Conservative Crusader -
Just Words?
Jayme Evans
Jayme Evans is a veteran of the United States Navy, a student of military and US history, and a freelance conservative columnist. His brutally honest, political commentary is self-published on his website War of Wits, and can also be found on Mr. Evans has also been a guest columnist on WorldNetDaily, writing about legislative, military and veterans issues. 
By Jayme Evans
Published on 04/21/2008

"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them... It's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." - Barack Obama

Barack Obama was a virtual unknown until he gave a keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004. Since then, he has made much of the power of words. He He has made millions writing books. He has hypnotized millions of people on the campaign trail with his speeches about hope and change. 


But the words he used weren't always his own. When attacked by the Clintons as being all talk, his response included plagiarized lines because he felt they were so pivotal to the idea that he was qualified to be president. "Just Words?", I recall he rhetorically asked.  Yes indeed, this is a man who is very familiar with the power of words.

Let's examine some of the more bizarre political statements uttered by candidate Obama of late:

  • He said that if terrorists were operating inside Pakistan and President Musharraf wouldn't act militarily, he would.
  • He said that Jesus' Sermon on the Mount justified gay marriage
  • He said that his support for abortion doesn't make him any less Christian.
  • Out of one side of his mouth, he said that the right of the people to bear arms extended to individuals and not just militias, while out of the other he said that didn't preclude the right of local governments to exercise "common sense" when enacting restrictions, leaving his exact position on the 2nd Amendment in doubt.
  • He said he could no more disavow his pastor than he could disavow his own white grandmother, whom he subsequently threw under the bus by painting her as a bigot.
  • He said the terrorist group Hamas should be isolated, while the terrorists in Iran should be engaged.
  • And during a private San Francisco fundraiser, Obama condescendingly said that small-town Pennsylvanians and mid-westerners in general were "bitter" over lost jobs and "cling" to religion or anti-immigrant sentiment out of frustration.

That's one I'll bet he wishes he could take back.

Besides being overtly patronizing, his comments were just plain wrong. They show that, contrary to what Obama says, he is no different. He is just like any other liberal politician - utilizing class warfare to further his agenda, cloaking his beliefs behind religion and then mocking religion when it suits him.

Americans don't cling to their guns, their God or their border out of fear, frustration or any other emotion.

Americans cling to their guns out of well-founded necessity. Because their guns are the last line of defense between their families and one who would do them harm. They cling to their guns because the government cannot and will not be there to protect them when they need it. In fact, many in the government work tirelessly trying to ensure that only criminals have guns, but primarily, Americans cling to their guns because it is their constitutional right; bestowed upon them by that other security blanket they cling to, their God.

Americans cling to their religion out of faith. The cling to religion because it is the only thing preventing the moral collapse of this entire nation. They look at congress and the moral abyss they have created through their cultural genocide. They look at the Gary Condits, the Larry Craigs, Duke Cunninghams and William Jeffersons and wonder what the hell went wrong. They see religion as the only positive influence in their lives. They see the relentless attack on their religion and their right to express it by elites in the A.C.L.U, the media and in Congress.

American cling to their border because it is OURS. We cling to our border because increasingly our leadership seems intent on dissolving it. We cling to our border because along with our language and our culture, once it disappears, so will America.

  •  Illegal aliens cling to our jobs.
  • Al Gore clings to elitism, junk science and hypocrisy with his proselytizing on global warming; chiding us for our energy usage while consuming 10 times the amount of energy.
  • Hillary Clinton clings to delusions of grandeur, corkscrew landings in combat zones, snipers and the notion that somehow the country would be better under Clinton rule.
  • Barack Obama still clings to his tired slogan of "Change", his pastor and his dubious explanation that had he would have walked out of church had he heard some of the things uttered by Wright.
  • Liberals cling to abortion, your wallet and white guilt.
  • Hippies cling to the group sex, L.S.D, the 1960's and even trees.

So what's wrong with clinging to your God-given constitutional rights?

The bottom line here is that Obama either truly disdains the gun-toting, Bible-thumping unwashed masses that inhabit middle America or he was simply posturing for campaign cash by using them as cannon-fodder in his brand of class warfare. He berates them in the free exercise of their constitutional rights, while asking all of America to believe that when he swears to support and defend that very constitution that he really means it.

Just words?