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Sorry Glenn, But Winning Beats Losing

by: david bozeman | published: 09 28, 2009

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Glenn Beck recently opined that John McCain winning in '08 would have been a disaster worse than the Obama presidency. Far from praising Obama, Beck was suggesting that McCain, unlike our current administration, would not have energized the conservative base, and his likely centrist policies would have divided the American right. Assuming that Obama is merely a run-of-the-mill big-government Democrat, he continued, and doesn't irreversibly transform the US into a North American banana republic, the current administration is just the jolt Americans need to reclaim our founding principles of individual autonomy and the Constitution.

Nations are seldom transformed so quickly and dramatically. Beck originally made his comments to Katie Couric and explained them further on Fox News to Bill O'Reilly. Word had just broken that evening that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, already in fragile health after battling cancer, had been hospitalized after a fainting spell. The following morning brought further announcements that Iran is closer than previously thought to acquiring a nuclear weapon, both items of which put Beck's comments into a more urgent perspective.

His insights -- when examined from a strictly conservative perspective, of course -- offer little comfort to a nation whose government, while not necessarily its people, has veered sharply to the left. It doesn't matter how impassioned conservatives are, President Obama will likely appoint Justice Ginsburg's successor. He will likely name the successor to John Paul Stevens, now 89, appointed over 30 years ago by President Ford. And that's a best-case scenario, assuming he serves just one term.

Therein lies the scope of a president's influence -- judicial appointments, particularly now with the court about evenly divided, could influence this country for generations. Of course, no one can guarantee that Republican-lite John McCain would not have angered his base with a controversial pick, but the man who named Sarah Palin for vice-president would more likely have surrounded himself with Constitutionalists than with the current crop of progressives and reformers reshaping America as we speak.

The conservative movement, in all its unity and reawakened passion, will continue to stage Tea Party and Town Hall protests -- as it should. But Barack Obama will hold the fort against a possibly nuclear Iran, so -- and, again, from a conservative standpoint -- suggesting that a McCain presidency would be a disaster undermines a fundamental ideological tenet: country first. Making the most of political exile is one thing, but pretending that the nation under the stewardship of far leftists is preferable because it galvanizes your movement offers a flimsy and uninspiring perspective on the state of the nation.

Conservatives occasionally decide that a term or two in political exile will make the GOP regroup and refocus. The trouble with that reasoning is that with the Republicans in the woodshed 'learning their lesson,' the country is paying the price. In a single term and even with a diluted health-care reform bill, Obama can radically alter the political landscape. As Mark Steyn has noted, the details matter little. Legislation can be amended and padded later, but once the government has assumed the role of health-care provider, its hold on the citizen is irrevocably tightened. As we have already seen with various entitlements, those dependent on the federal government will invariably support the party that ensures their dependence. Likewise, schoolchildren singing arias to Obama's greatness are future voters, as Democrats at every level -- and in waiting -- are fully aware.

However well energized, the conservative movement must speak not solely on the sins of the Obama presidency but on what is right for the country. Furthermore, enthusiasm not channeled with strategy and focus becomes yesterday's news. Those who value capitalism and limited government need not kid themselves, these are perilous times. Still such values can enjoy a rebirth even by admitting that, for the country, McCain would have been better.



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    John L

    I must agree with Harry here. And I am coming from a Classic 19th Century Liberal POV. McCain would have been a terrible president, and only leave the house and senate in the hands of the Jackasses for g-d knows how long. And the legislature is where the real power resides. This was so well illustrated in the Clinton administration when the Republicans ran the Hill. They tended to keep Bubba honest.

    This requires strategic thinking, not tactical, which David is preaching. Sometimes it is essential to lose a battle in order to win a war. The North Vietnamese can tell us a thing or two about winning strategically. The fact that the Republicans exhibited both gutless and stupid behaviour, should give them the necessary kick in the seat of their pants, that they so rightfully deserve.

    If the Republicans wish to regain the majority, and halt this Progressive/Fascist march toward Collectivism, they Must start practicing that which they preach. And that is "Limited Government", "Lower Taxes", "Frugal Spending", and "Moral Leadership". And it can best be accomplished by not dragging out all that moralistic, bible thumping, anti-abortion, hell-fire and damnation rhetoric. Just preach "Individual Liberty", and the rest will take care of itself. Elections are almost always won by small percentages. Alienating a small percentage of independents who fear the "so called" religious right, can cost elections. This does not mean throwing away morality, but beating one's Fundamentalist Chest is not the way to go here.

    This current setback is a great opportunity to reflect upon missed opportunities, poor choices, tone deaf ears, and concentrating on the principles of the two great presidents of the 20th century: Calvin Coolidige; and Ronald Reagan.

    Only through getting one's teeth knocked loose, can that person know what mistakes were made, and finally start correcting those them. The Republicans, desperately needed this loss, and they Damned well deserved it. So, let's see how they go about 'fixing' things once they finally realize what hit them from behind.

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    Harry B

    I find the arguments posited in this article to be frighteningly nearsighted at best and totally inane at worst. Glenn Beck spoke power to the truth and, in fact, is absolutely correct about how important this grass roots movement is to the future of America. Only that it could have happened 20 years ago!

    As to what is right for the country, I believe a return to a belief in God in all things would be what is best for this country. We simply cannot continue to vote for the lesser of two evils! Evil and evil light are both evil. We must return to individual liberty and responsibility!

    In closing I must state that all conservatives must be on the same page and remain defiant in the face of ridicule and possibly even excoriation. We mustn't back down from certain principals that mark us apart from those that would destroy freedom. Do not take your eye from the prize! Freedom and independence first and foremost.


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