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The New Black Panther Party and Saul Alinsky

by: bruce nix | published: 07 17, 2010

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Straight out of the Saul Alinsky Rules For Radicals handbook and so easily predictable from this very transparent administration and it’s affiliates; if no crisis is available to accommodate a change, then create one. With the recent decision by Eric Holder and his Justice Department, to drop the charges against the New Black Panther Party and suspend any further prosecution. It has become all too clear, that their objective is to stress racial relations between blacks and whites, to provoke a political response.

Add to the mix, the NAACP’s recent charges, that the Tea Party Movement is steeped in racism and you have yourself a virtual powder keg. Tensions on both sides of the arena, are being played by a continuous bombardment by the Propaganda Ministry’s news media. It is all too clear to those who will “see”.

PBO knows that all of his failed policies and attempts to turn this country into a European style Socialist State or even worse yet, a Marxist Regime, have gone against Main Street Americans boundaries. This places all of the bill’s, that he and his henchmen have willfully and wantonly succeeded in shoving down the throats of unwilling taxpayers, with a total disregard for the rule of law and in direct defiance of the US Constitution, in jeopardy. He realizes that November’s mid-term elections, will more than likely end his ability to skirt the law and force him to use the US Congress in the manner that it was intended by our Founding Father’s.

By initiating a racial crisis, he is gambling, that it will bring out the African-American vote in force in the November elections or start another racial crisis that may lead to violence and force a postponement of the crucial elections just four months away.

The very best thing for the Tea Party Movement to do in response to this blatant, race baiting game that they so skillfully employ, is ignore the banter being generated by the progressive left and get through the elections without any incident.

With the Government’s recent inaction on the Gulf oil spill crisis, to usher in the Cap and Trade bill, that will also be shoved down our throats, just as surely as the health care bill was, as a result of a so-called health care crisis, or the takeover of our banking system as a result of a banking crisis, or the takeover of the auto manufacturers as a result of a crisis there. It appears that the Liberals in Washington, now fear the very real possibility of losing their precious jobs, (paid for by; the US Taxpayers) as a result of the elections in November. So, their Ministry of Propaganda is trying to create yet another crisis to stave off a blood bath in the mid terms!

The members of the Tea Party Movement should take this advice; do not stray from the path. Do not lash out at the injustice being done recently. Hold the course until November, when we can reign in this nonsense and bring about a halt to the tyranny being forced upon us by this corrupt and despicable administration. Once his seat of power is taken away from him, he will be easily defeated in the next election as long as we toe the line and continue the vigil. At that time maybe we can have these horrendous budget busting, unconstitutional laws repealed or at least de-funded.

Perhaps no one has said it better than Rush Limbaugh, “You can always tell who the Liberals fear the most, all you have to do is listen to them.” As of late; The Tea Party and Sarah Palin seem to occupy most of their chatter.

The movement behind The Tea Party is grass-roots and will bet the catalyst for the un-doing of this Presidency. Stay the course and do not blink!

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