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Congress, The Tea Party And A Day Of Redemption

by: bruce nix | published: 07 30, 2010

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By now you may think that PBO is a socialist. So what. You get what you pay for. The American people voted him in with a wide margin of victory. There was no doubt about the outcome. The American people spoke on election day. Hope and change. He is indeed changing this country and if you don't like it, tough. It is done. There is no turning it around now.

On March 21, 2010, Al Sharpton told Fox News, during the House of Representative's passage of health care reform legislation; "I think that the president and Nancy Pelosi get credit, I think this began the transforming of the country the way the president had promised. This is what he ran on and if that transformation is socialism, then so be it. That is what the American public "overwhelmingly" voted for.”

It doesn't come any louder or clearer than that. The cat is finally out of the bag.

We now also know that the healthcare bill is not about healthcare, it is indeed a tax, as I said all along. Right out of theNew York times on July 16, 2010; “WASHINGTON — When Congress required most Americans to obtain health insuranceor pay a penalty, Democrats denied that they were creating a new tax. But in court, the Obama administration and its allies now defend the requirement as an exercise of the government’s “power to lay and collect taxes.”

And that power, they say, is even more sweeping than the federal power to regulate interstate commerce.

Administration officials say the tax argument is a linchpin of their legal case in defense of the health care overhaul and its individual mandate, now being challenged in court by more than 20 states and several private organizations.”

Why else would they leave the collection of the money in the capable hands of the IRS. Did you foolishly believe for a minute that all of his smoke and mirror parlor tricks were for your health? If you did then you are indeed a sucker. When he promised you transparency in government, you were just looking in the wrong place for it. It was right in front of your eyes, all you had to do was look in the right direction. He said he was going to change America and he is doing exactly what he said he would do. Meanwhile you were laying on the sofa thinking that everything will work out just fine, surely it won't change things that much. What a bunch of simpletons you are!

So why are you complaining? Now; what options do you have? Do you think that the “Tea Party” is going to stop all of this? Like the Calvary will come charging in with the bugler blowing “CHARGE” and all is going to be okay? You may well be mistaken. Do you honestly think that this congress is going to just turn around in November and repeal all of this? Why would they do that? They have been trying to get this done since the 40's. You fell asleep at the wheel and look what happened. It is truly amazing how incredibly stupid and forgetful that the American public is. It is almost laughable.

In my own state of Georgia a gentleman named Roy Barnes is on the democratic ticket for governor this year. He won the Georgia primary and is their candidate. That doesn't sound to awful unless you take into consideration the facts, that not to long ago, he was elected governor. His nickname was “King-Roy” and he was denied a second term by conservative voters, who were fed up with his lies and taxes, but here he is once again running on the exact same platform. Just as we are talking about cutting back, to balance the state budget, he is talking about putting teachers back to work who were furloughed and the only way to do that is to increase spending. Now look me in the eye and tell me that he isn't planning on raising our taxes to get that little bit of trickery accomplished. If the teachers get together and vote this man back in, after they collectively tossed him out, then I have no sympathy for them. You absolutely, get what you pay for.

Which brings me back to PBO and the “Tea Party”. Good intentions aside, how are they going to change the way the Government conducts business? The house of representatives and the senate have been in power, long enough to circumvent any means of running them out of office. Hell, even when one of them, the likes of Charlie Rangle is caught red handed with his hand in the cookie jar, nothing will happen. There will be an investigation, he will make a deal and he may even resign, but I guarantee you, he will leave with full benefits, the likes of which you and I will never see in our lifetime.

When Obama-Care was passed, they conveniently exempted themselves, their staff and family from it. They have the best healthcare in the world and guess who pays for it. You and I.

The real problem in Washington is the government itself. It is a packaged deal with lots of perks, for those lucky enough to walk the halls as a senator or representative. There is an unlimited amount of money and power at their finger tips. It is like a den of thieves, all of them drunken with their power of office. It is a fraternity. Once in, you are a player. You will never see them overtly slamming another member of their ranks. They may disagree over policy, but that is about all that they will do. They protect each other. Kind of like the “World Wrestling Federation”. The wrestlers put on a great show as they yell at each other and slam their opponent to the canvas, sometimes with real blood in the mix, but at the end of the day, they will go to a club and share a beer or two, with a few laughs about that nights show. Believe me, it is all a show. This is exactly what our congress does. In the end, they are all on the same page, they just represent different party's.

So you have these grandiose ideas that in November, you are going to make a change. Good luck with that. Until the day comes when, honor and integrity return to this nation, I feel that day of redemption will be far away. Many have went to congress with the notion that they are going to make a change for the better. It never happened. Just ask Scott Brown.

What will it take? Somebody with guts. Somebody with determination. Somebody with the will to run the corruption out of our government. I hope that he surfaces soon before it is too late. 

Next time that there is a critical election, get up off of the sofa. Talk about it with your neighbors. Get motivated. VOTE! But, choose your candidate wisely. Never let your guard down or become complacent. Freedom is a very fragile thing. It has to be guarded 24/7. Be a Patriot! 

In retrospect, maybe the “Tea Party” will make our leaders take a closer look at who they are actually screwing: their fellow Americans. Maybe they will feel shame and remorse for their dirty deeds. One can only hope. We may actually be able to rid ourselves of a few bad ones, in November. Who will have the character to stand up to the indoctrination that they are going to be faced with, when they finally get there? What has happened here is a total loss of morality. They ran God off. Now look who is leading the way.

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