...

by: the american conservative union | published: 07 31, 2009

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We want to know and Congress needs to know: Does the thought of Obama's health care plan make you feel sick?
ACU is conducting a survey.  We want YOUR input.
We plan to share your responses with Members of Congress who are concerned with what conservatives think about this health care plan.
When you send your survey we want to give you a chance to call your lawmakers directly.  We will have instructions for you when you send in your survey.
In the survey we also want to know what part of the proposal concerns you the most. 

There is plenty in the plans being discussed to worry all Americans.
COST:  Even though the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is now being led by a Democrat, the CBO has said that Obama is wrong and his plan won't lower costs.  The CBO says it will bloat deficits and leave our nation further in debt.  The CBO is sticking by these numbers despite an unprecedented push by Obama, Pelosi and their comrads to get them to say otherwise. 

Current costs are estimated at $1 trillion ... or so.  Why "or so?"  Because the government never seems to make accurate or clear predictions. 
Case in point:  When a government hospital subsidy was created in 1987 for Medicaid, it was supposed to cost $100 million a year.  But by 1992, just five years later, the costs had already risen to $11 billion.  That cost 5 years later was not the estimated $100 million but the equivalent of $11,000 million.  Think about CBO's $1 trillion estimate for Obama-Pelosi care and do the math...
BUREAUCRATS MAKING HEALTH CARE DECISIONS:  Several provisions are being discussed which would involve bureaucrats in Washington making decisions about citizens' health care.  Many believe these decisions would not only affect government plans, but private plans directly or indirectly in the long run. 
Do you want a doctor and patient making decisions, or a group of bureaucrats sitting in cement buildings in Washington deciding whether the doctor can even offer you certain tests, surgeries or services?
One idea in discussion is to allow an un-elected advisory board known as "MedPAC" to make changes in Medicare and other parts of the health system.  The idea from liberal Democrats is that they could quietly make changes in the healthcare system to "lower costs" - many believe this would result in rationed care and would make it impossible for a Doctor to even offer a patient some services.
A PUSH TOWARDS ALL-OUT GOVERNMENT-RUN HEALTH CARE:  The President says he only wants a government-run health "option."  Options always sound good right? 
But as Congressman and Dr. Phil Roe said right on our ACU YouTube video site ( - this option will just lead to putting all other health insurance options out of business and leave our nation with government-run health care.
Liberal groups who for years have pushed for socialized medicine are supporting this plan.  Ask yourself why...
JOB KILLING PROVISIONS:  Two ideas that are being floated with the plan would affect our economy and cause job losses. 
One is to tax the so-called "wealthy" to pay for it.  Set aside the class warfare the Democrats are waging and the fact that some of these wealthy came from nothing.  They succeeded only with hard work and belief in the American dream.  Instead, just look to the fact that many of these people employ a very large number of Americans.  Thousands upon thousands could lose their jobs as the wealthy cut back on business and personal spending. 
We all know that many times when the Democrats say they are taxing the "wealthy" those taxes over time make their way right down to the middle class.
Another provision being discussed is to levy a government fine on small businesses who do not offer coverage or the right type of health coverage based on what Obama wants.  Some proposals include a $750 per employee fine against these small businesses.  Where will that money come from?  Price increases and job losses are two likely scenarios...
The liberal Democrats and their more moderate members are fighting among themselves.  They, and our conservative members on Capitol Hill, are looking for answers on where Americans stand on these issues.
They claim they are negotiating...softening the blows on business and making the plan less costly.   We have heard that before.
We must let them know where you stand. 

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