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Obama's Socialist Agenda Places Freedom Of Speech In Jeopardy

by: bruce nix | published: 04 07, 2010

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“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The first amendment of the Constitution of the United States ratified on December 15, 1791. One of the ten bill of rights. Noticeably, the very first one. Deemed as absolutely one of the most important aspects of a free society and maintaining it. Without freedom of speech we are all slaves to our government. If we do not have the right to speak out or assemble freely, then freedom is lost.

Every dictator that has ever tried or succeeded in taking control of its people and their assets did so by first taking away freedom of speech and controlling the news media. Hitler's Third Reich excelled in state-run media and propaganda. Stalin used the media to further his brutal regime. Throughout history, there is a multitude of instances where people were enslaved, by first making it illegal to speak out against the ruling party. It is a tried and proven formula.

Our founding father's were very well aware of the power of free speech and chose to place this idea as first on the list of freedoms guaranteed by our constitution. These freedoms were fought for and sacrificed with blood, by the first patriots that helped to form this country that we now know as the United States of America. Freedom of speech is the most cherished of our basic rights. In this country we have had the privilege to speak out in public about our own government. Even those that denounce us have that same right, much to our own chagrin. Even so, it is what makes this country so exceptional in the world arena.

Our countrymen have fought for and died to preserve this right for you and I. It is not to be taken lightly. Freedom is a fleeting thing. It can be taken away from you right in front of your very nose. Hugo Chavez is right at this very moment using this tactic to turn Venezuela into a Marxist society. He has closed down much of the public media and imprisoned some of the owners for their anti-government press. He has authorized his puppet government to take control of public business's and taken over their assets. He is aligning his government with other communist country's like Cuba, China and the former Soviet Union, which looks as if it is headed back to its old communist regime.

This is happening at a time in history when we have the internet with all of its mass media and information available at the push of a button instantaneously. One would think it inconceivable that this sort of Marxist takeover could even occur with the knowledge available to the people of the world, but it happens even so. A figure in history; Jim Jones of the infamous Jonestown massacre, had a sign placed prominently over his pulpit that read; “Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.” This is the absolute truth.

The liberal news media in this country has been attempting to sway the public opinion of the Obama administration from day one and is singularly responsible for the outcome of the last election and since the passage of the health care reform bill, they have started a constant stream of propaganda aimed squarely at the opposition to this administration and the current Congress that pushed this bill through without the support of the majority.

Legislation is currently being proposed by Congress that would reinstate a federal communications policy known as the "fairness doctrine." This legislation is a rehash of a bill first proposed in 1949 and is called; the "Fairness in Broadcasting Act of 1993. At first glance, it's purpose is to equalize topics of discussion, to give a balanced presentation of conflicting news stories on radio and news broadcasts. It appears to have a sinister side as well. If enacted, it gives the FCC bureaucrats unprecedented power to control what can be said on the air waves. This is a dangerous step towards censorship and controlling the press by the federal government.

The Tea Party movement has now been targeted by the left, as a radical group and the left has been quoted as saying that they may be encouraging extremists. The recent coordinated crack down by the FBI on the Christian Militia group in Michigan, who are accused of plotting to undermine the federal government, has been blown all out of proportion by the mainstream news media in an apparent attempt to associate anyone speaking out against the Obama administration's agenda with a small group of people who are extremists, thus trying to minimize the role of the Tea Party movement in the upcoming midterm elections. Even from day one, the right has been associated with violence and “Brown Shirts.” This from Speaker Pelosi herself.

Obama recently said that the protesters were mostly “birthers” and people who think he is a socialist. The state-run news media plays right along with his ideology. Now we are deemed as; racist-haters. The power of the press is very obvious and if you can control it, you are in a position to control what people think and substitute your own doctrine.

Recently, Obama said publicly, that radio talk shows like Rush Limbaugh and Shaun Hannity, need to tone down the rancor about his policies. Is this now the agenda of this administration, to curtail freedom of speech? These are indeed scary times for the very last bastion of freedom on this planet.

Clearly the majority of American people have come to their senses and realized what is going on. The very fabric of liberty has been torn. The Constitution of the United States has been assaulted by this administration and we as a people need to stand up against this attack on our freedom before it is too late.



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    Danny Strand

    The title itself makes me giggle. Obama's as much a socialist as I'm the emperor of Japan. He's one of the most right-wing members of the Democratic Party, which itself is right-wing authoritarian. The only difference between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, is that Reps are Moralists and Dems are Pluralists. The -ONLY- difference.

    Socialism is far further left than Obama's right-wing agenda. Even Finland, Denmark, Sweden and other Scandinavian Social Democracies are actually right-wing, even though they may seem left-wing. Why do people think Obama's a left-winger? He's not a moralist conservative, but an authoritarian conservative. Moralist Conservatives(Reps) wish to regulate the female body, regulate marriage laws. Authoritarian Conservatives(Dems) wish to keep corporations private, fund military, yadyada.

    The most Left-wing president USA's ever had, is Teddy Roosevelt of the Republican Party and the Progressive Party. He regulated the US markets, took personhood from corporations and gave Workers the rights they needed.

    Last, Marxism. Do you have ANY idea what Marxism is? If you don't shut up please, Joe M.

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    DrBokaLokaDoka said: You people have almost no idea what tge heck you're talking about. Stop sipping on the Glenn beck Tea and leave the Party. I love how you try to try to accuse Obama of starting a military regime to basically have qt his dipisol for the hostile take over the U.S; comprable to China or Cuba. Yet Chiney did have such a thing and used them frequently the 8 years he was VP. How would the Diclose act have strangled information and hindered bloggers? are you a multi million dollar organization donating thousands to political campaigns that would have to report how much you gave in donations!? You people are so ignorant its almost sickening. I don't care if you like Obama or not. To each their own, but atleast get your head oht your ass and get correct facts to bash the guy with! But no, you type out your mendacious statements and only look like fools. My real question is why are you so worried about the president anyway? He's really yet to do any thing horrible or anything great. He hasn't been busted with an intern or cocain. If you put half as much time into asking your elected officials why the public schools in your community are turning out low scores, why teachers are under paid and over worked, why the streets have so many holes. If you put in the time that you do with this stupid blog bitching about how yiu don't like Obama because he's prigressive, I mean an evil dictator hell bent on ruining this already in shambles country. You woukd see real change, reao things in your community happening! Whens the last time you went to a town hall meeting? or organized the people in your community to write an email to your local representatives expressing your concern about the quality of living or education and what THEY plan to do to fix it. My guess you haven't done jack shit to help anyone, or make a real difference for yourself or the people around you. So please, go back to your Obasher blog and continue living your mediocre life. Where all you do is bitch and moan about trivial bullshit but wont do anything to help or change the situation. Sincerely, An Independent.

    Please excuse tge grammatical errors and misspelling. Auto correct is a horrible invention.

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    You people have almost no idea what tge heck you're talking about. Stop sipping on the Glenn beck Tea and leave the Party. I love how you try to try to accuse Obama of starting a military regime to basically have qt his dipisol for the hostile take over the U.S; comprable to China or Cuba. Yet Chiney did have such a thing and used them frequently the 8 years he was VP.

    How would the Diclose act have strangled information and hindered bloggers? are you a multi million dollar organization donating thousands to political campaigns that would have to report how much you gave in donations!?

    You people are so ignorant its almost sickening. I don't care if you like Obama or not. To each their own, but atleast get your head oht your ass and get correct facts to bash the guy with!

    But no, you type out your mendacious statements and only look like fools. My real question is why are you so worried about the president anyway? He's really yet to do any thing horrible or anything great. He hasn't been busted with an intern or cocain.

    If you put half as much time into asking your elected officials why the public schools in your community are turning out low scores, why teachers are under paid and over worked, why the streets have so many holes. If you put in the time that you do with this stupid blog bitching about how yiu don't like Obama because he's prigressive, I mean an evil dictator hell bent on ruining this already in shambles country. You woukd see real change, reao things in your community happening!

    Whens the last time you went to a town hall meeting? or organized the people in your community to write an email to your local representatives expressing your concern about the quality of living or education and what THEY plan to do to fix it.

    My guess you haven't done jack shit to help anyone, or make a real difference for yourself or the people around you. So please, go back to your Obasher blog and continue living your mediocre life. Where all you do is bitch and moan about trivial bullshit but wont do anything to help or change the situation.

    An Independent.

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    Ross Wolf

    Could Obama Be America’s First Defacto President?

    Innocent Americans increasingly are sent to prison based on false evidence manufactured by police forensic crime labs. Now President Obama wants the power to incarcerate U.S. Citizens not on evidence, but for what they might do.

    Compare: Two days after the 1933 burning of Germany’s Parliament Building, blamed on communists, Hitler responded with a powerful speech before Parliament. Hitler asked Parliament to suspend sections of the Reich Constitution that protected Citizens’ Rights and Civil Liberties. Hitler said the suspension was necessary so government could protect the homeland from being destroyed by communists. Hitler promised Parliament the Constitution would later be restored. After Parliament passed Hitler’s Discriminatory Decrees and Hitler signed it February 28, 1933, Hitler immediately used the news laws to abolished Parliament. See Hitler’s 1933 Discriminatory Laws below:

    Obama gave a speech in May 2010, that proposed incarcerating in indefinite prolonged detention without evidence, any person government deemed a “combatant” or likely to engage in a violent act in the future; that would include U.S. Citizens “without evidence of wrongdoing.” With that amount power Obama like Hitler could arrest members of Congress, drag U.S. Citizens off the street and from their homes to be imprisoned indefinitely based only on Government’s claim they are a “combatant” or likely to engage in a violent act in the future.

    If Congress approves Obama’s categories of people likely to engage in violent acts, overnight millions of lawful U.S. activists could be subject to arrest, Indefinite Prolonged Detention. When you examine Obama’s speech, it appears Obama wants retroactive power to incarcerate anyone government claims (prior) supported violent acts on the premise that person is likely to support violent acts in the future: U.S. activists would be extremely vulnerable because no activist can control what another activist or group might do illegally they network with domestically or overseas. Government would only have to allege a person; group or organization might commit a violent act in the future to order Preventative Detention of lawful participants with no evidence whatsoever. Americans would be afraid to speak out. See: Obama Sound-Video

    It is foreseeable any “individual” who writes on the Internet or verbally express an opinion against or entity of U.S. Government or its coalition partners could be deemed by authorities a “Combatant” or likely to engage in or cause violent acts: government too easily could claim an author’s writings inspired people in the past and will in the future to commit or support violent acts. It is problematic that indefinitely detained U.S. Citizens not involved in terrorism or hostile activities, not given Miranda Warnings or allowed legal counsel; interrogated, will be prosecuted for ordinary crimes because of their alleged admissions while held in indefinite Prolonged Detention. Obama wants the power to override the U.S. Constitution. Obama wants the power to detain indefinitely any American without probable cause or evidence, based on conjecture someone might do something violent in the future.

    Obama similar to Hitler is centralizing power in the federal Government by getting passed legislation the U.S. government could potentially use to intimidate and threaten corporations among others. Hitler got passed similar laws shortly before the burning of the German Parliament building blamed on the communists. Immediately after the fire, Hitler used his new laws to coerce corporations and influential Citizens to support passage of fascist legislation that suspended provisions of the German Constitution that protected Citizens’ freedoms and civil liberties. Obama is now approaching a position where he can use similar new laws, including the Patriot Act and 200 asset forfeiture laws to seize any corporation or individual’s assets; and force U.S. corporations and other institutions like Hitler did to support legislation that threatens or curtails rights of Americans.

    More recently Obama has moved forward to crush Free Speech, silence his critics by pushing passage of HR 5175: this abomination will choke the 1st Amendment, denying the right of free speech to ordinary Americans. Under Title II: groups like Gun Owners of America and other groups including bloggers that only mention “public officials” within 60 days of an election, could be required to file onerous disclosures–and potentially have to disclose their membership lists—despite the Supreme Court ruling in NAACP v. Alabama that held membership lists like those of GOA's) are off limits to government control. Is Obama’s support of HR 5175 similar to what Hitler did to shut up his critics? In the run up to Parliament passing his police state laws including the 1933 Discriminatory Decrees that abolished Citizen’s Free Speech, Hitler employed thugs to beat up reporters, arrest anyone who had courage to criticize the Fuhrer or his Nazi government or expose introduced legislation. Is Obama by supporting HR 5175 to shut up his critics, trying to take America to the same place?

    Alarmingly the Obama Government recently employed a vendor to search Internet social networking sites to collect information about Americans that could potentially be used by this government to injure Americans, for example, if you apply for a federal job, your name might be crossed referenced by the Obama Government with comments you made at Websites against Obama; or if you make application at a bank for a loan the Government has control since the financial crisis, could your Internet comment(s) prevent you getting that loan? Obama’s monitoring of the Internet sites can too easily be used by Government to intimidate Citizens from speaking out. Obama Top CZAR Cass Sunstein prepared a 2008 paper that proposed spying on Americans, infiltrating groups and organizations to obstruct Free Speech, disrupt the exchange of ideas and disseminate false information to neutralize Americans that might question government. See:
    To hear Obama proposing Indefinite Detention without evidence, access sound video at following web address:

    See Hitler’s 1933 Nazi Laws below:


    Note: Based on translations by State Department, National Socialism, 1942 PP. 215-17, and Pollak, J.K., and Heneman, H.J., The Hitler Decrees, (1934), pp. 10-11.7

    In virtue of Section 48 (2) of the German Constitution, the following is decreed as a defensive measure against Communist acts of Violence, endangering the state:

    Section 1
    Sections 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124, and 153 of the Constitution of the German Reich are suspended until further notice. Thus, restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press, on the right of assembly and the right of association, and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic, and telephonic communications, and warrants for house-searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.

    Section 2
    If in a state the measures necessary for the restoration of public security and order are not taken, the Reich Government may temporarily take over the powers of the highest state authority.

    Section 4
    Whoever provokes, or appeals for or incites to the disobedience of the orders given out by the supreme state authorities or the authorities subject to then for the execution of this decree, or the orders given by the Reich Government according to Section 2, is punishable—insofar as the deed, is not covered by the decree with more severe punishment and with imprisonment of not less that one month, or with a fine from 150 up to 15,000 Reichsmarks.

    Whoever endangers human life by violating Section 1, is to be punished by sentence to a penitentiary, under mitigating circumstances with imprisonment of not less than six months and, when violation causes the death of a person, with death, under mitigating circumstances with a penitentiary sentence of not less that two years. In addition the sentence my include confiscation of property.

    Whoever provokes an inciter to or act contrary to public welfare is to be punished with a penitentiary sentence, under mitigating circumstances, with imprisonment of not less than three months.

    Section 5
    The crimes which under the Criminal Code are punishable with penitentiary for life are to be punished with death: i.e., in Sections 81 (high treason), 229 (poisoning), 306 (arson), 311 (explosion), 312 (floods), 315, paragraph 2 (damage to railroad properties, 324 (general poisoning).

    Insofar as a more severe punishment has not been previously provided for, the following are punishable with death or with life imprisonment or with imprisonment not to exceed 15 years:

    1. Anyone who undertakes to kill the Reich President or a member or a commissioner of the Reich Government or of a state government, or provokes to such a killing, or agrees to commit it, or accepts such an offer, or conspires with another for such a murder;

    2. Anyone who under Section 115 (2) of the Criminal Code (serious rioting) or of Section 125 (2) of the Criminal Code (serious disturbance of the peace) commits the act with arms or cooperates consciously and intentionally with an armed person;

    3. Anyone who commits a kidnapping under Section 239 of the Criminal with the intention of making use of the kidnapped person as a hostage in the political struggle.

    Section 6
    This decree enters in force on the day of its promulgation.

    Reich President
    Reich Chancellor
    Reich Minister of the Interior
    Reich Minister of Justice

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    Ross Wolf

    Who Would You Trust More Running America The Next Two Years—Obama Or A Quasi Civilian/U.S. Military Government?

    The Neomarxist behind the Obama/FTC intend to drown out the voice of America with Obama/Marxist propaganda, enforcing new regulations that will cripple bloggers and other alternative media from disseminating information that grass-roots among other organizations depend on to make informed decisions. Obama’s support of the DISCLOSE Act confirmed what many Americans already believed; that Obama and certain Democrats in Congress intend to strangle the flow of information. If Obama and his leftists associations get their way, our Children will be brainwashed by Obama’s one-sided propaganda at school, through Obama controlled Radio, TV and Obama media policies that restrict the free flow of information. Historically when communists attempt or take over a country, one of their first steps is to control the media and all forms of public communications to control Civilian populations. When Russia took over Hungary, it immediately took control of the Radio stations to thwart Citizen resistance and to psychologically control the People. Considering the Obama administration’s obsession with controlling all media, one might ask, are some of the same persons inside and outside U.S. Government working with the Obama administration to push the Disclose Act and other censorship regulations, involved in causes that promulgate overthrow of the United States? While some in the Obama Government say they support dismantling capitalism, brick by brick, does their endgame call for destruction of the United States? If it does, what should Americans do to stop it? Does the Obama administration’s proposed censorship of information threaten National Security? In other countries where members of political parties and ideological extremists attempted or succeeded in this kind of forced censorship, forbidding Citizens to receive information, they have been arrested for treason among and other crimes. The Obama administration appears intended to curtail Americans’ right to know, restrict American’s right to communicate via the Internet and the Obama administration admits they want to pay writers in newspapers and other media to covertly propagandize their point of view. Is this not treason? Top CZAR Cass Sunstein prepared a 2008 paper that proposed spying on Americans, infiltrating groups and organizations to obstruct Free Speech, disrupt the exchange of ideas and disseminate false information to neutralize Americans that might question government.

    The majority of Americans oppose military governments. But increasingly during the last six months, more Americans quietly state they would trust the U.S. Military running U.S. Government temporarily over the extremists in Obama’s government; that they would support a quasi-military form of government temporarily provided their civil and constitutional rights were protected and importantly, all leftists extremists in U.S. Government were deposed. This recent change of attitude by Americans might be explained by the fact they can relate to their U.S. Military and find nothing in common with Obama and his extreme leftist associations and supporters. Increasingly Americans appear to fear the Obama government more than the idea of having the U.S. Military temporarily run U.S. Government. Additionally Obama’s refusal to secure America’s Mexican border might have contributed to Americans identifying with a quasi/U.S. military government over an Obama government that won’t protect Border States from foreign invaders. The number of Marxists in the U.S. is small, but having them control any part of our government is repugnant to most Americans that believe it not in the best interest of our economy, national defense and National Security. Considering the direction America is going economically, more Americans are afraid that if things collapse, Obama might use the U.S. Military against U.S. Citizens; that should things collapse a quasi Civilian/U.S. Military government not the Obama administration should run America. This is mentioned only to note there is a strong wind blowing across America, that is howling enough Obama.

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    Joe M

    I encourage everyone to start to defund the beast.Don't buy the state controled media products.Don't buy Neewsweek, time, New York Times,Washington Post etc. Don't watch the old leftist media ABC,NBC, CBS,etc. Patronize the new media such as talk radio Fox news conservative web sites etc.The left always lives off the right by force,don't give thes marxists anymore!

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