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Transparency In The Obama Administration

by: bruce nix | published: 05 27, 2010

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Of all of the pre-election campaign promises made and subsequently broken, that the Obama Cartel made and actually followed through with, one would have to say that his promise for transparency, is right on track. Let's look at his record so far.

In less than two years, Obama's so-called centrist platform that he ran on to entice the voters, has taken a hard left and is leading this country away from its Constitutionally based Democracy. He has shredded the US Constitution in his quest to re-distribute wealth and turn us into European styled Socialists. He has created enough debt, to ensure that every man, woman and child in this country and all of their grandchildren, their great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren will owe an enormous amount of money from now on, to pay off that debt. That is of course, if we don't go belly up first. To be sure, your taxes will go up as a result. 

He has chased away all of our trusted allies around the globe (not that we had that many anyways.) He has apologized to the world, for everything under the sun, real or imagined, that the US has done, at the expense of our world leadership position and our beacon of freedom that we have held for many decades. Making us look weak by our enemies and a laughing-stock to the rest of the world. He has succeeded in dividing this nation against itself like no other administration has done since the Civil War.

With the help of his Justice Department and the Attorney General, he has un-done all of the hard and dangerous work, that our military personnel have literally given their lives for, in rounding up the people responsible for 911, by forgoing military tribunals for trials in our civil court system, thereby giving them the same rights as common criminals and proposing to have the proceedings just blocks away from the scene of the World Trade Center massacres.

He has nationalized most of our economy, including the auto manufactures, our health care system, a large part of the banking institutions and most recently has set his sights on Wall Street. He does all of this and now is assaulting Arizona's tough, new stance on illegal immigration as racist and challenging the role that an individual state can play in protecting it's best interests. 

Cap and Trade, a secret code word for higher energy costs and taxes, is looming over the horizon along with immigration reform, that ultimately will give amnesty to all illegal immigrants in this nation.

So where does the transparency part play into all of this? I shall try to elaborate. Remember all of the doctors that came to his side in Washington at that infamous press conference (all of them supposedly in solidarity with PBO) and the white coats that they “spontaneously” decided to wear as a sign of their profession? Remember all of the town hall meetings that PBO spoke at with a so-called cross-section of American people attending? (They were portrayed as fair and balanced and representing mainstream America.) Remember the Leaders of both houses assuring the American people of how great the health care take over was going to be for the deficit and all of us? (Consequently the CBO told a completely different story) Now a group of police chiefs, has met with Attorney General Eric Holder, to protest Arizona's new immigration law. All (lo and behold!) unbeknownst to PBO's administration. (They do not represent the views of all of the police chiefs around the country, just a few.)

In the classic words of Gomer Pyle; “Gawwwwwwwwww-leeeeeeeeee!” Do you see it? It is right in front of your very eyes! TRANSPARENCY! Yes, transparency is alive and well with the Obama Cartel! Still stumped? Let me spell it out for those of you that are still lagging behind; it is very “clear” that something fishy is going on here. (ie; transparency!) It is very “clear” that the PBO administration, thinks that we are all schmucks. It is very “clear” that they think that they are pulling one over on us and it is very “clear” that they think that we can't do anything about their shenanigans!

There! Transparency in it's purest form! 

There is hope though. November is coming. We can change the way that those rascal's in congress are using transparency to change the very foundation of this great country, by collectively voting their transparent *sses out!!">

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