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The Big Three

by: armand c. hale | published: 08 07, 2012

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Freedom, Life, Marriage will be the deciding factor in the 2012 November elections. Will the country come to its senses and go back to its Judeo-Christian roots, limited government, and individual liberty. Or will evil finish the Republic by completely embrace Communism and have the type of governments like Russian and China where the state rules all.

We kill boy and girl babies on the crazy basis of “choice”. What happened to the “choice” of the girl babies in the womb? Of China’s one child policy, boys are more valued than girls as the male line needs to be continued. In India’s vast poverty the families can’t afford marriage dowries (an amount of money or property given in some societies by a bride's family to her bridegroom or his family when she marries) so girl babies are not considered a blessing to a family but a burden to them.

Where are the feminist voices on this?

The government is at war with the Church by ordering it to violate laws given to them by Almighty God by forcing it to provide birth control to people and paying for it. Next the government using public tax payer $$$ to provide abortions and fund the largest business of abortion, Planned Parenthood. This is not separation of Church and State. This is the secular State’s unification of the Church.

Here is what the 1st amendment to the U.S. Constitution actually says:


The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

There is no such thing as separation of Church & State. It’s a myth, a fallacy, a lie! The Devil loves lies as he is the father of all lies!

Obama, his many minions, Hollywood, radical homosexuals and the secular culture are pushing to re-define marriage. No black and white. No right or wrong. No lies or truth. Forget what Almighty God has said. We can and will believe anything we want or don’t want to with a simple majority vote.

Anyone who disagrees or stands up to them are call every dirty name under the sun and below it. Will the people come to its senses? (JMJ)



Liberalism and Tolerance Don't Mix

Fellow Patriots,

Our busiest story is a video we posted showing a liberal and his lack of tolerance during. Adam Smith is his name and he waited out the long drive-thru line for a free cup of water and a chance to lash out at the employee at the window.

Not only was it incredibly ignorant to bully an employee at the window, Smith constantly informs the poor girl that she works for hate by getting a paycheck from Chick-fill-A. Since when is a differing opinion suddenly hate?

Anyway, as we point out on the video page below, Adam Smith has since pulled down his original video (we have a copy up and running) and scrubbed his Linked In profile. Turns out Smith is an investment banker and someone wasn't thrilled his ignorant, intolerant video went viral overnight. Source: Darla Dawald, Patriot National Director, Patriot Action Network. Watch it here below: <

Unhyphenated American

Posted by Lloyd Marcus on August 1, 2012 at 7:25pm

Chick-fill-A Appreciation Day: Great Turnout, Few Blacks In My Town I hate to bring this up. But I thought, where are the black people. Ninety-nine percent of the crowd was white or Hispanic. There is a local black church with a huge congregation in my community. Where were they? Black folks do not support same sex marriage. So, why were they not standing in solidarity at Chick-fill-A. I realize black pastors across America have joined together to protest the Obama administration’s support of same sex marriage. But in my town, only a few showed up to support Chick-fill-A. Do many blacks feel it traitorous to stand with whites against anything that reflects poorly on the Obama administration. I am not putting these black Christians down. I simply wish to know what it will take to get them on board standing side by side with fellow Americans for Godly principles.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


Say A Big Thank You to the Christian Founder of Chick-fill-a!

If you have not already done so, please visit (below) and send the Cathy family a letter of appreciation for their commitment to marriage. If you have a chance to swing by a Chick-fill-A branch. Over the next couple of weeks, make a point to stop in and purchase even a small snack so that the Cathy family knows that we continue to stand with them. Let the manager know why you're there, and be sure to let us know, too>


Brian S. Brown


National Organization for Marriage

A New (Tasty) World of Activism

From The Stockton Breakdown []

Dear Informed Citizen,

The latest economic news may be bad, and America may still be suffering from the Obama Economy, but it's an exciting time to be a conservative activist. Not only do we have a cause that couldn't be more important, namely ending Obama's economic reign of terror, but we're lucky enough to be living in a time of activist innovation.

If someone told me that one of the things that would unite the conservative movement in 2012 would be a chicken restaurant, I would never have believed it. And yet, over the last week or so, Chick-Fill-A has become a meeting place and a rallying cry for conservatives across America. At a time when conservative unity couldn't be more important, anything that gets us past our differences and brings us together is a very good thing. If it happens to serve delicious food, well, that's just the gravy on top.

But the most important lesson from the Chick-Fill-A drama is that we conservatives have immense power when we rally as cultural allies, and that we need to find new, innovative ways to tap into our power. With the power of the internet, new initiatives like Chick-Fill-A appreciation day are changing the way we act politically. It's important that we keep pushing to find new ways to get our message out and connect with fellow conservatives.

Who knew activism could be so tasty?


Really!!!They Support Chick-Fill-A? Who would have thought!

Posted by Michael CHILDS, Admin II on August 2, 2012 at 8:28pm in Patriot Action Alerts

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Who would have thought that these other three mega Restaurant Chains would have the same values as Chick-Fill-A. I wonder why? You think that someone of a higher power(GOD) was looking out for them and that is why they are mega companies.

In & Out burger and Auntie Anne's Begals, Interstate Batteries, Tyson Foods, The Hobby Lobby, Forever 21 clothing' Levis Jeans, McDonalds, KFC, Wendy's are also faith based companies.

You can bet bottom that Amazon, Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson, Proctor & Gamble that will all fall by the way side because they don't have the TRIO( God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost ) Backing them like these other companies do.

I support all of these companies and I suggest everyone do the same. If the progressives who complain about these companies (or any belief but theirs’), then they should take their hatred across the pond to somewhere like Iran. I‘m sure the mullah’s would welcome these progressives with open arms…just before throwing them in prison or making them disappear.

The corridor from Washington DC to Boston has the lowest number of Christians in the country. Mostly former Catholics. Thus it is a great area for evangelicals to send missionaries. Also that corridor holds one third of the US population. And a third of all universities.

Also the homosexuals and lesbians plan to have a kiss in day at Chick-fill-A last Friday. It is typical of them, very childish. Ever notice that most homosexuals seem to act in an immature manner like a bunch of teenagers? The kiss-in is more about getting in your face, sort of like a teenager trying to get adults angry. And homosexuals wonder why the adults in society treat them like children?

We Won't Be Stopped

From Eugene Delgaudio President, Public Advocate of the United States

Two days ago Public Advocate and the pro-Family Movement celebrated Chick-fill-A Appreciation Day, and it was a smash success! Across the country, individual restaurants were packed out the door as pro-Family crowds happily waited for their chance to support real marriage and Christian enterprise.

The Homosexual Lobby thought they could silence us with their aggression and the widespread accusation of “hate.” But they stood stunned as images flooded the internet of the proud supportive crowds. They truly believed that the Public Advocate and the pro-Family Movement could never generate crowds that large.

It even made major media stations sit up and take notice. Countless stories recounting the day were published everywhere. My friend, this was a major victory for the pro-Family Movement. The Homosexual Lobby looked us in the eye, and dared us to back down.

But we held our ground.

You see, homosexual agents tell politicians every day that Americans do not believe in real family values anymore. They tell them that homosexual “marriage” is the next stage in American history. And when a business like Chick-fill-A dares to stand up to them, the Homosexual Lobby brags about how they are going to crush the opposition.

But we called their bluff and showed the politicians in Washington D.C. and even the mayors of Chicago and Boston that the Family is still very important to Americans. We told them, “You betray us at your own risk.”

However, we cannot let our guard down -- the Homosexual Lobby will strike back, and soon. We must be ready for their next move. But in the mean time, thank you for all your support in this great struggle.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio

President, Public Advocate of the United States

Why are we saving the animals and not babies with immortal souls?

On July 19, 2012 former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in debate on defunding Planned Parenthood, carped that it's "an immorality to ignore scientific opportunity to make the American people healthier."

Of course for over one million aborted babies a year, this comment is almost a sick joke.

But even for the women who go to abortionists -- themselves victims of the lie that they aren't carrying a baby, and that abortion won't harm them physically, spiritually and emotionally -- Representative Pelosi's statements are a cynical distortion.

Just last week, 24 year old Tonya Reaves of Chicago was the most recent woman to die at the hands of a Planned Parenthood abortionist.

On Friday, July 20, Tonya was transported from the Loop Health Center Planned Parenthood in Chicago to the Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

The medical examiner reported that Tonya died from hemorrhaging after she underwent a second trimester Dilation and Evacuation abortion.

The gruesome D & E method of abortion involves stretching the mother's cervix, then dismembering the fully formed baby, piece by piece.

Complications include excessive bleeding, chronic infections, high fevers, permanent scarring of the uterus, and sometimes sterility for the mother.

Of course, National Pro-Life Alliance members already know that the funding of Planned Parenthood is not really about women's health, but about using our tax dollars for promoting abortions.

More importantly, you and I have been taking the fight both to Congress and the state legislatures to take down the abortion giant.

And now the ongoing pressure from you and me, coupled with the reports of this tragedy, have revved up support for work by the Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations Sub-Committee to strip all funding for Planned Parenthood from next year's House budget.

Ultimately, if passed, the appropriation bill will cut out millions of tax payer dollars that HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Obama care would otherwise use to fund abortions in the upcoming year.

That's why your continued support for the National Pro-Life Alliance program is more important than ever.

It's hard work and will require much prayer and a steel spine to negotiate, but with God's help you and I will block off this avenue of cash for the abortion industry.

So, if you haven't already done so, please call your Congressman today at the main switchboard at 202-224-3121. If you have already done so, call again anyway.

If you can't see it's a baby, you're blind

The National Pro-Life Alliance has prepared a short video on the power of sonograms in saving babies.

Please take a moment to watch it by clicking here

After watching, please sign the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act petition.

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