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Two Very Different Tickets

Two Very Different Visions & Two Very Different Strategies

by: jb williams | published: 09 02, 2008

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With a multiracial candidate on one ticket and a female on the other, no matter what happens this November, history will be made in this election cycle. But these two tickets could not be any more different than they are - and as a result, the two campaign strategies are equally different.

The only similarity found between the McCain-Palin ticket and the Obama-Biden ticket is the fact that both offer something old and something new, someone with experience and someone fresh. That’s where the similarities end…

For McCain-Palin, experience is found at the top of the ticket in long time Senate maverick John McCain. At 72 years old with everything from truly heroic war service, POW experience, decades of bucking the system and even his party on his résumé, there is very little John McCain hasn’t seen or done. He’s a time tested political figure to be reckoned with and he has been deeply admired by both friend and foe for years.

McCain is an inside the system reformer who has bucked the system and his own party so many times that he has earned the title of maverick on Capitol Hill. Most would agree that McCain-Feingold was a horrible outcome to a grand idea. Few Americans believe that campaign finance is an honest above board ethical system and most believe it needs to be cleaned up. But Washington compromise often makes crap out of caviar by the time a good idea becomes bad law via corrupt partisan compromise.

McCain was right. Campaign finance is corrupt and in need of reform. But he was wrong to think he could get there by compromising with the left, whose entire political existence depends upon their ability to attract funny money. Lesson learned…

McCain didn’t need to draft experience in a running mate, because few people in America have a political résumé as deep and wide in terms of experience. In his true maverick form, McCain instead chose a running mate far from the Washington elitist good ole boys club, a tough but classy government ethics reformer with the executive experience he lacks.

Contrary to the picture Democrats will desperately try to paint, Sarah Palin is not just some sweet shrinking violet hockey mom, easy on the eye, who belongs in an apron. Her leftist opponents will tell you that she’s a nonentity, a former mayor of a “small town” and governor of a “small state” far from mainstream America. She doesn’t count…

In short, they will imply that governing a small town or a small state doesn’t count as real executive experience. They must make this claim since neither Obama nor Biden has an ounce of executive experience in any city or state. Their overt elitist disdain for small town America will be glaringly obvious in their personal attacks on Palin.

Yet America is made up of small towns and small states often ignored as insignificant by Washington elitists like Obama and Biden - and those who have mis-underestimated Palin in the past, have come to know the meaning of the phrase “moose hunting barracuda…"

Alaska, our 49th state, is actually our largest state, approximately 2.3 times the size of Texas. It presents special challenges that few people have the backbone to brave, much less govern. Palin has accomplished more in Alaska than any of the men who preceded her.

In fact, Palin has managed a career that few men, especially Washington type limousine liberals, could ever manage. Palin is a proud mother of five beautiful children, the youngest being only months old and the oldest, a proud volunteer member of the U.S. Army headed for Iraq. Yet with sixteen years of executive experience while raising a family, she has managed to become America’s most popular government executive. Show me one man who has accomplished so much? - Obama? - Biden? You must be kidding!

The Wall Street Journal reports, “Sarah Palin's reform résumé would be remarkable in any political career. She entered politics at 28, winning a seat on the Wasilla city council as an opponent of tax increases. After she defeated Wasilla's three-term incumbent mayor four years later, she swept the mayor's cronies out of the bureaucracy.”

In 2003, Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski, who had already served as junior U.S. Senator from Alaska for 22 years, appointed her to the state's Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

Shortly after joining the oil and gas commission, Mrs. Palin commenced an ethics probe of the state's Republican Party chairman, Randy Ruedrich, involving conflicts of interest with oil companies, which resulted in a $12,000 fine for her party chair.

She crossed party lines again in 2004 to join a Democratic representative's ethics complaint over an international trade deal against the Republican Attorney General Gregg Renkes, who had ties to the Murkowski machine. Mr. Renkes resigned.

As Governor, Palin sold the governors jet, attacked systemic corruption on both sides of the aisle, challenged Big Oil, rejected wasteful good ole boy federal funds for a bridge to nowhere and sued Washington DC for its insane polar bear blockade on domestic energy production in ANWR. Oh, and she managed to reduce spending and taxes every step of the way…

Palin's credentials as a tough agent of reform far exceed that of Barack Obama or Joe Biden. In fact, Obama and Biden represent the exact opposite of change. She’s no partisan shrinking violet. She’s the real deal.

The McCain/Palin Ticket – Maverick government reform experience, Top and Bottom

The McCain/Palin Vision – Ethical government, Individual freedom and personal liberty

The McCain/Palin Strategy – Substance, Real Americans with a record of Government Reform

Then, the other ticket…

The Obama – Biden ticket represents the exact opposite of everything McCain-Palin represents.

Experience is at the bottom of the Obama – Biden ticket. Joe Biden has been part of the partisan Washington good ole boy network for decades and nothing demonstrates what that means better than his recent 180 degree reversal concerning his running mate. A review of Biden’s senate record will confirm that few in Washington are more blindly partisan or politically opportunistic than Joe Biden.

Only weeks ago, Biden was one of Barack Obama’s staunchest critics, pointing out the obvious fact that there is nothing in Obama’s past that suggests he is in any way qualified to be leader of the free world. Biden was right then… but the intoxicating lure of vice presidential power, the prospect of being one breath away from the most powerful position on earth, instantly changed Biden’s opinion of Obama.

Obama was on the job as a freshman Senator for less than 90 days when he was convinced by party elites that he was ready to lead the free world. You can’t even move from kindergarten to first grade in 90 days… even if you’re a child prodigy…

The Democratic Socialist establishment currently running the DNC needed a “savior” for their failed party, which regained control of congress in 2006 only to reduce congress to the lowest approval ratings in U.S. history by 2008.

Hillary Clinton was assumed to be a “sure thing” heading towards the 2008 election cycle with President Bush’s approval rating hovering around 30%. DNC leadership was smart enough to know that anyone named Clinton was unlikely to survive all the skeletons in the closet come November and no matter what Democrat primary voters thought, party elites were going to force a new “Messiah” into the forefront.

Clinton was leading the nomination process and was sure to emerge from Florida and Michigan the clear victor, which technically speaking she did by almost 500,000 votes. But Florida and Michigan voters would not be counted, and without those votes Clinton would be bumped from front-runner to has-been bringing an official end to the Clinton era before Hillary could realize her dream of being the first female executive in the nation’s history.

Obama is only a media creation, a mythical “Messiah” hand picked by party elites, in part for his extraordinary lack of experience, as little more than a cartoon caricature. Other than his time as a “community organizer” in the tradition of the communist author of “Rules for Radicals” and Obama mentor, Saul Alinsky, his résumé is completely blank.

But this is exactly what DNC leadership was looking for, an empty suit with a blank résumé, a Hollywood grin with a communist bent that offered at least the appearance of “hope and change” for those voters motivated by self-interests. Radical rebel rousing is the only experience Obama needed and it’s the only experience he has.

As nothing more than a pliable political caricature, Obama spent eight years in the Illinois congress voting “present” much of the time. A “present” vote is a very old political ploy used by those who plan to seek higher office. It’s a means of shirking the duties they are currently obligated to, in order to hide from future scrutiny over past voting records.

When Obama fell into national office by defeating Democrat and Republican opponents, both of whom were entangled in Illinois scandals at the time, he waltzed into Washington DC by default and continued the practice of voting “present” on issues that might later come back to haunt him in a future campaign.

Obama was not planning on running for the office of Commander-in-Chief in 2008, until Democratic Socialist elites drafted him to replace the controversial Hillary Clinton, who was bound to become the party nominee absent a new “Messiah.”

Obama had no choice but to select an inside the beltway partisan hack as a running mate. Without Biden, Obama was doomed as a completely unqualified caricature. Biden’s experience as a career Washington partisan fills some of the most obvious voids in Obama’s experience.

The Obama-Biden strategy is one of character assassination. They will attempt to paint McCain an “inside the beltway partisan hack” even though no member of congress has broken ranks with his party more often, or at more expense than McCain.

They will try to paint Palin as an inexperienced Alaskan shrinking violet who belongs in an apron, even though she is the only one of the four candidates with actual executive experience, not to mention an open disdain for good ole boy corruption and a record of attacking that corruption no matter in which party she finds it in.

The Obama/Biden Ticket – An empty caricature & a two-faced backstabbing partisan of old

The Obama/Biden Vision – Democratic Socialism & more power for the too powerful

The Obama/Biden Strategy – Character assassinations, résumé cover-ups, voter fraud and press corps misdirection

At the end of the day, the average American voter will come to see the Obama-Biden ticket for what it really is… Contrary to its campaign slogan, it is Obama and Biden who represent more of the same old Washington corruption and backstabbing politics and McCain and Palin who represent the kind of government reform that most Americans can believe in.

For real Americans, those who do not look at their federal government as a personal nanny and cast their votes on the basis of their next feeding from the public trough, this election is all about real change, not left wingnut symbolism.

History is being made… but not symbolically as leftists intended.

No matter what happens in November, America will either seat the first multiracial president or the first female vice president and history will be made either way.

This allows voters to look beyond the desire to simply “make history” and begin to focus attention on what matters most, our future as a nation.

Over the next sixty days

Voters will learn what both of these tickets stand for and what they stand against. If I’m right, that America still has more Americans in search of freedom than anti-American leftists blindly in search of free stuff, then McCain and Palin will pull off the upset of the century against the press corps “Messiah.”

The press will continue to carry water for the Democratic Socialist movement, just as it has for the last several elections. If it were up to them, we wouldn’t even bother to hold an election at all. We’d just proceed with the anointment of their chosen one, Barockstar Obama.

But it isn’t up to the press, or Hollyweird, or Democratic Socialists running roughshod over Democrat voters, or even socialist billionaires like George Soros and Peter Lewis who wasted millions trying to seat John Kerry in 2004, against the will of American voters. They will waste millions trying to seat Obama too, - however…

In the end, it is up to American voters…

We are the government in this country and contrary to the socialist “savior” rhetoric spewing from today’s DNC; we will do the hiring and firing around these parts… international lefties can waste all the money the want trying to change this reality.

Ain’t it funny how the party with a 10% approval rating in congress chose to run two senate hacks in the name of change! - Almost as funny as “the party of the little guy” consistently attacking or disenfranchising “the little guy.”

What goes around comes around, even for Washington elitists. Obama and Biden are about to learn that the average small town gun-toting God fearing voter is not as ignorant as they think… They are also about to learn that small town Sarah Palin has built her political career upon the foundation of putting career partisan bureaucrats like Biden and Obama on the unemployment line.

It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of pathetic leftwing losers! I took great care to lay this out in simple terms when I could have just said, “Its two heroic American pilots vs. two partisan backstabbing lawyers…” I hope you appreciate my kinder-gentler approach.

Americans, who are not selfishly in search of a nanny bearing free gifts, know exactly what this election is all about….

This video says it all… I hope you have the courage to watch it!

Obama’s fifteen minutes are about up! Obama/Biden predicted a 15 point convention bounce.

But that Hollywood convention bounce peaked out at only 8 points and hours later, that 8 point bounce was cut to only 3 points in national poll averages, with the McCain/Palin convention speeches yet to come.

An unalienable individual right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, (endowed by our Creator) vs. a secular socialist right of government elitists to define and redistribute happiness to some at the expense of others, is what this election is all about. It’s what every election is about these days and congressional races are just as important as the presidential race as a result. Maybe more…

The debate should begin right here… with Obama’s respect for the unalienable right to Life!

Watch this video and tell me Obama is ready to lead the free world! May God forbid! 

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