Conservative Crusader -
J. Grant Swank
Pastor, New Hope Church Graduate: BA and seminary M Div degrees with graduate work at Harvard Divinity School. Author of 5 books and thousands of articles in various Protestant and Catholic magazines, journals, web sites, and newspapers. Writer of religion column for LAKES REGION SUBURBAN NEWS. For more: and Email:  
By J. Grant Swank
Published on 03/5/2006

Six synchronized car bombs exploded. They flew into the Christian presence—Assyrian Christians at worship. Muslims set loose the fire to kill the Jesus followers

One worshiper was slain by the attacks. A Muslim couple living near the church was slain. Nine worshipers were seriously wounded
This is nothing new to these believers.

Six synchronized car bombs exploded. They flew into the Christian presence—Assyrian Christians at worship. Muslims set loose the fire to kill the Jesus followers
One worshiper was slain by the attacks. A Muslim couple living near the church was slain. Nine worshipers were seriously wounded
This is nothing new to these believers.

“To many inside Iraq, there remains an insidious and systematic pattern of attacks designed to, as one resident complained, terrorize, demoralize, and drive out Assyrian Christians.
“For those envisioning a future stable and progressive Iraq, the true litmus test for democracy and pluralism remains the fate of the Assyrians, the indigenous Christian community of Iraq,” reports Assyrian International News Agency (AINA).
Do these Christians retaliate? In no way but by Christ’s love and prayers for their enemies. They know the power of Christ’s compassion against those who do not understand His divine grace and mercy. Therefore, they take pity on the Muslims who are caught in a satanic web of blindness to the eternal truths.

The Islamics want to bring such fear into the Assyrian Christians that more and more believers will exit Iraq completely. Some within the congregation wondered if the fresh anger against Christians was due to the Danish cartoons of Mohammed. Whatever the motive, the bombs go off. People die and are wounded. The living continue to intercede on behalf of their foes and the safety of believers in Christ.
“A group of enraged Muslim students at the University of Mosul attacked Assyrian Christian students. Apparently, several ‘fatwas’ or religious edicts were issued by Islamic militias associated with Islamic religious schools or madrasses against Christians in Iraq.

“During the attacks, Muslim students chanted anti Christian slogans declaring their victims ‘sinners, infidels, and agents of the West.’ According to reports, the attackers also urged the ‘expulsion of the Crusaders and sinners from schools and public institutions.’”
Hate and instilling fear are two favorite instruments used by Muslims in their aim for Islam world rule. “If they only knew the love of Christ, they would put down their swords,” one believer explained.
However, Muslims worldwide are caught up presently in a global rage that wants every non-Muslim extinguished. There is much hope for the world if believers live out the same compassion as the Assyrian Christians. We can learn from them the stability of one abiding in the Holy Spirit’s wisdom.

The Assyrian Christians have endured over many centuries. They have remained faithful to the Word of God. They have prayed when all seemed hopeless; yet their faith is that God is more powerful than Satan. Therefore, they continue to keep the faith strong, teaching it to the next generation.
Mosques are destroyed in Iraq because Muslims attack Muslims and not only non-Muslims; they attack and slay their own. If that is done for supposedly the cause of Allah, it is not a crime but a religious act that rewards the soul.
However, not only are mosques destroyed by Muslims, Christian churches are destroyed by Muslims. However, it is not often that the secular media gives play to the demolition of Christian sanctuaries. More times than not the attention is given to a mosque.
Christians ask Why?
Nevertheless, there are those who have decided to pray for the Allah-worshiping enemies while at the same leaving the country for a safer environs for their families. Therefore, thousands have packed up their belongings and moved elsewhere.
“One activist noted that ‘it must be an embarrassment for the supposedly free and democratic government of Iraq as well as the US Administration that tens of thousands of Christians have chosen safe harbor in Syria of all places.’
“Irrespective of the terrorists' motivation, the net result is a very real threat to the future existence of Christianity in Iraq with accompanying profound reverberations for the region as a whole. Reacting to the deteriorating situation for Christians in Iraq, the World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commission labeled Assyrian Christians ‘endangered,’ stating: ‘As people, groups, and whole communities start to identify by religious affiliation rather than their common Iraqi nationality, the Christian minority find themselves increasingly despised, marginalized and exposed.
“They are endangered, without equality before the (Islamic) law, having no clan networks and retaliation ideology, and lacking security in a lawless Islamic society.”
Yet though under constant fire, they continue their faith in Christ as Savior and Ultimate Master.

Copyright © 2006 by J. Grant Swank, Jr.
"Fight and slay the Unbelievers wherever ye find them. Seize them,beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war."
Qur'an, Sura 9:5
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