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If Conservatives are Smarter than Socialists, Why are they Losing?

by: jb williams | published: 12 12, 2011

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Are you sure there are two competing sides in the American battle for freedom and liberty? Or are those two sides in the battle pushing towards the same end?

The progressive left in America is openly selling socialism now, openly selling Americans the notion that freedom doesn’t work. They are no longer operating in the shadows, but rather right up in your face. However, does the so-called “resistance” have any different end agenda? If they are selling “democracy,” they too are selling socialism! WAKE UP!

Our Founding Fathers did not form a democracy and for very good reason. As Thomas Jefferson explained, Democracy is mob rule, wherein 51% of the people can vote to take away the rights of the other 49%. When 51% of Americans no longer pay income taxes, guess how they will vote and where does that leave the other 49%, the taxpayers?

The father of socialism, Karl Marx, told us that “Democracy is the road to socialism.” Fact is -- pure democracy is socialism. Democratic Socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.”

So, how can you tell the difference between false opposition and real resistance? For starters, anyone promoting “democracy” as opposed to our Founders “Constitutional Representative Republic” is false opposition. They may create the illusion of opposing socialism, but by promoting “democracy” they are in fact promoting socialism. If the word democracy comes out of their mouth every time they talk about America, they are NOT a “constitutional conservative.”

Marx referred to the common people as the proletariat. "The proletariat is that class in society which lives entirely from the sale of its labor power and does not draw profit from any kind of capital; whose weal and woe, whose life and death, whose sole existence depends on the demand for labor...” – In America, intended to be a classless society of individuals free to self-govern, this working class group was labeled the “middle class.”

Under communist, socialist, Marxist, fascist, otherwise known as totalitarian concepts, the working class or proletariat is to have so-called control over all aspects of society including the economy and property rights. Of course, they do not have actual control, because in order to seize control they must institute excessive government powers to control it all on their behalf.

How many times over the last few years have we heard politicos argue over whether our despotic Federal Government is communist or fascist? Are the people having this debate unaware of the fact that communism and fascism are the same thing?

Our Founding Fathers knew that totalitarianism under all of its modern progressive labels is the opposite of freedom. Freedom and liberty are based solely upon individual rights as opposed to the collective rights of any group.

Communism is fascism and fascism is communism. So why are people debating which despotic form of totalitarianism has gripped our nation? Are they ignorant of history, or are they a false opposition busy muddying the water for those who would otherwise become serious resisters to both?

America has four kinds of enemies today…

1.     Foreign enemies that have had their sights on American sovereignty and supremacy since the day our Declaration of Independence was written in 1776.

2.     An overt enemy within, a Fifth Column sympathetic to foreign enemies and operating within our own government, political parties, media, academia and entertainment industry.

3.     A covert enemy operating as false opposition under the guise of resisters, with the same end agenda as the enemies above.

4.     The useful idiot, who means well but is just as dangerous, dumbed down beyond the point of recognizing and understanding even the most fundamental truths. This is the proletariat…who know not, what they do.

All four types of enemies must be confronted in order to save our Constitutional Representative Republic.

In any society, the commoners, the workers, will greatly outnumber the elites, the business owner, the corporate executive, professionals, the investors and entrepreneurs. In a Constitutional Representative Republic, every individual has equal right of self-determination. But in a democracy, the mob will rule over the minority and the masses have the power to take away individual rights for the “greater good” of the collective community. This is also known as socialism and in its extreme, communism.

For over a hundred years, America has fed more than 80% of the nations in the world, as those nations experimented with varying forms and degrees of socialism or outright communism. Today, that nation that once fed the world will soon no longer be able to feed itself.

Instead of spreading freedom and liberty around the globe so that nations could learn to one day feed themselves, America has adopted the concept of democracy and socialism from abroad. The very things our Founding Fathers separated from in 1776 now have a death grip on America a brief 235 years later.

In terms of political ideologies and government design, at the extreme left is communism/fascism – and at the extreme right is total freedom, also known as anarchy, or a completely lawless society.

America has the perfect balance for a maximum degree of individual freedom and liberty within the boundaries of an organized and civilized society -- a Constitutional Representative Republic, if we can find a way to keep it.

A Constitutional Representative Republic is a form of self-governance.

This concept begins with individual rights, under Natural Law, the Laws of Nature, known as The Law of Nations, in which each individual has the freedom and liberty to govern their own lives. That idea is followed by the design for a government system of, by and for the people, which is very limited in scope and power to the functions, assigned it by the people and their sovereign states, via the U.S. Constitution.

The U.S. Constitution is not an enumeration of the people’s rights. It is a compact (or contract) between the people, the states and our Federal Government, assigning certain specific and limited powers to the Federal Government for benefit of the people and the states.

Our Bill of Rights is not an enumeration of the people’s rights. It is a list of protections for the people and their states, against the eventuality of a bloated and overbearing Federal Government which begins to act at odds with its people and their states.

The greatest threat to our Constitution and Representative Republic today is the sad fact that most Americans no longer know anything of their history. They are therefore, ill-equipped to protect the future of freedom and liberty.

Being forever vigilant requires knowing what we are to be forever vigilant about, and how to be forever vigilant. If you don’t know or respect the Constitution, you cannot protect the Constitution. If you don’t know your rights, you cannot protect your rights. If you know what to do but lack the intestinal fortitude to do it, then your nation is also doomed.

Who will save America?

It won’t be our foreign enemies, our enemies operating with our own government, media, academia and entertainment, our enemies running false opposition under the guise of a resistance, or even the useful idiots too dumbed down to know the vital difference between democracy and a Constitutional Representative Republic.

Combined, these four categories of enemies now make up a majority in America. It reminds me of a column I published in October of 2006, When 51-49 Becomes 49-51. The column warned of reaching the point of no return in America, when the proletariat not paying income taxes in America would outnumber American taxpayers, and forever thereafter, vote to enslave American taxpayers to support their notions of a greater good. There is no good on earth greater than freedom!

Democracy is socialism… It no longer requires any imagination to figure out what is happening in the systematic dismantling of America via Democratic Socialism, often referred to today as progressivism.

People, who attack freedom and liberty in the name of a greater communal good, are not constitutionalists.

People, who attack economic freedom and liberty by attacking free-market capitalism, are not American.

While we’re at it, social justice is the exact opposite of real justice under the equal application of law. It picks favorites and uses the power of government to destroy some Americans for benefit of other Americans.

People selling democracy are selling socialism, plain and simple. They will deny it, because they either know it, or don’t know it. But the truth never changes despite the denials. Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler – they all knew it. Many Americans don’t…

Will the Tea Party save this nation? Many in the Tea Party are false opposition, pretenders and profiteers. Many others simply don’t know any better. All are as dangerous to America as the progressive socialists on the left they claim to oppose.

Look no further than the current use of modern history text books used in American public schools today, written by lifelong communist Howard Zinn, who often referred to himself as a libertarian.

Zinn was a radical playwright, teacher, anti-war activist and self-proclaimed historian. He was also a member of the Communist Party who wrote history books now used in American public schools. The common thread in today’s libertarian movement is its anti-war stance and anti-war protesters like Adam Kokesh, Code Pink and

The point is this – the lines between friend and foe has been intentionally and purposefully blurred. We are not just fighting the enemies we can all see, we are also fighting enemies who look and speak just like us. Between 2008 and 2010, even Obama and Pelosi learned Tea Party talking points.

It wasn’t honest constitutional conservatives who came up with the star fish insanity that all American patriots should work in twenty-thousand competing factions so that no real resistance could ever build across the nation. That notion was planted in the Tea Party movement by people intending to keep all of those competing factions divided and impotent.

Do you even have the intellectual honesty to ask yourself the right questions anymore?

Why are Romney, Bachmann, Paul and Huntsman running from a GOP debate in front of mega-capitalist Donald Trump? They can’t buy this kind of campaign opportunity for any amount of money. So why are these candidates running from Trump? They want the job of confronting the world’s most vicious enemies, but can’t face the Donald? Why didn’t they have the same opposition to debating in front of known leftist network progressives on numerous occasions? Why are these candidates friendlier towards leftist media personalities than successful businessman Donald Trump? What are they afraid of?

Corporations didn’t run this country into the ground, our federal government did. So, why are so-called libertarians masquerading as conservatives, attacking corporate America, where private sector employment is created?

Whose side are they really on, the private sector or the public sector? There is no in-between… Everyone opposes criminal activity. Nobody in their right mind would defend criminal enterprise – but the biggest criminal enterprise in America today is not corporate America, it is our Federal Government.

By the way, a constitutionalist saying that Article II isn’t worthy of utmost concern is akin to a Christian saying the New Testament isn’t worthy. If you don’t care about Article II, what parts of the Constitution do you care about?

This is the reality that must set in with every American patriot before they will be able to mount any real resistance to the ongoing dismantling of America.

An easy tell for friend or foe is if one promotes democracy vs. a Constitutional Representative Republic… attacks free-market capitalism or the runaway Federal Government dismantling America at breakneck speed…?

Before we can confront our many enemies, we must first know who they are. And then we must unite and fight together against all of them, or we will lose the battle for freedom and liberty and we will lose it very soon. That loss will come at a price unimaginable to most Americans.

Think it can’t happen here? Think it isn’t happening right in front of your eyes? WAKE UP PEOPLE!

Our enemies have a hundred-year head start and they are not only smart, they are devious.

Unless the American patriot is smarter and more committed to winning than our enemies, we will lose. We are already past the point of turning this thing around via national elections. Soon, we will be past the point of being able to save our own states, much less the nation.

WAKE UP! Rely on no one to educate you, educate yourself! Begin with understanding that passive resistance is not resistance at all. Resistance requires ACTION!

Then, unite with others who get it and stop wasting time and resources on people who will never get it, or get it too late.

Democracy is socialism, dummy. Talk of our “democracy” should throw up big red flags, no matter what room you are in at the time or who else is there with you.

To defeat socialism in America, you will have to defeat it in all its forms under all of its modern labels. You can’t do it alone, nobody can. Get in the game! Nobody can afford to sit this one out!     



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