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Thomas E. Brewton's Past Articles

67 articles

Gnostic Education


published: November 05, 2008


Why are today's students often taught to hate the United States? Phyllis Schlafly sketches the aims of too many teachers' colleges who train our teachers (Teaching "Social Justice" in ...

Labor Unions: A Brood of Vipers


published: November 03, 2008


Labor unions make us poorer and they prolong recessions. Senator Obama's short-sighted support for wealth-redistribution taxation and for socialist labor unions is nothing new for Democrat/ Soc...

Crowding Obama


published: October 31, 2008


The mindless throngs assembled to worship their savior, Senator Obama, bring to mind José Ortega y Gasset's The Revolt of the Masses. Street mobs and mass demonstrations are a product of...

Mandating a Perfect World


published: October 22, 2008


Liberal-progressives' conception of social justice always requires the political state forcibly to impose some form of equality. Social justice, in the catechism of the socialist religion, is no...

$700 Billion Worth of Vagueness


published: October 15, 2008


Despite what you read in the press, the $700 billion "Wall Street bailout" program granting the Treasury and the Fed almost unlimited and only slightly defined authority to implement ...

Why You Should Not Vote For Senator Obama


published: October 10, 2008


The rock-bottom issue is the destructive nature of the secular religion of socialism, which is, next to Islam's mandate for jihad, the most vicious and degrading religious movement ever to affl...

Taxes, Unions, and Regulations Matter


published: September 15, 2008


To picture what Senator Obama's economic policies hold in store for the United States look at the destructive impact of those policies in individual states. The New England States and New York...

Dead Wrong


published: August 25, 2008


Relying on Senator Biden's foreign policy judgment is risky. Both he and Senator Obama backed the wrong horses in Iraq. When it was unpopular, Senator McCain stood up for victory in Iraq and pushe...

Can Senator Obama Talk Us Out of This One?


published: August 19, 2008


Talk, they say, is cheap. And generally worth no more than it costs, when confronting international military aggression. Senator Obama's eagerness for face-to-face meetings with foreign dicta...

World Citizenship?


published: August 05, 2008


It means different things, depending upon your religious faith. Responding to Senator Obama, Citizen of the World, a reader emailed this observation: June 17, 1982 - Ronald Reagan speaking to...

Outrageous Reaction to Profits


published: August 03, 2008


ExxonMobil's quarterly report, taken out of perspective, predictably evoked screams of outrage from liberal-progressives and from the general public. Senator Obama and other members of Congres...

Inflation and the Burgeoning Deficit


published: August 01, 2008


The Wall Street Journal reports (U.S. to Ratchet Up Borrowing, July 31, 2008): With this fiscal year's budget deficit expected to more than double from the previous year, the U.S. government p...

Barack Obama & Woodrow Wilson


published: July 31, 2008


There is a striking parallel between the naivete of Senator Obama and President Woodrow Wilson in their expectation of imposing a liberal- progressive model of peace upon a fractious world. Sen...

Parson Moyers's Prevarication


published: July 23, 2008


Bill Moyers's PBS presentation on Cleveland's real estate foreclosure problem was a product, either of economic ignorance, or of deliberate distortion for political purposes.   Friday ni...

Change We Really Need


published: July 18, 2008


If Senator Obama's magic change-wand truly works, the change we need is eradication from our society of the degraded and debauched ethos of liberal-progressive-socialism that led us to inflatio...

Obama's record on abortion is extreme


published: June 27, 2008


Senator Obama expresses pious sentiments about family integrity, but actively supports abortion, the practice that is most destructive to families. Senator Obama has been lauded by the media f...

Which Way the Wind Blows With Obama


published: June 25, 2008


The words of Bob Dylan's song, "You don't need a weatherman to tell you which way the wind is blowing," gave the Weatherman Underground its name. Weatherman Underground members were acti...

Thomas E. Brewton Articles

Thomas E. Brewton

67 articles
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'Native of Louisiana; graduated from Louisiana State University in 1956. While there had the good fortune to study political science under Eric Voegelin and Constitutional law under Walter Berns.

Graduated from the Harvard Business School in 1958, then worked in the Wall Street financial community for thirty years. After retiring, surrounded by liberals in Scarsdale, New York, began writing op-ed pieces for local newspapers and essays for my children, aiming to counter the barbarism of liberal-socialism. From this came my website, The View From 1776.


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