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Right-Wing Malaise

by: david bozeman | published: 04 20, 2011

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First, what has happened to Ann Coulter? Once the harridan of liberal nightmares (and still a fearless writer), the popular TV pundit now regularly dismantles the claims of the so-called birthers and then breathlessly for- tells how, unless New Jersey governor Chris Christie enters the presidential race, the GOP is almost surely doomed (anyone catch April 11th's Hannity?).

Her claim that the birther controversy is largely a liberal invention mean to discredit conservatives as kooks belies the fact that she is at least helping to fan the flames (since 2009). Last year, a well-publicized feud between her and WorldNetDaily founder Joseph Farah erupted over her decision to headline Homocon, a gay conservative gathering, and Farah's subsequent rescinding of her invitation to a 'Taking Back America' conference. In her public response, Coulter remarked that Farah and WND cared little about conservatism and cited their regular articles about (here we go again) Obama's birth certificate, which she claims are generated for hits to their website.

Enough, Ann, your 55th public pronouncement convinced us. As for Christie, he may well represent the GOP's future (and he deserves kudos for his take-no-prisoners approach to his state's special interests), but Coulter's desperate pleas for his presence in the 2012 race are almost embarrassing to watch. Christie, by the way, remains soft on the Second Amendment and immigration reform, he has stayed neutral on the Ground Zero Mosque controversy and Obamacare and has campaigned for numerous RINOs (including Mike Castle over Christine O'Donnell), which makes Coulter's support all the more perplexing.

Or maybe not. Conservatives are like the desperate, loveless wallflower who vows to go out with the first man who asks her. Yet they so want a nominee who is not merely 'next in line' (remember John McCain and Bob Dole?) that anyone who is not Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee or Newt Gingrich is at once the GOP version of Barack Obama.

But it is not merely the lack of a clear frontrunner that demoralizes the base but also the edicts of such 'experts' as George Will that conservatives Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann are unelectable because it is independents who will decide the election. We've heard it all before, code language for 'Conservatives, scale back you agenda and temper your rhetoric.'

So, we are left with whom? The right side of the aisle is littered with the remains of the next 'Great Right Hope.' The hard-working,charismatic Scott Brown of Massachusetts, for instance, once considered a potential contender, has fallen so far from grace (for veering left, particularly in supporting the START treaty) that the National Republican Trust, which spent nearly $100,000 on his behalf, has actually requested a refund or at least an equivalent donation to charity.

Conservatives are looking too hard for a budget hawk. It is not merely a fiscal crisis that afflicts America but a crisis in confidence, as well. We have been told for too long that the 21st Century belongs to communist China, that the most productive among us spend too much and pay too little (in taxes). Our SUVs and light bulbs are a blight on the environment, while culture and academia remind us that our history and values are no better, and in some case are worse, than anybody else's. Conviction has ceded to the mantra of 'Who are we to judge?'. Ronald Reagan spoke not just to the malaise of the Carter years but to the greatness of the American people. Americans, including the 9% unemployed, are starving for bold, pro-America, can-do leadership. He or she may step forward if given a nudge, but the call must come from the people and not the professional know-it-alls and talking heads who are often the true malaise on the spirit of our political life.

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