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Without the Consent of the Governed

by: jb williams | published: 03 26, 2010

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Obama's Unconstitutional Health Care Treachery is just the beginning of a dark and sinister age in American history. Now that Obama & Co. have found the legislative mechanisms to subvert the Law of the Land on the federal health care grab, they intend to rush forward with the passage of “financial reform” – “energy reform” – and “Immigration reform” – none of which are any type of “reform.”

All of these measures are massive federal power and resource grabs, moving the vast resources of the United States from private sector control to public sector control. It is called socialism, by way of democratic process.

All of it will be done over the next few months without the consent of the governed, before the November election when leftists expect to lose their fifteen minutes of power in the voting booth. They plan to advance their anti-American agenda no matter how many stand opposed, and in such a manner that it can never be reversed.

As I pointed out very clearly in my most recent column, for any federal law to be “constitutional,” it must meet this minimum standard…

  1. It must be within the limited federal powers enumerated in the Constitution
  2. It must enjoy the support of the vast majority of “the governed,” from which all federal powers are derived
  3. It must not infringe upon the unalienable individual rights of any citizen
  4. It must not infringe upon the rights of any state, protected by the Tenth Amendment
  5. It must become law by way of legal legitimate legislative process

Obama’s Health Care treachery violates all five of these standards and as a result, it cannot be allowed to stand. They are just getting started. This is about much more than health care, yet health care is where the people must put a stop to all of it.

How the rest of the world runs is of no consequence to Americans. In the United States of America, “the people” are the government, and our federal government derives every ounce of its power strictly from the “consent of the governed.” Our elected officials are not Kings - they are “servants.”

Implied Consent in the Election

Leftists claim, while they are in power of course, but not when they are not in power -- that winning an election “implies full consent” from the people and authorizes anything the newly elected want to do on the basis of the election results alone.

This is false, and even leftists know it when it is not leftists in charge. In the Unites States, even the majority does not have the authority to run roughshod over the minority, even when that minority is a single individual. So the notion that any minority has the authority to run roughshod over a vast majority is blatantly false.

Unlike any other nation on earth, the United States of America is a “representative republic,” which is to say that our elected officials must at all times “represent” the “will of the people.” Not the will of any minority, but the will of all Americans, defined by a “majority” of legal U.S. citizens.

Further, our representative republic is limited in scope and power, to the enumerated powers granted the federal government via the U.S. Constitution. Then federal powers are even further limited by certain “unalienable individual rights” – further defined in the Bill of Rights.

As noted above in the five minimum standards, our federal government derives all of its power from the consent of the governed – all elected officials have taken an oath to uphold and defend these principles as their first obligation of office – and they are further prohibited from acting at odds with “the governed” by way of “unalienable individual rights” and extended specific limits found in the Bill of Rights.

Winning an election in no way releases any elected official from their oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, or represent the will of the governed. Leftists scream this loudly when they are not in power.

Thomas Jefferson explained why we do NOT have a “democracy” – “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”

Karl Marx explained why this is a problem – “Democracy is the road to socialism…”

Obama & Co. answer only to their powerbase, which is found in the Congressional Progressive Caucus and Congressional Black Caucus, both of which are taking orders from their parent organization, the Democratic Socialists of America.

Today’s Democratic Party is not “like socialism,” it is “democratic socialism.”

As even USA Today was forced to report, candidate Obama campaigned on his health care overhaul with a price tag of only $50-$65 billion. President Obama signed a health care seizure bill estimated to cost more than ten times that amount, at $938 billion.

Politicians lie on the campaign trail. They promise what they think the people will buy, and then act differently once elected. This is why all politicians are limited in power to the “consent of the governed.” Winning an election does not make one King in America.

A Velvet Revolution

We the people – town hall – 912 and Tea Party folks all over the country are involved in a “velvet revolution” in defense of individual freedom and liberty. A peaceful resistance against the rushing tide of anti-American Marxist principles, values and policies oozing out of the White House, Pelosi and Reid.

The left is working around the clock to paint every resister a “domestic terrorist” despite the well-known fact that it is demonstrators on the left, ACORN, SEIU and Teamsters who have a long history of violence.

It’s the leftist green movement and even the leftist anti-war movement which has again and again resorted to violence to get their message across.

Last September, more than a million American patriots showed up for the 9/12 March in DC and there was not one arrest, not one broken window, not one reported act of violence, no burning streets and in fact, not even any garbage left behind.

In contrast, when Obama’s inaugural event ended, it looked like Woodstock had just left town, with piles of garbage in the wake. When a handful of Berkeley students heard that their college “entitlements” might be reduced in this tough economy, the streets of Berkeley burned once again.

To be certain, if the left keeps pushing for a fight with the pro-freedom American right, one day they are likely to get a fight for which they are ill prepared. But few Americans seek violent revolution, preferring the constitutional tools put in place to make protecting freedom and liberty a peaceful process in this country.

Without Consent

There are two sides to every fight and despite modern leftist psychobabble on the matter -- there is a significant difference between the attacker and the victim.

Whether foreign enemy or domestic enemy - when people attack the Unites States of America at the core, at its foundation - they are the aggressor - the agitator - the provocateur. It short, they caused the fight to happen and they are responsible for whatever consequences follow…

They cannot pick a fight and then legitimately accuse their victims of “violence” in response. Every individual has an unalienable right to self-defense, and every American has both a right and a responsibility to the defense of the nation and all that it stands for…

What Obama & Co. are doing today, they are doing without the consent of the people, which is to say, beyond the scope of power given them in the U.S. Constitution. That is a silent means of picking a fight with the pro-liberty right.

What we see today is that Americans are VERY tolerant people. They tolerate a whole laundry list of anti-American nonsense that they cannot really afford to tolerate.

But because they are a peaceful and optimistic bunch by nature, they persist in the search for peaceful solutions and resist the urge to resort to violence.

They can be provoked to violence however… and I don’t recommend it.

Calling them names won’t do it - the left has been calling them names for decades now. Disagreeing with their views won’t do it either.

But keep attacking their freedom and liberty in a heavy-handed manner, shoving them into an economic corner and making them believe that there is no peaceful solution to the daily assault on everything they believe in, and you just might get them fighting mad sooner or later.

If the people of this country become convinced that their elected “servants” are going to destroy their nation and their children’s future no matter how many citizens stand opposed peacefully, they very well could resort to non-peaceful action to save the things they care about most.

If any elected politician or political party thinks that they are more important than the US citizen they are sworn to serve, they are sadly mistaken.

If you won’t listen to the American majority, and can’t be reigned in or replaced by peaceful processes, then what comes next won’t make anyone happy.

This isn’t Europe or North Korea. This is the Unites States of America and this country belongs to the governed, not the elected servant.

Elected officials come and go.

Thomas Jefferson said it best – “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

America is the beacon of freedom and liberty all over the world. If America is not free, no place on earth will be free. So tread carefully in Washington DC.

The American people will not live in fear of their government for long. It’s not in our DNA.

Am I “inciting” violence?” – I work around the clock to promote peaceful solutions.

But I have no hesitation in predicting violence. Violence is what happens when all peaceful solutions for conflict have been eliminated.

No matter one’s political ideology, if your agenda does not enjoy the consent of the majority of citizens, don’t do it. You are picking a fight you don’t want…




Obama's Unconstitutional Health Care Treachery is just the beginning of a dark and sinister age in American history. Now that Obama & Co. have found the legislative mechanisms to subvert the Law of the Land on the federal health care grab, they intend to rush forward with the passage of “financial reform” – “energy reform” – and “Immigration reform” – none of which are any type of “reform.”

All of these measures are massive federal power and resource grabs, moving the vast resources of the United States from private sector control to public sector control. It is called socialism, by way of democratic process.

All of it will be done over the next few months without the consent of the governed, before the November election when leftists expect to lose their fifteen minutes of power in the voting booth. They plan to advance their anti-American agenda no matter how many stand opposed, and in such a manner that it can never be reversed.

As I pointed out very clearly in my most recent column, for any federal law to be “constitutional,” it must meet this minimum standard…

  1. It must be within the limited federal powers enumerated in the Constitution
  2. It must enjoy the support of the vast majority of “the governed,” from which all federal powers are derived
  3. It must not infringe upon the unalienable individual rights of any citizen
  4. It must not infringe upon the rights of any state, protected by the Tenth Amendment
  5. It must become law by way of legal legitimate legislative process

Obama’s Health Care treachery violates all five of these standards and as a result, it cannot be allowed to stand. They are just getting started. This is about much more than health care, yet health care is where the people must put a stop to all of it.

How the rest of the world runs is of no consequence to Americans. In the United States of America, “the people” are the government, and our federal government derives every ounce of its power strictly from the “consent of the governed.” Our elected officials are not Kings - they are “servants.”

Implied Consent in the Election

Leftists claim, while they are in power of course, but not when they are not in power -- that winning an election “implies full consent” from the people and authorizes anything the newly elected want to do on the basis of the election results alone.

This is false, and even leftists know it when it is not leftists in charge. In the Unites States, even the majority does not have the authority to run roughshod over the minority, even when that minority is a single individual. So the notion that any minority has the authority to run roughshod over a vast majority is blatantly false.

Unlike any other nation on earth, the United States of America is a “representative republic,” which is to say that our elected officials must at all times “represent” the “will of the people.” Not the will of any minority, but the will of all Americans, defined by a “majority” of legal U.S. citizens.

Further, our representative republic is limited in scope and power, to the enumerated powers granted the federal government via the U.S. Constitution. Then federal powers are even further limited by certain “unalienable individual rights” – further defined in the Bill of Rights.

As noted above in the five minimum standards, our federal government derives all of its power from the consent of the governed – all elected officials have taken an oath to uphold and defend these principles as their first obligation of office – and they are further prohibited from acting at odds with “the governed” by way of “unalienable individual rights” and extended specific limits found in the Bill of Rights.

Winning an election in no way releases any elected official from their oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, or represent the will of the governed. Leftists scream this loudly when they are not in power.

Thomas Jefferson explained why we do NOT have a “democracy” – “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”

Karl Marx explained why this is a problem – “Democracy is the road to socialism…”

Obama & Co. answer only to their powerbase, which is found in the Congressional Progressive Caucus and Congressional Black Caucus, both of which are taking orders from their parent organization, the Democratic Socialists of America.

Today’s Democratic Party is not “like socialism,” it is “democratic socialism.”

As even USA Today was forced to report, candidate Obama campaigned on his health care overhaul with a price tag of only $50-$65 billion. President Obama signed a health care seizure bill estimated to cost more than ten times that amount, at $938 billion.

Politicians lie on the campaign trail. They promise what they think the people will buy, and then act differently once elected. This is why all politicians are limited in power to the “consent of the governed.” Winning an election does not make one King in America.

A Velvet Revolution

We the people – town hall – 912 and Tea Party folks all over the country are involved in a “velvet revolution” in defense of individual freedom and liberty. A peaceful resistance against the rushing tide of anti-American Marxist principles, values and policies oozing out of the White House, Pelosi and Reid.

The left is working around the clock to paint every resister a “domestic terrorist” despite the well-known fact that it is demonstrators on the left, ACORN, SEIU and Teamsters who have a long history of violence.

It’s the leftist green movement and even the leftist anti-war movement which has again and again resorted to violence to get their message across.

Last September, more than a million American patriots showed up for the 9/12 March in DC and there was not one arrest, not one broken window, not one reported act of violence, no burning streets and in fact, not even any garbage left behind.

In contrast, when Obama’s inaugural event ended, it looked like Woodstock had just left town, with piles of garbage in the wake. When a handful of Berkeley students heard that their college “entitlements” might be reduced in this tough economy, the streets of Berkeley burned once again.

To be certain, if the left keeps pushing for a fight with the pro-freedom American right, one day they are likely to get a fight for which they are ill prepared. But few Americans seek violent revolution, preferring the constitutional tools put in place to make protecting freedom and liberty a peaceful process in this country.

Without Consent

There are two sides to every fight and despite modern leftist psychobabble on the matter -- there is a significant difference between the attacker and the victim.

Whether foreign enemy or domestic enemy - when people attack the Unites States of America at the core, at its foundation - they are the aggressor - the agitator - the provocateur. It short, they caused the fight to happen and they are responsible for whatever consequences follow…

They cannot pick a fight and then legitimately accuse their victims of “violence” in response. Every individual has an unalienable right to self-defense, and every American has both a right and a responsibility to the defense of the nation and all that it stands for…

What Obama & Co. are doing today, they are doing without the consent of the people, which is to say, beyond the scope of power given them in the U.S. Constitution. That is a silent means of picking a fight with the pro-liberty right.

What we see today is that Americans are VERY tolerant people. They tolerate a whole laundry list of anti-American nonsense that they cannot really afford to tolerate.

But because they are a peaceful and optimistic bunch by nature, they persist in the search for peaceful solutions and resist the urge to resort to violence.

They can be provoked to violence however… and I don’t recommend it.

Calling them names won’t do it - the left has been calling them names for decades now. Disagreeing with their views won’t do it either.

But keep attacking their freedom and liberty in a heavy-handed manner, shoving them into an economic corner and making them believe that there is no peaceful solution to the daily assault on everything they believe in, and you just might get them fighting mad sooner or later.

If the people of this country become convinced that their elected “servants” are going to destroy their nation and their children’s future no matter how many citizens stand opposed peacefully, they very well could resort to non-peaceful action to save the things they care about most.

If any elected politician or political party thinks that they are more important than the US citizen they are sworn to serve, they are sadly mistaken.

If you won’t listen to the American majority, and can’t be reigned in or replaced by peaceful processes, then what comes next won’t make anyone happy.

This isn’t Europe or North Korea. This is the Unites States of America and this country belongs to the governed, not the elected servant.

Elected officials come and go.

Thomas Jefferson said it best – “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

America is the beacon of freedom and liberty all over the world. If America is not free, no place on earth will be free. So tread carefully in Washington DC.

The American people will not live in fear of their government for long. It’s not in our DNA.

Am I “inciting” violence?” – I work around the clock to promote peaceful solutions.

But I have no hesitation in predicting violence. Violence is what happens when all peaceful solutions for conflict have been eliminated.

No matter one’s political ideology, if your agenda does not enjoy the consent of the majority of citizens, don’t do it. You are picking a fight you don’t want…






  • Reply to this comment

    Joe M

    This is tyranny! I believe all liberty loving patriots should pressure their state governments to declare this law null and void,and if that don't work threaten secession!!

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