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Control the 2012 GOP

by: armand c. hale | published: 04 29, 2011

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I hope you all had a happy and wonderful Easter weekend. As I was sorting out all the e-mails received over the last 3 weeks I came across a theme that needs reminding and refocusing. Control of the all the primaries in the 2012 election by the we the people through the tea party movement. Joseph Tomanelli posted the following remarks along with Lee Bellinger over the last few days. I believe their words sum up what we need to do now and until the day of the November election in 2012. It is not an understatement to say if the GOP gets its way and a "moderate" is the standard barer, BHO will walk back into the White House and the country is doomed. (JMJ)

ALERT: New Poll Numbers on Barack Obama

There are brand new poll numbers in regarding Barack Obama's approval ratings, and these new poll numbers show we have some work to do to Defeat Barack Obama. The reason we here at The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama have started our efforts so early is that we learned the lessons from watching smear Republicans leading into the 2008 elections, as they worked for almost 2-years to make it almost impossible to win. Similarly, Barack Obama spent nearly 2-years building his campaign for the 2008 elections.

We're working to do the same thing this time around - in reverse. With your help we will put Obama so far back he can't win. We're starting in the key targeted swing states to put them out of reach, in addition to national TV advertising campaigns.

And there's something else important to take note of: we're doing this in part to ensure we have a TRUE CONSERVATIVE as the Republican nominee. If the polls show a tight race early next year then you can bet the pressure will be on to nominate someone more "moderate" as many Republicans will argue this is the only way we can win.

We don't buy that one bit. We want to see a clear choice between a constitutional conservative Republican and Obama. Please, make the most generous contribution you can to The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama. Source: The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Congress Readies Sellout on Debt Vote: Sign This Petition Now

The new Republican leadership in on the verge of approving FULL FUNDING AUTHORITY for the Obama Administration's insidious – yet resoundingly rejected – agenda for America.

If Republicans cave in and join with the Democrats to raise America's debt ceiling above the already staggering current limit of $14.3 trillion, Obama-care will be funded, the bailouts will continue, and out-of-control federal bureaucrats will stay fat and happy – feasting on another wave of taxpayer money while our nation's economy continues to sink.

That's why I need your help today – RIGHT NOW! – in telling the Republican leadership: NO NEW DEBT FOR THE OBAMA AGENDA!!

Yours in Freedom and Prosperity,

Lee Bellinger, Publisher
Independent Living

Rand Paul: Sign the Petition Obama Fears

You see, the union bosses fear a vote on the National Right to Work Act more than just about anything else.


They know it's a losing proposition for them whether the bill passes or not.


This is how Washington -- from Jimmy Carter to Ted Kennedy to Bill Clinton to Nancy Pelosi to Barack Obama -- got to be what it is today.


The National Right to Work Act will turn this entrenched, corrupt Washington order on its head.


Every year Big Labor siphons over $8 BILLION from workers' paychecks; mostly from workers who, if they refused to pay, would be fired from their jobs.


Union bosses take this eye-popping heap of dough to feed a lifestyle of limousines, penthouses and raw political power.


And, my friend, Big Labor's political corruption costs all of us:

Hundreds of billions of dollars in bailouts and bloated government spending suck the life out of our economy, rewarding failed businesses like GM and letting union-boss featherbedding and rigged contracts rocket the cost of schools, hospitals and roads through the roof.

Millions more good-paying jobs destroyed or driven overseas as union czars cripple America's bedrock industries with wasteful work rules, hate-the-boss propaganda and violent strikes. You and all Americans robbed of your wealth as the economy stays in recession and the price of cars, gasoline and groceries climbs upwards.

Small businesses strangled with red tape and bureaucracy designed by greedy union flunkies to kill companies too small for so-called union “organizing.”

That's why it's crucial you sign the petitions today and, if possible, make a generous contribution to the National Right to Work Committee.



Rand Paul
U.S. Senator, (R-KY)

From blogger Errol Phillips

How an educated Liberal thinks .... A Must read .... your head might spin off your shoulders

The Message I sent the other day that showed the video of Obama promising not to avail himself of the unconstitutional use of "signing statements" (he is a constitutional lawyer and taught Constitutional law for 10 years - so he must surely know as he said this..... elicited the following exchange of emails from a Liberal acquaintance on My List. Mr. Robert B, a nice Jewish Guy from Manhattan, is an intelligent and soft spoken pro Obama Liberal. We have corresponded before and he has always been polite and respectful.

Here was Robert's First Response


FYI, George W. Bush had more signing statements than any president in history. As of January 30, 2008, he had signed 157 signing statements which were written to challenge over 1,100 provisions of federal law. By contrast Barak Obama has had 16 signing statements, none of which challenged the laws involved. All were written as clarifications of ambiguities in a given law or in opposition to an unconstitutional congressional fiat in a given law. Obama is not a con man. He just has a different conception of the role of government in the daily lives of Americans than Republicans and people on the Right. This is not a crime or anti-American or Anti-Jewish. The more you see it as these things, the deeper the political grave you are digging for your side

My Response Back to him

My Message has absolutely nothing to do with the constitutionality of “signing statements.” Did you view the Clip (I bet you didn’t?)

Here is Robert's Second Response

Nor did mine. You obviously didn’t read my email carefully. There was nothing inconsistent with what Obama said on the UTube clip and what he has done with signing statements. Nowhere does he use them to contest a law passed by congress which he said he would not do in the clip and which GW Bush always used them for. He uses the few has done to 1) clarify an ambiguity in a law he signs or 2) to say he won’t do something that congress puts in the law that is unconstitutional—something that congress has put in the law that it does not have the power to do. This is what happened with the Czar issue—while congress had the authority to cut spending in certain categories, it did not have the authority to specify exactly what he had to cut, as long as he made the final amounts. I know, this is very nuanced and makes you angry! But it is the truth.

My Second Response

He stated specifically the “statements” were unconstitutional And he wouldn’t use them. And he castigated Bush. What more do you want. The water in Manhattan must be infused with Kool-aid. I am not angry. I am more amused with your baseless defense of the Pinocchio we have in the White House.


Robert's Third Response

Once again, I can understand your anger since Obama contradicts the “spirit” of what he was saying in the YOU TUBE link. He does not however contradict the “letter” of what he was saying.

My Final Comeback

“Contradicts the Spirit” equals "Lie" as "Kinetic Military Action" equals "War.

I almost fell off my chair - that is how they think ... really …. How can one communicate with the neurosis of Liberalism. res ipsa loquitur.

Fwd: Some Clarification Offered by Errol Phillips

On a recent message (above) regarding "signing statements" and the duplicity of President Obama, I ended the message with: "I almost fell off my chair - that is how they think ..really. How can one communicate with the neurosis of Liberalism?" "They" - meaning Liberals in general and Manhattan Jews in particular One of my readers very astutely replied with the following:

Your argument loses any weight by extrapolating from the one person's view to cover whomever "they " are. Indeed, would it be improper to denigrate all you have written (of which I've seen very little) because of --for example--the above cited "they " Here was my reply.... keeping in mind that I have been doing battles with Liberals for over 11 years:

Well to clarify, "They "equals 97 % of Liberals, Especially New York Jews. I have endured enough correspondence with so many of "They", I would say my conclusion is statistically significant.

Errol Phillips

From "Conrad the patriot"

Another good one from Pastor Chuck Baldwin. 2008 Constitutionalist Party Presidential Candidate.

Tea Party Must Control the 2012 GOP

PickPosted by Joseph Tomanelli on April 22, 2011 at 10:41am

The GOP has proven to be inadequate in choosing candidates for presidency. In 2008, the GOP had good candidates but no unified force. There were 7 running, so how did we get the worst one? That is easy, the conservatives were split six ways, allowing Senator McCain to prevail. John McCain was picked by the liberal States like New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey and those states after picking our GOP candidate, gave the Commie-in-Chief their support.

If you want our nation to survive, before the end of the year the Tea Parties across the nation must pick one and only one candidate and fully unite behind him or her. Then work their tails off to make sure that candidate is on every State GOP ballot.

All the Tea Party chapters must put their heads together, and pick the “National Tea Party Candidate.” I trust the Tea Party and its knowledge of the principles and issues, so if my guy or gal didn’t make it, so be it. I will support the unified Tea Party pick in the GOP Primary. We will make a difference only if we are unified. Do not fall prey to talk radio for your information. Do research. Remember it was the “Holy Trinity of Talk Radio,” Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck who falsely branded Mike Huckabee a Liberal and Mitt Romney a Conservative, only to have Romney usher in McCain. All three did a hatchet job on Huckabee while forgetting about Mitt’s dismal record as Governor. Let’s not be blinded by money and rhetoric this time. Mitt sold out and quit to give McCain the nomination “for the good of the party.” Well the party is not worth saving if it continues to enable Democrats. We need a President who is 100% percent Conservative with the strength to stand for those values and reestablish those values as national policy. That person should have a history of standing on principles and willing to fall on the sword for them. That President needs to lead and unify the GOP around principles not personnel. I have always said, “People come and people go, but principles endure forever.”

The Conga-Line of candidates seeking the GOP nomination are gathering and practicing their dance moves and songs. They are rehearsing and perfecting their performances to get your approval, but we cannot fall for the song and the dance. We need proven leadership, proven principles, integrity, honesty, strong moral fiber, unquestionable character, and a belief in the One and only God. The clock is ticking and if we do not have our candidate by November, our Nation will be doomed.

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