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November Mid-Term Elections. A Day Of Reckoning.

by: bruce nix | published: 06 23, 2010

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General McChrystal and his off key comments by him and his staff, cost him his job as commander of the US Armed Forces in Afghanistan. In an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, he made several jabs at the President and his advisory staff for his lackadaisical attitude and lack of leadership abilities, toward our presence in country and the US Military personnel fighting in the war. When he asked the President for more boots on the ground, he was put off for approximately two months while PBO thought about it.

Here we have a classic example of a President who has no military experience trying to micro-manage the military. Apparently by attaining the title of Commander-in-Chief and being given control of one of the most powerful fighting machines in the world, this makes you an instant first class tactician in the field of military expertise, even if you had little to no experience in the first place and add to it the fact that PBO has a great disdain for the military. This is a lethal combination for our men in uniform and I am certain that moral is at an all time low as a result of the bickering going on about policy.

If the lessons of the Vietnam conflict are not remembered, then we need to pull out of Afghanistan now before it is too late. 58,196 US soldiers died in that war. Congress micro-managed it all the way and took away the decision making abilities of the military leaders who may have been able to accomplish the task at hand, had they been given authority to do so. Exactly the same thing is going on in Afghanistan. If you do not trust the decisions to the leaders whose job it is to lead our military in times of war and instead delegate to yourself those decisions, then you are destined for failure and the tragic loss of our soldiers in the process.

The recent decision by PBO's administration, to try the masterminds of 9-11 in “our” court system after being captured at great risk of life by our men in uniform, is a reversal of years of precedents set by our military and the trials of enemy combatants captured in action. This is a dangerous protocol to follow. Should we now “Mirandize” war criminals? The Nuremberg trials after the fall of Nazi Germany were handled properly and the criminals of the Third Reich were taken care of in the proper manner befitting their crime. They were not awarded constitutional rights that we have, in their defense. A military tribunal took the appropriate action and that is how it should have been handled.

We are at war with Radical Islamist's, like it or not. On that fateful day in September, they declared war on the United States by destroying the Twin Towers and killing over 2800 US citizens. The decision to go to War was unanimous by the members of Congress and we are there still. If our troops are in harms way, then our Government has the moral and civic duty to give them all that they require to achieve their goal and shorten our stay there. If we cannot give them what they require, then we should remove them from harms way. This war is not going to just go away as this administration hopes it will. No amount of bowing to the enemy or apologizing for the past actions of the US in the global arena, will end our enemies desire to kill Americans. This war will not end without great loss of life and persistence, but once again, if we are going to fight in a war, then we should give it our greatest effort to achieve total victory.

General Douglas MacArthur faced the same attitudes from the White House during the Korean conflict. This was a war that was also micro-managed and it ended in a truce. The tensions that were present then, are still there as a result of miscalculations on our part and weakness shown by our government. Had Truman listened to his General in command, the war may have had a different ending all together.

Some Presidents are born leaders while others are born politicians. Very rarely does one come along that has both abilities. This administration lacks both, and it has become appallingly apparent to us and the rest of the world. We are now seen as weak in the eyes of our enemies and are not to be trusted by our long time allies in light of how they have been treated over the past two years. While all of the ills of our country, have been blamed on the past administration by PBO and his arrogant lack of accountability in all that he does. The voters have finally wakened from their slumber and November will truly be a “Day Of Reckoning” for this President and his failed policies.

“The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 29% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13 and only Twelve percent (12%) say that Congress is doing a good or excellent job.”

Surely this man, our Commander-in-Chief, can read about how his presidency is falling away from all of the glitz and glamor that the mainstream media showered upon him as a candidate. He is a falling star. Will he take us all down in a blaze of glory with him? One can only hope and pray that he resigns and saves this great country from a total collapse. However I do not see that day arriving, the best we can hope to do is restore the two party system to the congress and bring about an end to tyranny in our country.

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