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Time for the Tea Party to become Tangible

by: jb williams | published: 10 19, 2009

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Like many Americans, I have been encouraged by the average citizens who have taken private time and resources to take a stand for the good ole United States of America, the US Constitution and the founding principles and values of freedom and liberty at Tea Parties and Town Hall meetings.

But like many who have attended these events, disgusted by the overt intentional destruction of our magnificent country by DC elitists, I am deeply troubled by that fact that NOBODY in Washington is listening or reacting to the growing voice of peaceful dissent. When folks refuse to listen, sooner or later, people stop talking.

Early in the Tea Party movement, I wrote about the significant difference between the Boston Tea Party and the Tea Party movement of the 21st century. Namely, that complaining and marching in the 21st century was by no means equal to tossing British Tea in the Boston Harbor and flatly refusing to pay another penny in taxes to a tyrant clearly operating at odds with the American taxpayer.

At the same time however, I believed that the Tea Party movement might one day reach a point in time and power when it could and would become a tangible tool for real pro-American change.

With 20-30 million Americans now fully engaged in that movement, I believe that this day has arrived and that time is of the essence in capitalizing on the power that has grown within the Tea Party and Town Hall movement.


Complaining is one thing. Doing something about it is something quite different. The most common question from readers over the last year is, “We want our country back, what can we do?”

The answer is – alone, almost nothing. But united, almost anything!

The initial purpose of the Tea Party movement was to voice specific widespread grievances with elected politicians, who are bound by the Constitution and their oath of office, to act in the best interests of the people and represent the will of their constituents.

Months of Tea Parties and Town Hall confrontations later, it is clear that nobody in Washington DC cares one whit about what the American people think or want, what the US Constitution says, or how the average American feels about the Marxist full court press coming out of DC today.

That’s in part because the Tea Party effort was not originally designed to deliver tangible results. It was designed under the false pretense that the federal government exists and serves at the pleasure of the people and the states, when in fact, the people and the states now exist and serve at the pleasure of the Fed, at least in the minds of the leftist Chicago cabal now running DC.

Still, the Tea Party movement has succeeded in building a very powerful army of average American taxpayers, informed and motivated to force the kinds of “change” necessary to save this nation from the grip of global Marxists hell-bent upon destroying our nation from within the halls of our runaway federal government.

All three branches of the federal government have been compromised. The Executive Branch is run by an unconstitutional resident of the White House and his 38 (or so) unconstitutional Czars. The Legislative Branch is run by the Democratic Socialists of America via their Congressional Progressive Caucus and the Congressional Black Caucus, both of which were established by DSAUSA, CPUSA and SPUSA.

Last but not least, the Judicial Branch is headed by Obama’s Department of Justice which is currently using taxpayer funds to run interference for the Obama Team defense, instead of upholding the Constitution and providing “equal justice” under the law on behalf of American citizens, free of political bias.

In short, there is no “balance of power” at present as the three branches of the Fed which once held separate powers, have now consolidated their power in a single direct and dangerous affront upon the very individual rights they were established to protect.

As a result, the future of the United States of America rests in the hands of the American citizen, who will have to act at odds with their existing federal government in order to restore the rule of law and a constitutional government, or watch as their nation collapses into third world status.

Before all peaceful solutions are exhausted and only violent revolution remains, it’s time for the Tea Party to become tangible... and time is of the essence!

Making the Tea Party Tangible

For most of our 233 year history, the Republican and Democrat parties functioned with the same destination in mind, Life, Liberty and the individual pursuit of Happiness, and they only debated how to best get there.

That was before the Communist Party USA and Socialist Party USA formed the Democratic Socialists of America for the sole purpose of hijacking the Democrat Party. Today, the DNC is under the full control of the Democratic Socialists of America via their legislative teams in the Congressional Progressive Caucus and Congressional Black Caucus.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party has been allowed to slip leftward as well, as Republican politicians have attempted to pander to so-called “moderates” (aka leftists lite) in an effort to retain some form of political power. This leaves the agenda of the extreme left unchallenged in Washington DC and this cannot continue.

My October 1, column explains how we got here, How Democracy is being used to Destroy our Republic. In my August 13, column, I connected the dots and named names, Democratic Socialists of Congress: Meet the Members.

But most important is the answer to the problem, written about in my June 25, column, What Difference Can One TRUE Patriot Make?

This is where the Tea Party and town hall goers fit into the puzzle...

If the American people are going to take their nation back peacefully, they will need to seize control of the GOP, the same way leftists seized control of the DNC. The notion that we can do this from outside of the political power structure is just a fantasy, a very expensive fantasy.

There are more than 50 third parties in the USA as of this moment, and not one of them has the power to compete head to head with the RNC, much less the internationally funded and controlled DNC.

To challenge the Democratic Socialists of America currently in control of the DNC, American patriots will have to control the RNC/GOP. Fortunately, the Tea Party and Town Hall movements make this very possible today.

Thanks to Republicans like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, the difference between the extreme left DNC and the moderately left RNC are almost indistinguishable today.

As a result, the RNC is on the brink of extinction. This makes the RNC ripe for the taking!

A Simple Mathematical Equation

The left is winning with billions in funding from all over the globe. The American right is losing because they stopped funding a party that was no longer worthy of the people’s investment. McCain barely raised $300 million for his campaign, and most of that was made possible by Sarah Palin. But Obama was able to raise over $1 BILLION for his campaign, not counting another billion or so via Soros 527 groups, and almost half of it came from foreign sources!

The Tea Party and town hall goers have the power to drastically change the game, if they only will.

They do NOT need to form another third political party. But they do need to form something along the lines of a New Tea Party 527 organization through which they can raise money and seize control of the RNC.

It’s a simple mathematical equation. Approximately 2 million American patriots recently descended on Washington DC on 9/12, in the biggest single Tea Party in world history. Each of them spent an average of $500 to be there.

Obama left town to speak to 1400 union members and leftist supporters, not at all interested in what 2 million Americans had to say. The left tried to pull off a 9/13 counter-protest, which failed miserably. Still, nobody in DC or the press paid any attention at all to the 9/12 march, other than to grossly underestimate the number in attendance, and call Tea Party goers “right-wing crackpots and racists.”

If instead of marching in protest, Tea Party members consolidated their power in a real way, raising a lousy $100 from each of the 2 million who attended the 9/12 event, that is $200 MILLION bucks folks and trust me, a two hundred million dollar war chest is enough to put American patriots in the drivers seat of the GOP and RNC.

Most American patriots across the nation were unable to attend the DC 9/12 march. Nobody knows for sure how many Tea Party patriots exist across the country, but it is a whole lot more than the 2 million who were able to take time away from work to attend the DC event.

If there are 5 million patriots nationwide, they could easily raise a half a billion dollars and 10 million American patriots can come up with a BILLION dollar war chest for as little as $100 each. My guess is there are more than 30 million patriots nationwide. Can they each come up with $100?

What could Tea Partiers do with a billion dollar war chest? How fast could they raise $100 from 10 million patriots or more?

They Can Seize Control of the RNC!

With money in the bank, they can begin to set RNC policy. They don’t even have to wait for the 2010 mid-term election cycle to do so. But they can control the outcome of future elections, if they are smart with their money!

The dozens of patriot efforts scattered and divided across the political right all have the same problem. They are all grossly under-funded and therefore, powerless! Remaining fractured will keep all of them unable to raise significant funds. But united...

Before patriots can gain control of their nation, they need to regain control of their party!

The one thing leftists know how to do is consolidate power and move as one in a single direction. Patriots need to borrow from that playbook.

The 527 organization was established by the left to circumvent all campaign finance laws, including McCain-Feingold which was supposed to get all funny-money out of national politics, and the 527 was up and running before the ink was dry on that legislation, rendering all efforts to rein in illegal campaign donations moot, at least for the left.

But these same opportunities exist for the right, and if the pro-American, pro-Constitution “right” wants to take back control of their country, here’s the easiest and most peaceful legal means to do it.

Want your country back? Take your party back first!

I don’t know who started the Tea Party and town hall movement. But they have made it possible to take back control of this country without needing the approval of anyone in Washington DC, if they will simply turn the Tea Party into something tangible.

Have any doubts about that?

American patriots will either act peacefully to regain control of their nation via the GOP, or they will be forced to act in violent revolution to end the unbridled attack on American sovereignty, security and freedom flooding from Washington DC today.

They can peacefully purchase freedom for a $100 each today or pay with their lives later. Take your pick, but choose wisely! I will put up the first $100 if the people running the Tea Party movement are smart enough to make their movement tangible!

If not, I’ll use the $100 to buy more ammo!

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