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Sher Zieve's Past Articles

279 articles

Obama Hires his Personal Murder Czar and Dems continue to Threaten SCOTUS


published: May 30, 2012


When any country’s leader reaches comprehensive dictator status, he begins either incarcerating or killing off his opponents (aka enemies).  One need only look at the rich and murderous ...

Obama: “2012 is Make or Break for American Marxism”


published: May 12, 2012


Campaigning non-stop since 2008, except for his frequent golfing and vacation adventures, he has never ended his ongoing run for POTUS.  On Saturday 5 May, Obama continued along this course an...

Dictator Obama Issues New Threat to Supreme Court over ObamaCare


published: May 07, 2012


In his latest display of his full USA federal government dictatorship over both the American people and the former co-branches of government, Dictator Obama is warning the Supreme Court to either r...

Barack Hussein Obama is NOT a “Nice Man”


published: April 30, 2012


After what I believe was the “umpteenth” time I’ve heard yet another GOP establishment-type (means they’re on the distinctly liberal side of the Republican leadership) I tho...

One-World Governance Policies begin in New Rochelle, NY


published: April 26, 2012


The revolutionary and Luciferian (he dedicated his book “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer…aka Satan) Saul Alinsky said “"True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radical...

Major Obama Crony-Contributor company to count and manage 2012 US Vote results?


published: April 15, 2012


We seem to have reached the end of the United States of America, folks. At least that is what the Obama syndicate wants us to believe. The time to panic has come and gone and now the great and pl...

USA Under Siege: Congress and Obama Vote in Secret to End Bill of Rights and other Atrocities


published: March 26, 2012


America, we have an enormous problem. And, it’s a quickly expanding one. Fueled by the palpable fear of We-the-People that is now observably apparent from arrogant elected members of both t...

Congress Ignores Obama’s Overt Exec Order and Coup Against US Citizens


published: March 19, 2012


After his effective coup against the United States Congress, in which he, his bought-and-paid-for “General” Dempsey and Communist Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta commanded that said C...

Obama Syndicate‘s Panetta: Congress is no Longer relevant governmental body


published: March 11, 2012


Horrifically, what I wrote and warned about in 2008 (and since then in multiple columns) would happen if Obama was elected has now occurred. On 7 March 2012, backed up by Obama sycophant Joint Chi...

Obama Syndicate Plans Imminent Takeover of USA by Islam and Globalists


published: February 26, 2012


While Congress ignores it (or secretly supports it), the US courts continue to fall one by one towards accepting and utilizing Shari’a law in place of US law and the wholly-owned-by-the-total...

Obama Media begin the Faking of Obama Poll Numbers


published: February 18, 2012


In order to sway the vast majority and growing number of Americans who have finally faced up to the fact that Obama is purposefully trying to destroy the United States of America, the Obama Media h...

Is Speaker Boehner making a deal with the Obama Administration to stop Fast & Furious?


published: February 15, 2012


There is a story quickly spreading on the Internet advising that Speaker of the House John Boehner is making or has already made a deal with the Obama Administration to end Chairman Darrell Issa&rs...;

UPDATE: Obama Georgia Ballot Eligibility Hearing


published: January 30, 2012


There seems to be some confusion regarding what happened after the 26 January Obama-eligibility Georgia ballot hearings conducted in Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi’s court. Part of the re...

Obama and his Syndicate: Some Good (Obama Eligibility Hearing) and some Chillingly Bad News


published: January 29, 2012


First the good news. Yesterday--26 January--I watched live feed of an extraordinary event. The setting was a courtroom in Georgia and the presiding jurist was Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi. ...

Iranian-Born American Writer Amil Imani speaks out against Satanic Islam


published: January 25, 2012


For many years, Amil Imani has stood against the brutal and patently evil onslaught of Islam which continues to attack the population of his former country Iran--and now the world. Early on, Amil ...

Al Garza on the Minutemen, FEMA Camps and who should be our next President


published: January 23, 2012


One of the more extraordinary people of our time is a gentleman by the name of Al Garza. I recently had the distinct pleasure of interviewing this interesting man about what he has done, what he is...

Final Implementation of Obama Dictatorship in Progress on all levels


published: January 08, 2012


I have warned and written about this particular subject for over three years--since before Obama was elected--aka “coronated.“ It is only now that many others finally seem to be gettin...

Obama Announces he can imprison anyone he chooses…IF he chooses to do so


published: January 04, 2012


Obama has just announced--in his own words--that he can detain (imprison) anyone he wants with the new unconstitutional NDAA bill passed by Congress and signed by the now self-proclaimed Dictator-i...

US Not Headed Towards Euro-Socialism…it’s Far Worse than that


published: December 19, 2011


Are you as tired as am I about the talking heads--leftists, RINO and faux conservatives--advising us on an almost daily basis that “If we don’t stop it (presumably the government, Obama...

Iron Curtain begins Descending onto the United States of America


published: December 04, 2011


As Barack Hussein Obama’s real (internal) poll numbers continue to plummet into oblivion, Obama and his increasingly complicit Congress secretly pass laws that will enslave, incarcerate and e...

Obama’s OWS Grows More Violent…Threatens Young Children


published: November 20, 2011


For those of you who continue to tell me the Occupy Wall Street radicals aren’t politically connected with one party, I say balderdash. First, in September ObamaFriend Van Jones told ObamaC...

The Advantages for the Minority Left


published: November 02, 2011


Leftists have a distinct advantage over we who believe in the God-given rights (as identified in the US Constitution) of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Leftists are not constrained by...

ALERT: Final Implementation Phase of Obama Formal Dictatorship has Begun


published: October 25, 2011


We-the-People are being forced into the deadliest phase of the Obama Plan, yet--that of his overwhelming implementation of his US Police State. Obama and his syndicate have now declared the usurpa...

Will the Obama Syndicate Ever be Held Responsible for its Crimes?


published: October 12, 2011


With the exception of Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), no one from the GOP side of the aisle seems to really care about the crimes that have been and continue to be committed by Obama and his syndicate. ...

How Many Times can Congressional Members Fold Like Cheap Suits?


published: September 12, 2011


Derivation:  Cheap suits are normally made of thinner and poorer-quality fabric that expensive ones and they are easier to fold. "Fold" meaning "collapse or give way under press...

Sher  Zieve Articles

Sher Zieve

279 articles
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Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve's op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.



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