Conservative Book Club

News Not Fit To Print

by: armand c. hale | published: 10 25, 2009

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If the old media would print real and effective news for the people to digest instead if left wing agendas, what’s happening with “John & Kate, Dancing with the Stars or The Girls Next Door”, the mentality of the country would be higher than a house plant.


Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), chairmen of the Immigration Task Force of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, unveiled his Comprehensive Amnesty plan at a pro illegal alien rally sponsored by big dollar political groups. Gutierrez wants to increase the number of immigrant visas given out each year and make the process of bringing in family members faster. By mounting focused political pressure we can put an early stop to the Gutierrez/Obama Comprehensive Amnesty legislation.

Update: Read about eBay, Google, Target and Forum Novelties censoring illegal alien costumes which are selling out nationwide thanks to and their parent company Buy Seasons.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Right now, this organization is pulling out all stops to expose the radical agenda of Obama and socialists leadership in Congress. That includes running the newspaper ad, "Ten Ways Obama and the Socialist Congress are Radically Transforming America!" As more mainstream Americans see the agenda behind Obama, they realize how dangerous it is. This campaign needs your support.


Please take immediate action to help make Protests against Amnesty a success. Please use the features on to contact everyone you can about this effort. Help spread the word on Twitter, Face book, & MySpace. We must do all we can to push the AMNESTY planners back in strong numbers to Operation Blue Dog and Tea Parties against Amnesty to accomplish this goal!

Kick Harry Reid Out.

Sue Lowden is running for the U.S. Senate in Nevada to kick liberal Democrat Harry Reid out of office once and for all. Harry Reid supports big government and all that comes with it, tax hikes, wasteful spending and government takeovers. We can bring the runaway liberalism in Washington to a screeching halt if we retire him. I don't want our children or our grandchildren paying for Harry Reid's spending spree; she must have your support!

One Million Names for the Unborn Child.

Austin Ruse, President of C-FAM has re-launched the UN Petition for the Unborn Child and the Family. It also calls for special protection for the family! The petition calls the UN to interpret the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as protecting the unborn child from abortion. These are ideas that are right out of the original Universal Declaration and have been forgotten over time. We must remind them!

Everyone keeps asking me about Maine.

A Maine campaign ad is so effective that National Public Radio doesn’t want you to see it! It's an ad featuring an NPR news interview from 2004 with a pro-homosexual marriage Massachusetts public school teacher. In the interview, the teacher describes in great and graphic detail how her teaching changed once homosexual marriage became law there. Public schools will teach it as civil rights triumph, as the incarnation of our commitment to equality and diversity. Maine parents will have no right to protect their children. If you know someone in Maine call them up, email them, ask them to volunteer for


Olbermann launched into a tirade against the Tea Party Express II: Countdown to Judgment Day.

Olbermann's central point of mocking the Tea Party Express was that “We the People” would not show up at rallies and no one would sign up for the Face book page.  Watch Olbermann's rant against www.Tea Party and then find out how you can fight back and help make a fool out of him.

Medicare Part E?

Sen. Jay Rockefeller has a confession to make to the taxpaying American people, "We cannot promise you that the insurance reforms will benefit everyone, when the reality is that this bill leaves out up to 55 percent, or 73 million people" who are already covered by work plans. This isn't about health care. It’s about government seizing more control over our lives! I really need everyone urging friends and family to be part of this by signing the petition opposing Obama Care!

The Guantanamo Bay Update.

Obama has less than three months to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay and Tuesday he came one step closer to achieving this short-sighted and ill-conceived goal. The Senate passed legislation to allow the transfer of GITMO detainees to the United States for trial, making your tax money available to bring these terrorists to America. Military Families United has been the leading voice against the closure of Guantanamo Bay and the release of these terrorists by speaking out in the media, educated the public, and worked closely with Members of Congress to explain the dangerous consequences of this misguided policy.

Will Notre Dame become another Georgetown?

John Ritchie, TFP Student Action Director; “While the plea of innocent pro-lifers is being ignored, Notre Dame funded the trip of several students to a pro-homosexual march in Washington, D.C. on October 11. Causing more moral confusion, the university's Gender Relations Center also promotes "National Coming Out Day" and "National Day of Silence," two activities that favor sin.”

Let’s Keeping Our (Public) Options Open.

Getting creative with the "doc fix" didn't work, but Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) believes that trying some resourcefulness with the public option will. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about America’s unborn, which, under this plan, would still be aborted with federal dollars. In the public option, there's still no option but abortion coverage. No doubt any state that refuses to play along will be pressured by Washington to either join in or face losing their federal funding streams. Once Sen. Reid has passed any bill he knows he is halfway home. In the past, liberals will just exploit the conference committee process to get what they want. They'll rewrite the final bill making it into our worst nightmare of new taxes, abortion coverage, with a public option that our children and grandchildren will pay for.

It’s The CSI Senate Crime Scene.

The Family Research Council reports that The Human Rights Campaign will have to come up with a new fundraising pitch, since they can no longer claim that this Congress has done nothing to advance their agenda. The U.S. Senate gave away the store by passing "hate crimes" (68-29) as part of the Defense Authorization bill, effectively opening the floodgates to sweeping social change. In 2007 less than one-tenth of one percent of the national crime total for offenses consisted of "hate crimes." This does not constitute a serious national problem or warrant federal interference.

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Warner Todd Huston

Neil Stenberg Chicago Sun-Times10: NEIL STEINBERG
Chicago Sun-Times

Liz Sidoti Associated Press9: LIZ SIDOTI
Associated Press


Howard Fineman Newsweek7: HOWARD FINEMAN


Cynthia Tucker Atlanta Journal-Constitution5: Cynthia Tucker
Atlanta Journal Constitution

Chuck Todd NBC News4: Chuck Todd

Paul Krugman New York Times3: Paul Krugman
The New York Times

Joe Klein Time Magazine2: Joe Klein
Time Magazine

Helen Thomas UPI / Independent1: Helen Thomas
UPI / Independent

Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11
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Armand C. Hale

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Armand C. Hale retired from the U.S. Air Force serving over 23 years which included tours in Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. A degree in logistics management, he has written a book on his experiences in the country of Qatar. You can purchase his book at Word Clay Book Store and Lulu Books.



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