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Social Justice pastors, your chickens will come home to roost

by: marie jon | published: 05 28, 2010

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"For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it begins at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?"1 Peter 4:17

When clergy knowingly become involved in an unscriptural heresy called Social Justice, they have sinned against God. It does not matter what denomination is tainted by this false theology, the results will be the same. The Bible says there will be a falling away from God's truth, which many believe is taking place now:

"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition" (2 Thessalonians 2:3).

Worldly-minded ministers who get caught up in this "progressive" movement do so for many reasons, including power and political gain. They knowingly misrepresent the Word, and do not appropriately tend their congregations. Among other things, they're intentionally obsessing their parishioners with Mother Earth (environmentalism).

"I am come that they might have life"

God sent His Son to save the human race from sin. He died so we could have life eternal with Him. The Lord will destroy the world someday and present to His family a new heaven and a new earth. Sin will be vanquished and never be allowed to rise again.

The scriptures beautifully portray the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, in which old things pass away. Revelation 1:7 reads: "Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him." And in Revelation 21:4, we catch a glimpse of God's plan for our new future: "There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." The very thought expressed in the verse is comforting and extremely powerful.

The full text says,

"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." (Revelation 21: 1-4)

Unfortunately, progressive pastors are not interested in being about their Father's business of saving souls for Christ's sake. They appear to have their feet firmly planted in the here and now. They are very content to let big government dole out "social justice" and provide greenhouse churches to worship in complete with solar panels and all. Such slothful and unconsecrated frauds will eventually stand before the Great White Throne of God and answer to the Almighty for leading others astray and not teaching the everlasting gospel.

The unrepentant pastors will find that their chickens have come home to roost. They'll reap what they have sown: "For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch" (Malachi 4:1).

The gospel of Karl

There are false pastors embedded within America's churches who want to destroy the gospel of Christ and replace it with Marxism. The deceivers are not afraid of the wrath of the Lord. They do not believe in the God of the Bible. They are pandering a scheme that involves big government programs and a myriad of things that have nothing to do with the command to finish up the work and the preaching of the Good News.

God's relationship with man is one of love. He wishes for us to obey Him freely through love. The Almighty gave mankind the gift of free will and the knowledge of how Christians should relate to each other, including the poor.

Americans are good and generous people who have always risen up to meet the needs of the poor. We also entrust our churches with our tithes and offerings. We give freely of our time and money to charitable organizations. The Bible does not mention one word about forced redistribution of wealth, or intrusive government programs for bringing about coercive "social justice."

Charity is a desirable human tendency that comes from our relationship with our Lord. It's an action God never forces. God "loves a cheerful giver." However, the Obama administration has enticed some well-known denominations with "pay for play." Become a lover of the Green Earth and your church will receive special favors.

Unconstitutional maneuvering

Our government plans to bypass Congress through administrative edicts of the EPA. And if your church embraces climate change — well, let's say good things will happen. At the peril of the entire country, progressive churches will promote Cap and Trade. Yes, Democrats want Christians and others faiths to become titillated about saving the globe.

I guess these same misguided Christians have forgotten that, in the Garden of Eden, God cursed the earth. It's a tragic true story of human disobedience — the lack of respect and adherence to God's Word.

While all this clever chicanery is going on, Christians are to be led by God's Holy Spirit. We're to live a righteous life — to be set apart. We are not to engage in the sinful activities that this fallen world promotes, nor are we to retain a corrupt mind that this world has helped to create. Rather, we are to conform ourselves to the mind and will of Jesus Christ (Romans 12:1-2). We must be a living testament of joy in all our daily activities and personal commitments.

All believers need to understand their role in the world. We are the children of light. We're not to be led by those who try to bring us into bondage and spiritual darkness. Christians are to live in such a way that those outside the faith see our good deeds and know that there is something special about us. While holding on to God's saving grace, we're to make every effort to live Christlike before those who do not know the Lord. Otherwise, we do Him a great disservice. By our example, non-believers will see fulfillment of Christ's admonition that "by their fruits you shall know them."

Enjoy the beautiful things that God has laid before us. Nature is breathtaking. Worship Him — but never His creation.

Excerpts from Erik Rush

Recently, writer Erik Rush addressed the growing movement of progressive socialists among those professing Christianity. Below are excerpts from his article "The apostasy of 'social justice Christians'":

"Revelations concerning people who call themselves 'social justice Christians' have recently become a cause célèbre among conservative commentators. Initially, I was disinclined to tackle the subject, since there have been several worthwhile articles and programs addressing it as of late. However, since the phenomenon so closely resembles another upon which I have expounded with regularity, I reasoned that some elucidation thereupon would be accommodating to civic-minded Americans.

"'Social justice Christians' are those who profess Christianity, but who adhere to politically entrenched concepts of equality and redistribution of wealth. These ideas are ostensibly rooted in their faith, but in truth, they have been incrementally and insidiously insinuated into many American churches by Marxists, progressive politicians, and pastors whose religion has been tainted by the aforementioned parties.

"How can this be? Well, through the misrepresentation of Gospel messages in the areas of charity and egalitarianism, such Christians have been led to believe that:

  • Government has a right to enforce religious doctrines (such as those of charity and egalitarianism); and
  • Jesus Christ, as a threat to the existing paradigm, was the "first radical" and essentially commanded this in His teachings.

"A preposterous extrapolation, to be sure, but that's what they espouse. And of course, government only has the right to enforce the religious doctrines of which these folks and their leaders happen to approve.

"Organizations such as the Sojourners (founded by communist 'reverend' Jim Wallis) and other SJC entities have been flexing their collective muscle since the election of Barack Obama as president. Most recently, a public service announcement campaign led by the Hollywood Adventist Church (don't laugh; this is serious stuff) via New Name Pictures and entitled "I'm a Social Justice Christian" hit the Web, provoking the condemnation of those who, well, see social justice Christianity for what it is.

"Why do I bring this up now — other than because social justice groups have been flexing that muscle lately? Because the methodology in play is precisely how the left corrupted the black community — through their pastors and their churches. In the 1960s, the church was still the bulwark of the black community. Marxists subverted black pastors, then interwove their (social justice) dogma into the Gospel.

"It is the same creed that destroyed black families and the character of black Americans; now, the political left is mobilizing deluded Christians in the general population to do their malevolent bidding. President Obama's "organizers" are capitalizing on the raw sensitivities of a largely white middle-class subgroup that has been browbeaten with charges of racism for years.

"According to SJ Christians, in addition to oppressing minorities (though it remains a mystery as to precisely how), we are destroying the planet; these issues must be addressed decisively and with all due speed — by the federal government. First, it was necessary to advance the notion that the Earth's atmosphere was going to flash off into space imminently, hence the climate-change fear-mongering.

"In addition to the discredited (and therefore dubious) evidence supporting climate-change theory, adherents to "environmental justice" wholly ignore the fact that we have managed to engineer automobiles that are exponentially more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly than those produced in the 1970s, when the last environmental panic occurred. American industry has done likewise across the board, and environmental consciousness and our sense of stewardship of the Earth is at record levels across the political spectrum inAmerica." Full Article

Corruption from within

When Christians become aware that their own denominations have been infiltrated by progressives, they'll probably not get very far contacting the church's conference offices or hierarchy. Those in charge are most likely involved and will simply turn a deaf ear.

Most of Christendom will worsen as liberal ideas — such as same sex marriage, global warming, and evolution — continue to creep into the church.

When godly people of faith see the changes taking place, it's time to leave and start afresh in a church where the Word is not being compromised. I'm afraid there will be very few places where a soul can find refuge, yet God will always have a people who will hear His voice.

Remember that biblically-sound Evangelicals have always presented the truth of the seven-day creation story that is found in the book of Genesis. Why? Because it is scriptural. Yet the progressives have managed to increase their numbers by touting evolution in places where it previously had never been taught, including privately-owned Christian universities and other learning institutions.

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Genesis 1:1)

And as President Barack Obama proceeds to purposely destroy America, he wants to create a new paradigm that will eventually diminish Christianity, so our country can continue down the path of secularism, along with a thrashed interpretation of our Constitution.

Return to Christ

Take out your Bibles. Read them. Know who Jesus Christ is. Only then can we defend the faith by knowing the truth and holding it up against and defeating the counterfeit.

Our nation is being taken apart, inside out, by radical forces who abuse their powers. Obama and his Democrat cronies are seeking to destroy America and then rebuild it in their own image. The president has ignored the will of the people, and has forced upon every citizen an insidious socialized healthcare plan. Yet Social Justice Christians stood by his side, aware of the ugly outcome of his actions.

Resolve now to vote them out of office. Let us begin humbly but boldly, as we move ever forward. We will take back the country, a nation founded upon Judeo-Christian beliefs.

Marie's Choice Song: YouTube — Make Me A Servant — Maranatha Singers

Related Readings:

American Thinker: What Exactly Is 'Social Justice'?

American Thinker: The Ugly Side of Social Justice



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    Stephen B.

    and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. Isaiah 58:10

    If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother. Deuteronomy 15:7

    If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? 1 John 3:17

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