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Obama Supporters are Shocked, Shocked, I Tell

by: selwyn duke | published: 01 13, 2013

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My mother always used to say “Life is the best teacher.” Sure is — and sometimes it smacks you right upside the head. It appears this has happened with Barack Obama supporters now witnessing their paychecks shrink in the wake of tax increases. And they’re none too happy. In fact, they’re shocked.

Shocked, I tell you.

Providing examples of this liberal anger and angst, Joseph Curl writes:

“What happened that my Social Security withholding’s in my paycheck just went up?” a poster wrote on the liberal site “My paycheck just went down by an amount that I don’t feel comfortable with. I guarantee this decrease is gonna’ hurt me more than the increase in income taxes will hurt those making over 400 grand. What happened?”

Well, pal, I’ll explain it. George Bush has found a way to control Obama’s mind, sort of like a zombie. I mean, you don’t think the great orator’s mouth makes all the mistakes it does (off Teleprompter) because it’s actually controlled by the great orator’s brain now, do you?

Curl continues:

The Twittersphere was even funnier.

“Really, how am I ever supposed to pay off my student loans if my already small paycheck keeps getting smaller? Help a sister out, Obama,” wrote “Meet Virginia.” “Nancy Thongkham” was much more furious. “F***ing Obama! F*** you! This taking out more taxes s*** better f***ing help me out!! Very upset to see my paycheck less today!”

How can you pay off loans with smaller paychecks, Virginia? Ask Nancy; she sounds like a real intellectual.

Curl again:

“_Alex™” sounded bummed. “Obama I did not vote for you so you can take away alot of money from my checks.” Christian Dixon seemed crestfallen. “I’m starting to regret voting for Obama.” But “Dave” got his dander up over the tax hike: “Obama is the biggest f***ing liar in the world. Why the f*** did I vote for him”?

I could explain why, Dave — very clearly. But I don’t use the kind of language you do. So I’ll just say, my good man, that you’re what they now call a “low-information voter.” And you and your comrades have given us a low-information president.

Curl mentions that more is yet to come, when other Obamabots get their first paychecks on the 15th. I’ll add that even this is just the tip of the iceberg. Wait till they feel the full bite of ObamaCare and whatever else is coming down the pike.

Well, as the old Dutch proverb goes, “We grow too soon old and too late smart.”

Then again, sometimes the age shows up without the smarts.

Curl tells us that many liberal posters are blaming these tax hikes on Bush. This is no surprise. I’m telling you, some of these people’s epitaph will read, “It’s Bush’s fault.”



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    Notice how all these comments by these outraged liberals focus on "ME"...what will this do for "ME", "why is MY paycheck smaller", ME ME ME ME ME! Yet liberals are supposed to be so enlightened and "care for others" so much. I guess it didn't matter when 0bamacare caused health insurance costs to go up, and also effected those of us in the healthcare industry, many of who saw their pay frozen or cut over the last year in anticipation of what is to come.

    To tell you the truth, as a true conservative, I wanted us to go off the fiscal cliff because I knew that would be the only way there would ever be any spending cuts. I knew it would hurt ME financially, but I think it would have been good for America as a whole, in the long run.

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