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True Tea Partiers Denounce All Racists, Truthers and Conspiracy Crackpots

by: jb williams | published: 03 21, 2010

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There are so many real international socialist affronts to American freedom and prosperity today that Tea Party and Town Hall folks need not drift off into crackpot theories or racial divisions in their search for something to oppose.

Ninety-nine percent of citizens up in arms over the destruction of their nation are good, honest, decent average citizens who have not a racist bone in their bodies. But that is not to say that there are no racists, anti-Semites, 911 Truthers or White Supremacists lurking around the fringes of the patriot movement.

Crackpots are found in every group of any size. Just look at Nancy Pelosi. If we paint all Democrats on the basis of crazy-as-an-outhouse-rat Nancy Pelosi, we'd have to stick all Democrats in a rubber room.

But when Tea Party folks find a crackpot in their midst, they are pretty quick to denounce them, kick them to the curb and move on.

A few weeks ago, patriot organization ResistNet, owned by Republican organization Grassfire, erred in naming a group operating under the names Wag the Dog 2010 and Network America as their "partner" for the precinct strategy.

A few days later, ResistNet National Director Darla Dawald removed those 'partner' links from the ResistNet site stating - "Based on some troubling information that has come to light on Jim Condit and the wagthedog organization we are no longer associated with them. Thanks"

Dawald had become aware of the man behind the "partner" organizations, Jim Condit Jr. from Cincinnati, Ohio.

Immediately upon learning the background on the man behind the precinct front groups, Dawald withdrew partnership between her organizations and Condit, who has an internet full of crackpot conspiracy theories, "Zionist" attacks, Hitler apologies and anti-Semitic rants.

While Condit was promoting a legitimate strategy, via patriotic sounding names, and had even tricked a major patriot group into promoting his front groups, he was really promoting something much less American and it all came to an abrupt end once Dawald found out who and what was behind the patriotic sounding organizations.

The patriot movement is so vast and involves so many citizens across the country that it is all but impossible to keep all crackpots away, until they rear their ugly heads.

The key is denouncing and distancing the minute they rear their ugly heads and Dawald wasted no time distancing her organizations from Condit the minute she became aware of Condit's online antics.

Other than avoiding such missteps to begin with, that's the best anyone can do.

Tea Partiers were accused of "racial slurs" as members of the Congressional Black Caucus were heckled by a gauntlet of Tea Party protesters outside the Capital building, on their way in to vote for socialized medicine.

But video tape of the heckling appears to demonstrate that those members of the Black Caucus lied about those "racial slurs." The heckling was not aimed at their race, but rather at their anti-American agenda of Marxism. Most Tea Partiers know that both the Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Progressive Caucus are legislative arms of the Democratic Socialists of America. It's not too hard to connect the dots after that

It's not the skin color that Tea Party folks oppose, it's the Marxism

Still, in order for the patriot movement to remain purely patriotic, they must carefully distance themselves from any individual or organization that is not purely patriotic at the core.

And then, when ACORN and SEIU members masquerade as Tea Party folks in order to cause trouble, they are easily identified and debunked.

I applaud Darla Dawald's fast action in distancing her organizations from Condit and his front groups. As my dear friend and fellow writer Kelleigh Nelson recently wrote, all patriot organizations must be on the watch for infiltrators and front groups of all sorts.

The patriot movement is on the verge of making history, as the people unify in opposition to the leftists running Washington DC. They must remain vigilant in the effort to keep their movement and organizations purely patriotic, or the movement will be painted with the broad brush of racism, which only applies to an extreme few who are no more welcome in the patriot movement than anywhere else.





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    Nadia S

    Google - Facts not Fairies
    Truth hurts but the energy is not possible to hide for ewer..
    Also youtube- Millitary knows Israel done 911.
    Jewish elite played on Americans big HOAX and blamed on Arabs.

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    GOD said: Don't look to Democrats to identify tea baggers as crack pots. They have their hands filled trying to salvage the mess created by republicans. Besides, you tea baggers are doing a good enough job on your own showing the world that you are nut jobs. Sincerely, God p.s. I'm a Democrat

    Good one Dad!

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    Don't look to Democrats to identify tea baggers as crack pots. They have their hands filled trying to salvage the mess created by republicans. Besides, you tea baggers are doing a good enough job on your own showing the world that you are nut jobs.

    p.s. I'm a Democrat

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    Don't look to Democrats to identify tea baggers as crack pots. They have their hands filled trying to salvage the mess created by republicans. Besides, you tea baggers are doing a good enough job on your own showing the world that you are nut jobs.

    p.s. I'm a Democrat

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    Dick Cheny

    Sorry to say, I lied about everything and the Democrats were right all along. To cover things up, I had to shoot someone in the face, but you just can't conceal the truth. Accordingly, I'm fessing up, which is what MY GAY LESBIAN DAUGHTER asked me to do. Folks, truth is, it's us republicans that are the crack pots, and the tea party is nothing but a place where we all gather together so the Democrats can identify us, and get a good laugh at our moronic and hateful comments. I should have listened TO MY GAY LESBIAN DAUGHTER from the start. But I let greed and power get to my bald white as chalk head. W and I both agree, it's time to pack it in before all us conservatives are sent to the looney bins. Considering just a few thousand of us turned out across the country in what should have been a mass demonstration of power, looks like we've lost. Friends, MY GAY LESBIAN DAUGHTER told me so, but I just wanted a taste of control one more time, even at the expense of destroying America. By the way, did you see what a good job we did of messin' up the country for Obama, and then try to blame him for our errors. He he, pretty funny stuff. But now they're calling us on our transparent tactics. So, if you happen to have A GAY LESBIAN DAUGHTER, listen to her, and same America. Vote Democratic, and through the so called conservative creepy crusader where it belongs, in the garbage. Oh.. please recycle.

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    Tony Testeroni

    I thought tea bagging was something you did with chicks? What is all this political crap? Maybe if you guys tried it, you'd shut the fuck up. Shave your nuts first, because you don't want to cause razor burn. LOL!

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    Sarah Palin

    Oh you guys, would you like some cookies? Come on over and see Russia from my front porch. We'll shoot some Democrats and send all the gays to jail where they will be re-trained to be like us. Pure white, heterosexuals who are so ignorant that we have to spread lies to get ahead. That gosh darn pesky liberal media, with their fact checking and such, just doesn't get it? Well, get your guns out because I'll give you a list of Democrats on my hit list, don't ya know. Go ahead, have another cookie, because only fat assed, hateful, and stupid white folk should be running this country. I should know, I won a silver medal with one the last time we had these election thing-a-ma-jobies. Next time it will be different, because I'm gonna flame the fares of hate with Alaskan crude oil. Then I'll kill an elk and let Katie Couric interview me again, with all her trick questions and all that stuffy stuff she does, don't ya know. Trick me once, shame on me, fool me twice, well then shame on... wait, how does that left wing nut job saying go? I better call W, who loves this country and has done more to fuck it up that anyone. That's the republican, christian, white, god fearing way. Ask any soccer mom, but here, take a cookie before you do, don't ya know.

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    One only needs to look as far as the "conservative crusader" to see all that is wrong with this country. Truly disgusting and shameful propaganda that is doing nothing but dividing the country. Fortunately, most people can see through the hateful right and VOTE DEMOCRATIC!

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    Daniel Toven

    GOD BLESS OBAMA!!!!!!! I will never ever vote republican again because of all the ignorance and hate spewed from the fascist right wing nut job crack pots. You guys are not American, and need to be lined up and shot!

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    Sorry repugnicants, but Nancy Pelosi is not a crack pot, although you sure would like to paint her as one. Speaking of painting, you should look directly at the pig with lip stick, otherwise known as Sarah Pa-in-in-the-ass-lin. Republicans are guaranteed to continue loosing elections if this hateful, ignorant, and incompetent individual dare represent the not so grand ole' party in future elections. If that's the best you filthy repuglicants can do, then LOL, you deserve to be blown away forever, metaphorically speaking that is.

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    If so called "tea party" members denounce crack pots, then why do they embrace Sarah Palin?

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    If so called "tea party" members denounce crack pots, then why do they embrace Sarah Palin?

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    Glad to hear that you denounce the Truthers, JB.

    Both Orly Taitz and Phil Berg are Democrats and 911 truthers. They invented birtherism.

    Now when will you denounce the truthers' "birther" conspiracy theory?

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    Philip G

    I also applaud Darla Dawald's action in distancing her organizations from Condit. But, I would like to say to Darla... Please help National Precinct Alliance help your members get engaged in something tangible and effective. It's time to separate the wheat from the chaff and the legitimate from the illegitimate. Darla... make a legitimate effort to get your members engaged with National Precinct Alliance.

    Get engaged at

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    Thanks JB

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