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Globalism: Utopian Dream or Luciferic Nightmare?

An “Interlocked, Complete, Pervasive Power” Not to be Questioned

by: debra rae | published: 07 17, 2010

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In the field of medicine, an ultrasound diagnostic image exhibits shadowy, computer-generated movements of a developing fetus. Globalists likewise monitor in utero movement—but on the grander screen of geopolitics. Their one-world love child is spawned by what many call the “shadow government.” According to Nelson Rockefeller in The Future of Federalism, this new order of one-world government is “struggling to be born.” [i]

A foretaste of full-term globalism, the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympics showcased selected features of “one world” at its best. At the Bird’s Nest in Beijing, the planet’s best athletes bedazzled an ecstatic audience of ninety-one thousand onlookers, not to mention some four billion at-home viewers.

Sober reverence and a-biblical religious metaphors attending Olympic events echo ancient times when even the sweat of competitors was decreed sacred. This declaration alone warrants close scrutiny by Christians, many of whom are surprised to learn that the torch lighting and bearing were instituted by Nazi propagandists in the Berlin Olympics (1936). [ii]

Though Hitler’s hope was to prove Aryan superiority, none dare challenge the custom. To speak against Pierre de Coubertin’s Olympian dream for global solidarity, peace and friendship is ridiculed as ignorant and intolerant. 3

This we’ve heard before. Prior to passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, the means by which globalists seized control of American finances, President Woodrow Wilson described the burgeoning, one-world phenomenon as “power so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive” that no one dares to speak out against it. 4

Globalism: Who will be Prime Minister of the Planet?

As capsulated in the 1994 UN Report on Human Development, the one-world premise is simple enough: Given that mankind’s problems no longer can be solved by national governments, world government is deemed necessary.5

In 1928, former Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells published The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution. In Wells’ view, before the shadowy new order’s character is “plainly displayed,” existing governments first must be “weakened, effaced, incorporated, and superseded.” 6

Democratic Socialists of America insists that “now is the time to press for the subordination of national sovereignty.” 7 Yet eliminating an effective global system of checks and balances based on nation-states begs the question, “If not sovereign nations, then who’s to be in charge?”

Consider this: Wells further distinguished “plain display” of the face of globalism as “a world religion.” 8 You read it right—“a world religion.” That said, could God himself emerge as the globalists’ candidate of choice as Prime Minister of the planet?

Not a chance. Signatories of the third Humanist Manifesto (2003) included twenty-one Nobel laureates who joined predecessors in supplanting traditional religion with decidedly incompatible albeit grandiose ideals of Darwinism ,9 ethical naturalism,10 and empiricism 11—in a word, secularism.

The same three manifestos (1933, 1973, 2003) that expressly deplore division of humankind on nationalistic grounds likewise demean religion as sentimental, wishful thinking and, therefore, devoid of power. No deity will save us; we must save ourselves.12

Plainly, a theocracy is not what globalists have in mind.13 Therefore, our question remains: If not nation-states, if not God, then who’s to be in charge of a border-free new world order?

Follow the Clues

The Bible provides needed clues to this pressing question. About six hundred years before Christ, Daniel’s apocalyptic visions accurately prophesied and characterized major world governments to follow the Babylonian Empire—specifically, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and Rome revived.14

Once revived, a new Rome will resemble the ancient counterpart with respect to its universal belief system, global impact, and destined collapse. Although Charlemagne, Mussolini, and Hitler tried to resuscitate ancient Rome, none could accomplish what the Antichrist alone can at his given hour.15

Scripturally, the joint work of Antichrist and his false prophet is called “the mystery of iniquity.”16 Furthermore, the work of Satan through the Antichrist is clearly rooted in the prophecies of Daniel. Indeed, Daniel’s account of the “little horn”17 references this last-day visionary and mother of all dictators who, while at the helm of end-time world government, will oppose Christ all the while pretending to be Christ (“the anointed one”).18

In prophetic imagery, this conquering counterfeit of Christ, a powerful “free-world supra-national political being,”19 sits on the white horse of a godless, one-world system. With a deceptively silent weapon of war in hand (a bow), Antichrist demonstrates shrewdness; that the bow lacks arrows signifies his empty promise of peace.20 In this picture, Antichrist imitates the infinitely greater white horseman called “Faithful and True.” However, instead of delivering peace, plenty, and abundant life as offered by Christ, Antichrist releases the red horse of warfare, the black horse of famine, and the pale horse of death.21

Globalism: One Size Fits All

“Shadow government” is an oft-used euphemism for the developing one-world system also known as global restructuring (perestroika) , the global village, the new paradigm, sustainable society and, yes, even “glo-bologna” (compliments of Clare Boothe Luce).

It’s not just the new world order anymore. Any one (or combination) of the following characterize globalism’s many facets: global transformation, world religion of Open/Aquarian Conspiracy,22 vision for world peace, enlightened eco-socialism, economic integration, multinational institution building, collaborative partnerships, global democracy, interdependence, collective security, federalized world government, transnational federal government, and more.

In testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (1950), international financier James P. Warburg insisted we shall have a world government—either by consent or conquest. [1] To this end, globalism extends a hook to everyone—you name it: the bleeding-heart liberal, the pacifist, the activist, the idealist, the spiritually enlightened, the atheist, the underdog, and the uninformed.

It’s as if globalism were a chameleon whose unique body language enables it to change color when attracting potential mates. This metaphor suggests that globalists quickly and opportunistically adjust their values so as to win others to a one-world point of view.

Case in point: In a speech delivered at the Institute for the Study of International Affairs at Copenhagen, historian Arnold Toynbee documented high-level “discreet workings” to wrest sovereignty out of the clutches of local nation-states, all the while denying with one’s lips what is being done with one’s hands.24

To carry the global agenda minus sovereignty of nation-states to its zenith, international treaties, conventions, and environmental regulations are detailed in Our Global Neighborhood, written by the United Nation’s Commission on Global Governance.25

Correspondingly, in 1992 the United States ratified a UN International Covenant on Civil and Religious Rights . In reality, the covenant is yet another con intended to swap U.S. sovereignty for international courts, taxes, and military.

Globalism: Warranted by an International Disaster Key

Mikhail Gorbachev was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990 but in 1991 was criticized globally for his harsh repression of nationalist demonstrations in the Baltic States. Having served as president of the Soviet Union and Communist Party leader, Gorbachev hardly qualifies as the planet’s hero that he’s become.

Gorbachev and his foundation actively work on behalf of the New Paradigm at a former U.S. military base. The Presidio in San Francisco serves as a sort of “White House on the West Coast.” In 1995, for instance, the foundation hosted the State of the World Forum attended by world leaders Mikhail Gorbachev, Maurice Strong, Margaret Thatcher, and George Bush, among others.

Proclaiming the cosmos (universe) as his god, Gorbachev hand-picked deep ecology as the handy “international disaster key” required for establishing global governance driven by civil society, or non-governmental organizations (NGOs). To this end, Gorbachev calls for integrated global policies that smack of Native American earth servitude.26

Gorbachev further insists that “necessary” environmental regulations be imposed worldwide.  His is a type of planetary commandment rooted in the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. Called the Earth Charter, this key document is one of three designed to solidify political, economic, social, and religious changes deemed essential in a new world order. The other two are the UN Charter and the International Declaration of Human Rights. 27

Globalism’s Central Organizing Principle: Sustainable Development

While propelling the misleading ideal of “global democracy,” today’s borderless, one-world state operates under the United Nations’ guiding principle of sustainable development. While the term “sustainable development,” or “smart growth,” has a noble ring, its agenda is by no means faith-, family-, or America- friendly.

In 1948, a preliminary draft of a World Constitution includes the right of a Federal Republic of the World to seize and use property in sustainable society.28 Keep in mind that Point One of the Communist Manifesto likewise calls for outright abolition of private property; and sustainable development is described, not in any of our nation’s founding documents, but rather in the 1997 USSR Constitution (Chapter #2; Article 18).

In his letter to President George Bush dated December 25, 2000, Mikhail Gorbachev insisted that America’s extraordinary privilege is not tenable over the long run. To the contrary, the one-world vision demands “equitable distribution” of the world’s finite resources. This Robin Hood approach to wealth distribution is classic Marxism.29

Indeed, the Marxist-Leninist maxim of “earning one’s keep on planet earth” is at the heart of sustainability.30 To merit this coveted status, enlightened communities must limit growth, eliminate suburbs, establish ethnic/economic equality, and curtail consumption patterns consistent with America’s middle class.

The socialist principle of government-managed development, sustainable development calls for revamping the very infrastructure of our nation away from private ownership and control of property to nothing short of a national zoning system through which producers are expected to provide for non-producers.31 Good global citizens are herded out of the suburbs into urban clusters more easily controlled and regulated by UN-empowered special interest groups.

Land-Grab Bully on the Global Block

Worldwide, hundreds of scenic and cultural treasures are UN regulated. Disturbingly, the United Nations has designated as Heritage Sites dozens of monuments across our nation. In fact, through the World Heritage Convention , the lion’s share of our national preserves, parks, and monuments (e.g., the Statue of Liberty and Independence Hall) already fall under protection of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 32

Furthermore, the federal government owns some 40 percent of the entire land mass of our nation; and states own a big hunk as well. When it comes to land use under UN control, there is no clear distinction between federal and privately owned land.

Purposing to “wild” fully half of U.S. land, the United Nations Wildlands Project describes biosphere core- and buffer- zones with corridors as places where, in the words of Professor Reed F. Noss (University of Florida), “collectivist needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans.” 33

Contained in Agenda 21, the Desertification Treaty claims jurisdiction over some 70 percent of the earth’s land. Although no enforcement mechanism is in place, the UN works to prevent land use that lends to desertification—e.g., converting forests to pasture, or pasture to row crops, or crop lands to subdivisions. A convention adopted in Paris (1994), the Desertification Treaty is integral to the global agenda. 34

The same holds true for the earth-centric Gaia hypothesis. In Greek mythology, Gaia is goddess of the earth, now perceived as an interconnected, living ecosystem whose delicate nature demands protection of world government. In 1982, British atmospheric chemist James Lovelock expounded the basis for sustainability. Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis warned that, unless humans halt their technical assault on the planet, Mother Earth cannot heal herself and, for that reason, faces certain destruction.

To the contrary, anthropocentricity celebrates humans as the very crownof God’s creation—not a blight on it. Yet a new breed of eco-theologians insists that human activities like eating meat or previously frozen fast foods, consuming fossil fuels, and using air conditioning and appliances are, well, simply unsustainable. 35

Maurice Strong’s 1,100-page Global Biodiversity Assessment (GBA) implements policy of a treaty signed at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. Put out by Cambridge University, the GBA suggests a cure for “human-pox”: Simply cut the world’s population by approximately 80 percent and then establish a feudal lifestyle short on amenities, tall on earth servitude à la Gorbachev. 36

Moreover, Canadian billionaire and 1992 Rio Earth Summit secretary-general Strong contends that global ecosystems will be preserved only when affluent nations significantly lower their standards of living.37 Never mind that the Genesis account sanctions basic human need-meeting as fully compatible with biblically mandated earth stewardship.38

Stewardship or Earth Servitude?

Compulsory green living is nowhere found in the Bible; furthermore, theologian Wayne Grudem rightly questions the likelihood that God would design a world in such a way that, over time, mundane human activities (such as breathing, cooking, traveling, and keeping warm) would devastate His handiwork. Yet in an apparent effort to counter the culture of abundance with “a rite of atonement for the sin of excess,” increasingly more evangelicals devote themselves to saving the planet. 39

By letter dated March 1, 2007, Dr. James Dobson joined an impressive array of pro-family Christian leaders requesting that the National Association of Evangelicals refrain from endorsing controversial and divisive environmental causes, such as human-induced global warming. 40 Now, planet preservation trumps the traditional call to earth conservation. 41

Deep Ecology—In Pursuit of Planetics

Contrary to politically correct dogma, the science assigning human blame for catastrophic warming of the planet is by no means settled. The truth remains that, when it comes to environmental health, science trumps passion and politics. Nevertheless, self-proclaimed eco-experts continue to elude hard-hitting challenges to their theory, as posed by colleagues of equally impressive credentials. Some follow:

·       If we are in global warming crisis, how is it that 24/7 data-collecting satellites and weather balloons demonstrate imperceptible temperature rises?

·       If CO2 threatens to endanger world food output, how is it that an increase in CO2 yields more (not less) bio-mass production?

·       If global warming can be blamed on carbon emissions due to human activities, how come distinguished scientists believe that CO2 generally lags behind temperature changes by some eight hundred years?

·       How exactly are humans to blame for global warming evident on Mars and other planets, and why was the fifteenth century every bit as warm as the twentieth when only the latter experienced an industrial revolution blamed for it?

·       Since the McIntyre and McKitrick Report discredited the “hockey stick curve” due to a computer glitch, why continue to use it as proof; and why was the BH98 Report (or “hockey stick curve”) never audited?

·       In 1941 a plane crashed in Greenland. From the date of the crash to 1992, ice accumulated up to 268 feet atop a well preserved plane. Why so much ice if land mass sloughs due to global warming have dangerously escalated throughout the decades?

·       Finally, why do studies challenging, say, ocean-flow data (its role crucial in global warming) appear on the tenth page of city newspapers when earlier studies (apparently not “settled science,” as the public is lead to believe) merit front-page status? 42

Through the UN Climate Change Treaty and its subsequent Kyoto Protocol , globalists favor foreign interests by forcing regulatory control and limitations on U.S. economic growth. When not ratified by the U.S. Senate, international treaties employ back-door means, as executive orders, to implement key components of the global eco-agenda. 43

Population Control

Surprising to some, the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is declining worldwide. In developed countries, the rate is below zero growth. 44 Thus, President Allan Carlson of the Howard Center for Family, Religion, and Society in Rockford, Illinois, fingers depopulation, not overpopulation, as the dominant twenty-first century issue. Nevertheless, sustainable development calls for population control of Malthusian magnitude.45 It is no wonder that death by suicide, physician assistance, abortion, and euthanasia enjoy high-profile, big-money, organizational clout. 46

The United Nations’ Year of the Family is a campaign to redefine the nuclear traditional family in support of cohabitation, single-parent households, and same-gender partnerships. 47 Intolerance for homosexual unions is decreed a global threat because non-proliferating alternative lifestyles, as theirs, bear the sustainability seal of approval. The same applies to legalized, nonproductive, and “safe” voluntary prostitution, likewise advanced by an international bill of rights for women called the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. 48

In 1932 American Birth Control League founder Margaret Sanger published a Plan for Peace in which she called for coercive sterilization. Incredibly, Sanger likewise demanded mandatory segregation and rehabilitative camps for “dysgenic stocks”—i.e., Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians, and Catholics . I kid you not!

And, yes, this is the same Margaret Sanger who founded Planned Parenthood, best known for globally promoting and performing “fully-accessible-to-all” abortions.49 Today, the U.S. government gives tens of millions of our tax dollars to Planned Parenthood and similar organizations; furthermore, industrialized nations provide some one-and-one-half billion dollars annually for UN population control.

Natural Selection

English biologist Charles Darwin validated the supposed humaneness of nature, which destroys the weak to give place to the strong. In search of a superior species better suited for higher levels of existence on our ever-evolving planet, humanist bio-ethicists condemn some lives as not worth the living. Examples include useless eaters (the newborn called non-person neonates); the comatose, disabled, or terminally ill; those severely depressed or mentally impaired; the elderly; and eventually (I’m guessing), independent thinkers.50

To the globalist, no one can or should live the anthropocentric fable found within a presumed-to-be-archaic, sanctity-of-human life ethic. While animals are “not ours to eat, wear, experiment with or use for entertainment,” nonproductive human life is justifiably expendable and subject to medical experimentation for the greater, global good. Baby pesticides and neo-mort harvesting naturally follow the Kevorkian practice of physician-assisted suicide. 51

Globalism: Strategic Demise of America

Today’s culture of death extends beyond individuals to entire nation-states. Former governor of Colorado Dick Lamm fleshed out what he recognized as a genius strategy for destroying our country. To spark tension and turmoil, one first must turn America into a bi- or multi-lingual and bicultural country. Next, to level the playing field, one must invent multiculturalism and, in the end, celebrate diversity over unity.

No more the “melting pot,” America instead must establish her metaphoric identity with the “salad bowl.” In so doing, each societal component maintains its own language and culture, dual citizenship, and thus divided loyalties. Any effective down-with-America strategist worth his or her weight in gold knows to under-educate America’s fastest growing demographic group.

By recruiting big foundations and businesses to invest generously in the grievance industry, said strategists milk the cult of victimology so that even undocumented workers feel entitled to jobs and all the rights and privileges of American citizens.52

Attorney Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum suggests that amnesty for tens of millions dwarfs when compared to temporary guest workers for whom American citizens are expected to pay staggering entitlements as Medicaid, Social Security (with credit for Federal Insurance Contributions Act [FICA] taxes paid under false numbers), Supplemental Security Income, Earned Income Tax Credit, the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program, food stamps, public and subsidized housing, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and federally funded legal representation.53

Add to these the exorbitant costs of public schooling (lunches included), and some surmise that under the titanic weight of diversity, multilingualism, and entitlement even for lawbreakers, America’s already begun her downward descent. Once the rate of immigration exceeds that of assimilation, chaos is unavoidable.

Globalism: Political Correctness, Its Philosophical Base

In an ironic twist, postmodern liberals believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas and set asides, reverse discrimination, and cultural entitlement are not. Though laden with laughable absurdities and inconsistencies, political correctness (PC) is serious business. It forms the philosophical base for globalism, and many “-isms” huddle under its umbrella. United causes include civil/gender/sexual orientation rights, and radical environmentalism.

The one-world agenda surpasses all other considerations. PC thought police brand oppose counter arguments as mere anecdotal evidence, and simple word choices—e.g., illegal aliens instead of “undocumented workers”—are branded racist. Though the law distinguishes a “domestic partnership” from a lawful marriage between one man and one woman, any free-thinking individual who does so is labeled “homophobic,” intolerant, and oppressive.

In spheres of education and employment, the government-endorsed policy of positive discrimination favors minority ethnic groups and women. Nepotism is no small matter. By expediting government control over hiring, firing, and other business practices, conceptual political correctness actually hinders assimilation and hope for economic improvement.

Already, the workforce development program of Goals 2000 is considering a national job registry whose computer database contains Myers-Briggs-type indicators of the job candidate’s political and even religious leanings. Loopholes allow governmental intrusion into beliefs and values of students and their parents—this, through subtle psychological evaluation. Resulting high-efficiency databases merely masquerade as accountability when, in fact, they smack of excessive governmental control. 54

Costly Consensus

Over the last three decades, bilingual education, expanded welfare, the hyphenated identity, and radical historical revisionism have served well the global cause, but not without consequence. Sadly, affirmative action has been twisted into a legalized quota system that hurts everyone, most particularly qualified minorities.

No matter, to bring about desired “group think” under peer pressure, Hegelian dialectic or conflict resolution, otherwise known as the Delphi Technique, is the globalist’s attitudinal and behavior modification tactic of choice. In the dialectic process, ends always justify means; through it, bureaucrats, politicians, and “educrats” handily discredit notions of fixed rights or wrongs in exchange for a New Earth global civic ethic as endorsed by Professor Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University.

In Tragedy and Hope (1966), Quigley wrote about an international network of handpicked, likeminded Ivy Leaguers. Having declared war on the world’s alleged disease of nationalist individualism, this elitist shadow government virtually controls America and rightfully so in Quigley’s view. 55

The stealth, though costly consensus process primes world citizens for transformation to a new, politically-correct, and collectivist paradigm that insiders embrace, Quigley affirms, and Gorbachev portrays as “one human family and one Earth community with common destiny.” 56

Globalism: Bound to Christianity-Free Religiosity

Held together by the Council on Foreign Relations, America’s preeminent non-governmental foreign affairs organization, Eastern liberal establishment insiders superintend the burgeoning one-world system. CFR spin-offs wield three arms of interrelated power: economic (Bilderberg Group), 57 spiritual (Club of Rome) 58 and political (Trilateral Commission).59 The Bible accurately predicts a central, end-time authority to control its citizens’ power to buy and sell. Even a portion of the church (Laodicea) will be increased with goods of the global economy and will consider itself to be rich and in need of nothing, but erroneously so.60

Once plainly displayed, H.G. Wells’ open conspiracy will manifest as a world religion that serves higher consciousness, as promulgated by Theosophists who fancy themselves part of the god-force and identify the voice of god within as “your voice and mine.” 61 Promising an emerging new age in concert with the new world order, theosophy plaits religious, philosophic, and scientific thought into the tangled braid of new age mysticism.62

In Latin “religion” means “to bind”—that is, to a belief or philosophy that might or might not involve worship of a god or gods. Powerful incentives of guilt and/or fear beckon the gullible to one-world dogma, as expounded in globalism’s bible, the United Nations Charter.63 Forget the Ten Commandments. The UNESCO Declaration of Tolerance (1995) essentially elevates rejection of moral absolutism to the status of legal requirement in one-world politics.64

Ordo Ab Chao

In the mid-1940s, Fred Emery explained that, when confronted with various crises, folks go into psychological retreat. In the face of looming chaos, these readily forfeit personal power in hopes of reestablishing desired order. Fantasy and addiction that trail cognitive dissociation serve only to strengthen the grip of control.

A Latin motto, ordo ab chao , means “order out of chaos.” It works like this: First, one identifies—or, if necessary, creates—a problem. The so-called “Law of Five” advanced by late Grand Patriot of the Jacobin Society Adam Weishaupt gives rise to threatened chaos and, then, discord, confusion, and micromanagement—all followed by an aftermathof frustration and/or alienation. 65

With this in mind, opportunistic control mongers lick their chops at the prospect of any old crisis—be it real (moral decay), imagined (vast, right-wing conspiracy), or manipulated (man-made environmental catastrophe). A wearied public becomes well conditioned to being warned, shamed, rebuked, and mocked under pretext of becoming “informed” (actually, manipulated) by “those in the know.” That being the case, folks more readily identify with Liesl von Trapp of Sound of Music fame.

Admittedly young and inexperienced, this sweet sixteen year older was in need of someone older and wiser telling her what to do. Boyfriend Rolfe (then seventeen going on eighteen) waited in the wings, ever-eager to take care of her. Unfortunately, this nature-takes-its-course liaison served only to bring down Liesl’s once-privileged world by means of the 1938 Anschluss of Austria when Nazi Germany took control.66

Globalism: A-traditionalism toward World Peace

In clearing the way for global governance, proponents undermine all that is traditional. For example, alternative lifestyles lauded for their inherent sustainability supplant traditional families. Bible truth gives way to universalism; and the U.S. Constitution takes on the attribute of a “living” document subject to the whims of politicians.67 Once “up for grabs,” this supreme law of our federal government yields to international law in the form of UN conventions and treaties to which American citizens are bound.68

Endorsing world dominion of ruling elitists, South African Cecil John Rhodes established the secret Society of the Elect (1891) to found “so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible.” 69 Recall that in the wake of Vietnam, John Lennon only imagined “nothing to kill or die for”; and in similarly troubled times, talk-show hostess Oprah Winfrey bolsters peace as prompted by “a civil rights movement for the soul.”70

Purportedly spirit-channeled in 1965 through Oprah’s longtime friend Marianne Williamson, the alleged “new revelation from Jesus,” embedded in The Course on Miracles, presumes to guide humanity through such a time as this.71 Given that sin, evil, and the devil are thought to be illusory, there allegedly remains nothing to kill or die for in Ekhart Tolle’s New Earth.72

Benjamin Franklin once mused, “There never was a good war or a bad peace,” but I disagree. Christians are called to “fight the good fight of faith.” 73 Authentic peace is possible only as it flows from its source, the Prince of Peace himself; otherwise, it’s a hollow counterfeit.

Globalism: Evangelized by the Mainstream Media

Politician-industrialist Cecil Rhodes once reasoned that “the press owns the minds of the people.” He was not alone in that belief. Journalist, playwright, and essayist Arthur S. Miller pinpointed “a pervasive system of thought control” in the United States—this, by “employment of the mass media” coupled with “the system of public education.” Both, he added, tell people what to think about. 74

In an op-ed piece about the role of the Council on Foreign Relations media members, Washington Post ombudsman Richard Harwood once characterized their membership as “an acknowledgement of ascension into the American ruling class.” These are not restricted to mere analysis and interpretation; they “help make” foreign policy. 75

Left or Right?

In December of 2004 the Associated Press News Service referenced PBS journalist Bill Moyer for his indictment of “an ideological press that’s interested in the election of Republicans.” Though likeable and highly regarded, Moyer overlooks that reporters, writers, and others in the media vote overwhelmingly for liberal Democrats; and a substantial majority is “pro-choice, pro-gun control, pro-separation of church and state, pro-feminism, pro-affirmative action, and supportive of gay rights”—all left-centric and globalism friendly.76 Even Peter Jennings acknowledges that for many years the media has been more of a liberal persuasion. 77

Hard or Soft News?

On a recent segment of Bill Moyer’s Journal, Moyer admitted to ending each day with Comedy Central’s The Daily Show . Whereas comedian-host Jon Stewart boasts of “faking the news,” Moyer credits him for delivering real news with extraordinary impact. Increasingly, young people look to Stewart for hard news; older fans lap up Stewart’s infectious satire. Admittedly, he’s tickled my funny bone more than once.

The Colbert Report is a spin-off and counterpart of The Daily Show . Both critique and satirize personality-driven politics. The fictional Stephen Colbert is portrayed as a fact-averse, self-aggrandizing anchorman. In my view, many segments of The Colbert Report are downright hilarious; still, Colbert’s character is a hyper-patriotic, theologically bereft, right-wing egomaniac feigning to hate liberals.

In reality Colbert is a registered Democrat. Problem is The Report all too often is embraced as non-satirical journalism. Even the reputable dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster named as its 2006 “Word of the Year” a term Colbert coined (“truthiness”). 78

Media Nannies

Neither Ann Coulter nor Michael Moore ranks high on the “nicey-nice” scale. But it’s the former who took a pie in the face—literally! Moreover, media elitists criticized over forty citations within Coulter’s book, Slander. The upshot of Coulter’s treachery, they reasoned, is that “casual” readers are certain to be misled by her scathing accusation of liberal bias and unfair representation of conservatism in the mainstream media.

Presuming the American public to be inept at analysis, media nannies work hard to protect dim-wits from the likes of Coulter. At the same time, true-to-form liberal bastions as The New York Times and the Washington Post praise Michael Moore for his sharp “populist instincts” and “admirable forbearance.” 79

Key Omissions by Design

In 1990 when the World Federalist Association faulted the American press for being slow at grasping most global developments, the WFA failed to reveal that, more likely than not, key omissions were by design.80

Just ask David Rockefeller. At a Bilderberg Society meeting in Baden, Germany, he thanked attendees from the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other distinguished publications. For nearly forty years, he gushed, these friends of global governance had “respected their promises of discretion.” Now that the world was adequately primed to welcome a new world order and the cat was out of the bag, globalists were free to go public. This, too, was by design. 81

Globalism: Evangelized in State Schools

In 1983 the Education Department issued a broadly circulated report, A Nation at Risk. “If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose upon Americans the mediocre educational performance that exists today,” it cautioned, “we might well have viewed it as an act of war.” And so we should. This stunning declaration fittingly shook the education establishment to its core. 82

Conveniently, the traditional family took the fall when, according to columnist John Steinbacher, Dr. Chester Pierce of Harvard University suggested that every child in America entering school at the age of five is “mentally ill.” Educators must make these “sick” children well by creating and nurturing “the international child of the future.” Over time, social engineering to reverse pesky behavior patterns picked up at home, in churches, and in synagogues was coupled with systematic legal drugging of millions of youngsters.83

Therapeutic Restructuring

Today, millions of school-aged children are chemically restrained with psychotropic drugs for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) in children five years of age and younger.

Systematic drugging is turning millions of school-aged children into patients. Consequently, Title I programs fund a flood of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and the like to address any languishing self-esteem arguably resulting from colossal failure of the state school system. By the mid-1990s, child psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, and special educators in and around U.S. public schools nearly outnumbered teachers, touted as “change agents.”

The fitting question arises, “Have too many children been labeled and subsequently medicated?” A December 1999 report by the surgeon general revealed that an alleged twenty percent of American children suffer from “psychiatric disorders.”

In a lengthy, well-researched paper, Dr. Fred A. Baughman, Jr., suggests that few, if any, questions can be addressed properly without an honest answer to this: “Is ADHD a disease with a confirmatory physical (including chemical) abnormality, or isn’t it?”

The good doctor agrees with his colleagues that some three decades of research have offered no definitive answer for warranting the medication of one in five American youngsters.84

Arguably, widespread drugging serves the unfolding global agenda by fostering subdued compliance.

Curriculum Restructuring

The late U.S. Senator Sam Hayakawa lamented that the functional task in today’s education is no longer to acquire knowledge and skills. Rather, it is therapy. Forget that little Johnny can’t read. Schools harp on self-esteem, ethnic pride, alternative lifestyles, global citizenship, safe sex, diversity, drugs, mandated volunteerism, and death/dying—all globalism-friendly themes.85

With Big Brother wrestling the family reins from parental grasp, Mom and Dad eventually forfeit power to exercise their God-given authority. If ratified, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) could prosecute parents who deny their own children access to violent movies, music, videos, or computer games.86

That the focus has shifted dramatically from home to state schools and from academics to emotional health begs the question, “How is this working?” Apparently, not well. Whistle blower Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt uncovered the mother lode, armed herself with it, and then fled the U.S. Department of Education for which she had served as senior official.87

Grooming Human Resources for Cosmic Citizenship

In December 1980, the UN General Assembly formulated The United Nations Global Education Project as a model for global education and course for teacher training and curriculum development of all nations. The project is based on New Age mystic Dr. Robert Müller’s UNESCO prize-winning, holistic World Core Curriculum.88

Theosophist Dr. Shirley McCune offers her own prescription for “sick” children—that being a “quantum leap” to higher, group (or collaborative) consciousness. In a speech she gave at the 1989 Kansas Governor’s Conference on Education, Dr. McCune claimed that “we no longer see the teaching of facts and information as the primary outcome of education.” Instead, she added, we look to a “total transformation of our society.” 89

In Creating the Future , edited by Dee Dickinson, Dr. McCune proposes the direction of desired change toward universal societal transformation—namely, “moving out of the business of schooling and into the business of human resource development.” 90

Apparently McCune embraces the cradle-to-grave vision for lifelong learning as conceived by Marc Tucker and former First Lady Hillary Clinton. Increasingly, world citizens are viewed as mere human resources to be groomed and fitted in the global economy as workers, not thinkers; followers, not leaders; group members, not individuals.

“The Possibilities Mind”

Longtime colleagues and friends Drs. Shirley McCune, Andrew Griffin, and Robert Carkhuff share interest in the disturbingly esoteric study of the paranormal and human potential. See for yourself in The Light Shall Set You Free 91and The Possibilities Mind 92 by Drs. McCune and Carkhuff, respectively.

In pursuit of transpersonal psychology, Dr. Carkhuff applies his own make-believe formula (Energy=PE²1³) to measure human energy toward self-actualization, clarified by McCune as looking to “the Light within” in our collective journey. Cosmic mindfulness is entered into through altered states of consciousness. The way to that “Light,” McCune claims, is to increase one’s “vibration frequency.”

Sounds to me like a spiritual experience. True, Dr. McCune has the constitutional right to believe as she does; however, the “path to power,” in her view, “requires a whole new curriculum and set of guidelines.” Don’t think for a moment that this federal liaison refrains from exposing children to her arcane theological grid. 93

Be sure the utopian brave new world of infinite possibilities, purportedly achieved by Carkhuff’s Links Project, costs taxpayers millions of dollars in federal grants, yet he identifies “the possibilities mind” as god—yes, god —who allegedly co-processes with us to illuminate mysteries. 94

If this isn’t weird enough, “the possibilities mind” discards what is dubbed dysfunctional traditional math for “constructivist learning.” Forget numerals. Students are required not to solve a problem with its correct answer, but rather to use their “team voices” to “think about mathematics” and how it makes them feel. Carkhuff advances a similarly troublesome new science of possibilities. 95

Globalism: Revolution-Ready Products of the System

For progressive liberals to unhinge the establishment in the name of egalitarianism, student-led reform is called to bat. Founded by Adam Fletcher in April 2000, the left-wing Free Child Project promotes radical democracy toward achieving a more fair, sustainable, and peaceful world. A youth-driven training ground, the project serves as think tank and advocacy group, especially for minority races, gays, women, and animals.

Marxism assumes center stage in directing the global social revolution against national sovereignty, traditionalism, and capitalism. By accessing the Internet and liberal media, young activists pit themselves against youth-fearing grown-ups (otherwise known as “ephebiphobic” adult authorities). Incited youth bemoan the digital divide, oppose captive breeding, denounce medical testing, and champion “my-body—my-choice.” 96

Hard-core direct action propelled by “a spirit of resistance” frequently involves civil disobedience, boycotts, and occupation. Says the late Redwood Forest tree-sitting anarchist, the late Anita Roddick, this is “the rent we pay to live on the planet.” 97

Globalism: Laissez-faire Left Behind

In the wake of the autumn 2008 U.S. banking crisis, France’s president and Germany’s finance minister (Nicolas Sarkozy and Peer Steinbrueck, respectively) agreed that the Anglo-Saxon capitalist system had run its course. To end the folly of that post-war, U.S.-dominated, but finished system, new global banking rules are indicated.98

Enter the World Trade Organization. A product of the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) , the WTO is all about central control of world markets.99 By locking nations into regulations that exceed authority of their own constitutions, it is “the closest thing we have to world government on this planet.” 100

Similarly, German-born U.S. diplomat Henry Kissinger described the North American Free Trade Agreement (1989) as a “first step toward a new world order.”101 Achieved by fast-track legislation, the North American Union (its backdrop, NAFTA) will be a super-state roughly patterned after the European Union. 102

Some years back, presidential candidate Ross Perot warned about “the giant sucking sound going south.” 103 His apprehension was not new. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Henry Clay, and Abraham Lincoln likewise opposed the global theory of free trade that siphons off America’s wealth.

Keep in mind that Karl Marx favored free trade to break up old nationalities and, thus, hasten the social revolution. More recently, in 1977 Chinese Foreign Minister Huang Hua revealed that his country would use it in the U.S. to foment revolution and to build socialism. Today’s European community and NAFTA appear to be regional economic groups forming basis for this up-and-coming world socialist scheme. 104

Officially under the Department of Commerce, the Security and Prosperity Partnership was created at a summit in Waco, Texas (March 2005) and thereafter affirmed in Cancun (March 2006). A planned ten-lane international corridor will be the first leg of what has been dubbed the NAFTA Superhighway. With no congressional oversight and no signed agreements, our nation’s merged future with Canada and Mexico allows freer flow of people, goods, and capital under joint military command with a tri-national data base. By 2010, biometric identifiers will facilitate even freer passage throughout our region. 105

Globalism: Twenty-First Century Prototype, European Union

With dawn of a new millennium has come a formidable superpower threatening to end American geopolitical supremacy. Accordingly, attempts were made in Prague (March 2004) to further enlarge the pan-European vision by creating under a single banner a true continental political unification. Complete with Euro- culture and currency, this New Europe is destined to morph into a United States of the World.

Rhodes Scholar Strobe Talbott (Council on Foreign Relations member) believes “a politically united Europe will advance our common goal to terminate nationhood as we know it and replace it with a single authority.” 106 International power-elitists as he purpose first to regionalize Europe, then the world, in their forcible race to global governance.

Adopted by twenty-five countries at the second session of the World Constituent Assembly, the 1977 Constitution for the Federation of Earth proposes an administrative structure of twenty world electoral and administrative regions with ten mega-regions. Already the Club of Rome has divided the world into ten political-economic regions referred to as “kingdoms.” 107

Founded in 1968, the Club of Rome is responsible for today’s United Europe. Its 1972 report, the Limits of Growth , served as blueprint for this gutsy new political, economic, and military union. A prelude to full-blown globalism, the EU has emerged first in position and in preeminence. 108 The European Monetary Union with common currency for participating member-states represents about one-fifth of the world’s economic output and trade, and the Lisbon Strategy (2000) is poised to render it the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world.

In February 2004 Witton Park Meetings in England looked to expanding the European security force and its relationship to the U.S., UN, and NATO. 109 The world’s largest two-way trade and investment relationship amply motivates and propels the burgeoning U.S./EU partnership.

 Egalitarianism may sound good for its supposed advocacy of political, economic, and legal equality for all when, in fact, it is no more than a specious buzzword for supplanting America’s hegemony. The eventual goal of the global brain trust is to incite planetary class conflict, resulting in transformation to democratic transnationalism, which weds free-market capitalism with communism. This being the case, the divinely inspired and unique political perspective of what Trinity Law Professor James Hirsen identifies as “the grand experiment we call America” is imperiled. 110

Globalism: Global Law

Our founding fathers clearly understood the critical nature of establishing law and order. They saw to it that the very essence of the Ten Commandments coupled with New Testament amplification would serve as overarching worldview for our legal system.111

By way of contrast, laws of the universe (i.e., cosmology) regulate conduct in the emerging new earth . Given a skewed world view favoring cosmic humanism, lawful authority resides entirely within the individual, for every person is god, and god is every person. 112

Even more, the universe itself is god. Because planet earth allegedly was meant to be a place of worship, it stands to reason that a simple rule of reference for planetary management is to fashion earth into some sort of utopian paradise. Green strategies for doing so include shopping locally, recycling waste as a resource, consuming materials sparingly, and gathering and using energy efficiently—all rational choices for good earth stewardship.

But, wait! In today’s global economy, many requirements favor green products over conventional ones for use in construction; but if truth be told, green labels more reflect a company’s environmental campaigns and political activities than any realistic ecological impact.113

A new, up-and-coming eco-science credited to Janine Benyus takes inspiration from nature’s models and elevates nature as supreme ecological standard and mentor. Nature itself dictates how humans must live out inherent connections in life. This is known as the Law of Biomimicry.114

To enable light, love and power to restore the illuminist’s plan on earth, God-given law must bite the dust. In its place, soft law addresses ecologist Garrett Hardin’s overshadowing argument that “freedom in a commons brings ruin to us all.” 115

To avoid this inevitable fate, citizens of the world are held accountable for achieving rapid transition to community sustainability. Unfortunately, the same demands totalitarian control—this being the only way to enforce laws needed to prevent humans from messing up biodiversity.

At the global level, soft law represents unenforceable agreements between nations. By appearing to represent global consensus, these have a way of evolving slowly into enforceable international law in the form of agreements, conventions, declarations, executive orders, pacts, summits, and treaties. UN resolutions represent a kind of international common law to which national courts have already begun to refer.

Historically, U.S. power was vested in government solely through a legal conveyance from the people—i.e., the Constitution . Of late, progressively more international agreements are being used to control even domestic matters. Already, state law has been invalidated by using words of United Nations’ international treaties. This judicially renders the UN Charter the supreme law of our land.

Disturbingly, old international treaties can be resurrected years and even decades after taking what attorney Phyllis Schlafly calls a knockout punch. One such example is the old UN Convention on the Law of the Sea . LOST created the International Seabed Authority (ISA) which exercises total jurisdiction over all the oceans and everything in them—fully seven-tenths of the world’s entire surface.

Were the U.S. to ratify LOST, her vote in the ISA would equal that of Cuba’s. Furthermore, the treaty empowers the restriction-free ISA to levy international taxes under the guise of assessments, contributions, fees, payments, or permits; to impose production quotas; and to restrict intelligence-gathering missions by U.S. submarines. As is the case with most soft law, LOST is more about international control than it is about stewardship. 116

Globalism: Soldiers in Spiritual Warfare

Good news! Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights upholds the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; but (now the bad news) Article 29 limits these rights to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. 117

Furthermore, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (April 1992) sets open-ended limits on religious freedom and peaceful assembly. 118 As a result, Christians gradually forfeit the same liberty afforded politically correct earth pagans who worship Gaia; Muslims who worship the Moon God, Allah; and neo-pantheists who worship “the god within.”

Be that as it may, some are surprised to learn that God himself favors one-world government. The book of Revelation describes a season of one thousand years during which time deception is quelled, wars cease, the animal kingdom is subdued, and believers rule and reign with Christ. Worldwide knowledge of the glory of God likewise distinguishes Christ’s millennial, one-world reign. 119

Not so with the Novus Ordo Seclorum (“New Secular World Order of the Ages”). Globalism is a godless counterfeit of God’s intended plan. Deceived backers from among “peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues” are destined to share “one mind” with respect to globalism’s empty promises. Anticipating a mass planetary shift to enlightenment, duped global citizens will put their trust in lying wonders. In the end, sudden destruction, not peace, will be their unanticipated recompense. 120

So What to Do?

To be separate and “touch not the unclean thing” presupposes identification with God’s truth as opposed to any counterfeit of it. 121 In order to discern accurately between truth and a credible counterfeit, a Christian first must know “the real thing” inside-out, top-to-bottom. This is accomplished through lifelong, Spirit-directed study of God’s Word line upon line, precept upon precept. 122 Knowing the Bible and yielding to the Holy Spirit alert Christians to distracting winds of doctrine and deceit by the sleight of men. 123

In all matters, one’s first and primary allegiance is to the Lord, but American Christians also have a duty to engage the representative form of government with which God has blessed our nation. To whom much is given, much is required. 124 Though each must pick his battles wisely and determine his own appropriate level of involvement, all believers can and must nurture love for what God loves, hate for what God hates. 125

Today’s essential warfare is decidedly spiritual, as are the most powerful weapons in combat.126 All are not qualified to grasp and grapple with globalism’s multifaceted agenda, but Christians everywhere can and must release faith, fight the good fight, and pray fervently. 127 In so doing, believers ask largely in the name of Jesus, always in accordance with God’s expressed will. 128

Our hope as Christians is not in a political party, a candidate of preference, partisan activism, or emergency preparedness. 129 It is in Jesus Christ and none other. 130 While maintaining unruffled trust in the creator and sustainer of life, Christians are called to apply God-given common sense to faith-propelled, proactive preparedness.

That none can turn the tide of globalism is not to say that political activism is useless. Civic responsibilities include obedience and godly action. 131 Believers are compelled by creed and action to uphold liberty, defend the traditional marriage-based family, support the sanctity of human life, preserve parental rights, promote community standards of decency, protect children, and champion wise checks and balances (e.g., sovereignty of nation-states). 132

Spiritually, Christians must seek God’s will and remain in it as best they can. Morally, they must set and keep godly standards. Politically, they can vote and, as God leads, assume leadership positions on key battlefronts for which they are equipped and called to enter. Mentally, they must work at being fully informed and engaged, but never lose sight of Jesus.133

These choices are before Christians: scoff at the threat of globalism, join the movement, beat it down, or use it for good and thereby restrain its full expression.

Scoff at It

Many scoff at the sky-is-falling rhetoric of globalism naysayers. In similar times, a committed preacher of righteousness named Noah warned corrupt contemporaries of an impending flood so that they might repent. Sadly, scoffers refused to listen and, as a result, were excluded from safety on the ark. Correspondingly, contemporary Christians mustn’t scoff at what God fingers as very real contemporary threats. 134

Join It            

True, Christians anticipate a golden era of unprecedented opportunity, peace, and worldwide collaboration when Christ rules and reigns in the Millennium. To the undiscerning, the right use of energy among intuitive friends united by earth stewardship, sustainability, collectivism, and illumination sounds like the real deal; but it isn’t. The Bible warns even Christians that, if not wary, they too are subject to strong delusion. 135

Globalism’s promises of unlimited well-being, transcendence to one’s higher self, and universal brotherhood are compellingly seductive; however, in the end, a one-world religious system as enforced by the false prophet obliges all to worship Antichrist or face certain death for noncompliance. From biblical perspective, to join this order guarantees spiritual death.136

Beat It

Some might not like to hear this, but attempting to beat down the system is as useless as pounding mole hills with a baseball bat. As I understand biblical eschatology, one-world government is a given. Rome will revive; and world financiers, acting as “kings without kingdoms,” will rule with Antichrist for a predetermined and bounded time span.137

It is by God’s permission that Satan empowers malevolent men and seducers to advance their errant agendas; 138 nonetheless, in God’s time, and with the brightness of Christ’s coming, the enemy’s schemes will be revealed and utterly paralyzed. 139 Even as dark clouds gather and loom overhead, Christians are all the more empowered to overcome evil and to fulfill their destinies simply by retaining spiritual purity.

Christians’ Two-Fold Charge: Use It for Good and Restrain It

While living in this world, Christian believers are not party to it. 140 In his first letter to the church at Corinth, Paul allowed using the whole world order (cosmos) for godly purposes as long as they not overly use it, or rely on it wholly. 141 With eternal citizenship elsewhere, believers are as pilgrims; they remain riveted to their Lord more so than to a world system destined in time to pass away. 142

Perhaps unexpectedly, twenty-first century global trends have much to offer Christian Kingdom-builders. For example, open borders promise ease of entry for Bibles and ministers of the gospel. Technological genius and limitless information invite broad access to biblical knowledge on big or small screens, in radio, and by means of the Internet. The universally spoken English language facilitates networking while abundant resources/cashless transactions support/assist global ministries of transformative spiritual impact. 143

What some would use for wrongdoing, Christians can and must use for good. God’s call to resist and restrain the “mystery of iniquity” falls to the universal body of Christ whose charge is to restrain iniquitous use of the system. This is not accomplished by American Christians acting alone, by any specific political administration, or under orders of some standing army security counsel. 144

For such a time as this, some among us are raised to leadership and action, as was Queen Esther, who risked her own life to champion her people before King Ahasuerus. Though not all lead in the church, in business, or in politics, all Christians defend righteous judgments in the civic arena. 145


It is not appropriate for Christians to herald planetary doom, thereby attracting and drawing together the fearful. Nor should they yawn in the face of impending calamity by escaping into a comfortable world of complacency, fantasy, or addiction. Instead, Christians must be wise as serpents, gentle as doves.146 To win over doubters requires wisdom, not stealth; prevailing prayer, not brute force.147

Perhaps more now than ever before, it’s time to shake sleep, study to show ourselves approved, maintain spiritual sobriety, and exercise vigilance. 148 Being well-read and up-to-date on vital issues is a great start; but more exactly, believers must heed biblical mandate by praying diligently, exercising faith, and practicing charity.

Even if one were to achieve all of the above and willingly face martyrdom, it’s never enough if God’s love evades the equation. 149 Just imagine the magnetic draw of a surrendered life led in Christ-blessed abundance, one that is tempered by balance and lived victoriously and joyfully to the glory of God and in service to others.

This, my friend, is the restraining power of the church: experiencing the Christ life, humbly but powerfully; circumspectly but with a single eye for the Savior; no longer I, but Christ. 150

The Bible assures us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.151 By divine enablement, yes, we can. By God’s grace, yes, we will.





[1] Dennis Laurence Cuddy, Ph.D., Secret Records Revealed: The Men, Money & the Methods Behind the New World Order (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, Ltd., 1999), 101.

2 James Rizzuti, “The Gods of Olympus” (Midnight Call: April, May, June, July, 1998), 16-33.

3 Ibid., 33.

4 Ted Flynn, Hope of the Wicked (Sterling, Virginia: MaxKol Communications, 2000), 2.

5 United Nations, Report on Human Development (Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University, 1994), 81.

6 H.G. Wells, The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution (London, England: Book Tree, 1928), XVIII.


8 These quotes come from a lecture at Harvard University given by Nelson Rockefeller in 1962. See also: Nelson Rockefeller, The Future of Federalism (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University, 1964).

9 Darwinism is the systematic, codified view of today’s prevailing and politically correct theory of evolution. It explains the macro-evolutionary process through principles of natural and sexual selection.

10 Ethical naturalism contends that religious verities are illusionary, and everything is explicable only by means chance and natural law.

11 Empiricism is the philosophical belief that all knowledge is ultimately derived from sense experience.

12 Written primarily by Raymond Bragg, the first Humanist Manifesto with 34 signers was published in 1933. Unlike later manifestos, Humanist Manifesto I refers to humanism as a religious movement meant to transcend and replace previous, deity-based systems. With 120 signatories, The Humanist Manifesto II first appeared in The Humanist (September/ October, 1973) when Paul Kurtz and Edwin H. Wilson were editor and editor emeritus, respectively. Humanism and Its Aspirations (subtitled Humanist Manifesto III), is the most recent manifesto published by the American Humanist Association (AHA). The newest one is considerably shorter and lists these six primary beliefs:

a.      Knowledge of the world is derived by observation, experimentation, and rational analysis.

b.     Humans are an integral part of nature, the result of unguided evolutionary change.

c.      Ethical values are derived from human need and interest as tested by experience.

d.     Life’s fulfillment emerges from individual participation in the service of humane ideals.

e.      Humans are social by nature and find meaning in relationships.

f.      Working to benefit society maximizes individual happiness.

13 A theocracy is a form of government in which a god or deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler.

14 The Book of Daniel is a prophetic book that includes four apocalyptic visions predicting the course of world history (Chapters 7-12 with Revelation 13:2, 17:15).

15 A latter day visionary, antichrist eventually will become the greatest dictator the world has ever known. He will rule but for “a short space” of time; and though his message will be one of peace, he will war mercilessly. The most fearful punishment found anywhere in Scripture is related to the “Mark of the Beast.” Enforced by antichrist’s false prophet, this mark is a brand required by all in order to buy or sell in the world community this dictatorial administration forges (Daniel 7:25 with Revelation 12:14; 17:10; Daniel 8:25; Revelation 14:9-10).

16 2 Thessalonians 2:7.

17 Daniel 7:8. In Scripture, the horn depicts power.

18 Antichrist can be interpreted “in place of Christ,” or “a substitute for” Him. In general, the term “antichrist” refers to one who stands in opposition to all that Jesus Christ represents. He will not regard the God of his fathers, nor any god, for he’ll magnify himself above all others (1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 7; Daniel 11:37).

19 Nelson Rockefeller referenced a powerful “free-world supra-national political being” (also, a single, benevolent world “Administrator”) while lecturing at Harvard University in 1962. See also: Nelson Rockefeller, The Future of Federalism (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University, 1964).

20 Revelation 6: 2-8.

21 Revelation 19:11.

22 The term, “Aquarian Conspiracy,” was popularized in 1980 See: Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy (Los Angeles, California: Penguin Group, 1980).

23 Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File (Seal Beach, California: ’76 Press, 1976), 77.

24Arnold Toynbee, “The Trend of International Affairs Since the War” (Copenhagen, Denmark: The Institute for the Study of International Affairs, November 1931). See also: Dennis Laurence Cuddy, Ph.D., Secret Records Revealed: The Men, Money & the Methods behind the New World Order (Oklahoma City Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, Ltd., 1999), 50-51.

25 United Nations Development Program, Our Global Neighborhood: The  Report of the Commission on Global Governance (Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University, 1995), 35.

26  Mikhail Gorbachev exalts the cosmos (world order) as his God. See the transcription from the Charlie Rose television program on PBS television, aired October 23, 1996.

27 Note that the Earth Charter emphasizes our saving Mother Earth. Objectives include tolerance, united strength with armed forces under the UN banner, and involuntary redistribution of wealth. The charter redefines America’s doctrine of original intent, the U.S. Constitution, which has served as the supreme law of the federal government since its adoption in 1789.

28 In 1977 the Constitution for the Federation of Earth was adopted by twenty-five countries at the second session of the World Constituent Assembly. It’s been said that its preamble reads like a New Age occult manual.

29 In Daniel 11:24 the Bible makes prophetic reference to distribution of wealth. A type of the Antichrist, whom he foreshadows, King Antiochus Epiphanes (known as “the Mad One”) would likewise “scatter the prey and spoil and riches” among the peaceable league made with him.

30 Brzezinski believed that “Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man’s universal vision.” See: Zbigniew Brzezinski, In Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era (New York, New York: Viking Press, 1970).

31 2 Thessalonians 3:10; Matt. 25:25-26, 29-30. In Proverbs 6:6, the root word for sluggard means “to lean.” In contemporary America, those who indulge in welfare fraud qualify as “leaners.” They likewise warrant the uncomely label Adam belial, or “worthless mankind.” The root word for “wicked man” in verse 12 is “to pant”—that is, to expend energy without producing and, consequently, to facsimile a brute beast, prone to mischief and discord (verse 14).

32 UNESCO, Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention, I (D) (45) (New York, New York: The United Nations, February 1994), 15.

33 John Davis “The Wildlands Project,” Wild Earth Special Issue (Richmond, Vermont: Cenozoic Society, 1992), 3.

34 United Nations, UN Conference on Desertification (New York, New York: The United Nations Environment Programme, or UNEP, 1992).

35 Genesis 1:31.

36 Maurice Strong, Global Biodiversity Assessment, CBA (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 773.

37 Biblically, the earth as we know it is destined to pass away. God never intended for it to last forever. Instead, a new earth (not to be confused with Eckhart Tolle’s “new earth”) will take its place (Revelation 21:1). Until then, God will not fail to supply all material needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

38 Genesis 3:18 with 1:26-31.

39 John Tierney, “Recycling is Garbage” (New York, New York: New York Times, June 30, 1996), 24-29, 44, 48, 51, 53.

40 I Timothy 6:20.

41 Henry Lamb, The Environmental Movement (Hollow Rock, Tennessee: Sovereignty International, Inc., 2008), 41.

42 Senator James Inhofe, Chairman, Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, A Skeptic’s Guide to Debunking Global Warming Alarmism, Hot & Cold Media Spin Cycle: A Challenge to Journalists who Cover Global Warming (Washington, D.C.: Senate Floor Speech Delivered September 25, 2006).

43 Known as the NGO Triumvirate, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), and the World Resources Institute (WRI) have developed and promoted globalism since the 1970s.

44 Henry Lamb, “Excessive Rise of Global Government” (Hollow Rock, Tennessee: Sovereignty International, Inc., 2008), 141.

45 Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834) was an English economist and cleric whose Essay on the Principle of Population (1798, revised 1803) advocated population control. Malthus first presented the flawed theory that earth’s resources are limited and, with massive increase in human population, they face depletion. His philosophy that populations increase in geometric ratio, while food supplies increase only in arithmetic ratio, upholds the UN concept of sustainable development.

46  Daniel 11:23 indicates that Antichrist will be strong over those deemed to be “small people.” His bidding is that of the Devil, a “murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44).

47 Romans 1:25-28. In Daniel 11:37, we learn this about this about the Antichrist: “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women.” In his regime, traditional family isn’t honored.


49 Margaret Sanger, “A Plan for Peace” (Birth Control Review, April 1932), 107-108.

50 Although respect of persons plays into the global agenda, the concept is at odds with Bible protocol (Acts 10:34).

51 The notion that animals deserve to become a protected societal class is the myth commonly promulgated by advocates of PeTA. God made garments of animal skin for Adam and Eve to wear, and Christ Himself ate broiled fish. Similarly, as a tent-maker, Paul was no animal-rights activist; he fabricated tents from strong goat’s-hair cloth stretched over poles and held in place by cords that reached out to stakes driven into the ground. In God’s economy, humans are of infinitely greater value than other life forms (Matthew 10:31).

52 Matthew 12:25.

53 Phyllis Schlafly, “Guest Workers Aren’t Cheap; They’re Expensive” (Alton, Illinois: The Phyllis Schlafly Report, July 2006), Volume 39, Number 12.

54 For more thorough exposure to these concepts, see: Allen Quist, Fed Ed: The New Federal Curriculum and How It's Enforced (Maple River, Minnesota: Maple River Education Coalition, September 2002).

55 Frank Aydelotte, The Vision of Cecil Rhodes (London, England: Oxford University Press, 1946), 5.


56 See: Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, Search for a New Beginning: Developing a New Civilization (London, England: HarperCollins Publishers, June 1995).

57 The Bilderberg Group is a coterie of elite and wealthy globalists who meet annually to coordinate and disseminate plans for the new world order. Established by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (1954), it acts as a sort of international Council on Foreign Relations and is credited for bringing about the Common Market and the EEU. In “dividing the land for gain,” and “causing craft to prosper,” the antichrist system will “destroy wonderfully the mighty and the holy people” (Daniel 11:39 with 8:24-25).

58 Founded in 1968 by Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei, the Club of Rome is an occult-driven spin-off from the CFR. Most planning directives for world government come from the COR whose 1972 report, The Limits of Growth, served as blueprint for today’s bold new economic, military, and political union in Europe.

59 Founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Trilateral Commission is a multilateral planning commission within the stalwart of the Eastern liberal establishment of insiders. Members from three economic superpowers (North America, Western Europe, and Japan) seek to unite into a one-world, socialist government requiring voluntary demise of America’s independence. The intent is to seize control of government and thereby establish “political cosmopolitanism” by grasping her commercial/banking interests (Held, Falk and Miller). See: R. Falk, On Humane Governance (University Park, Pennslyvania: Pennsylvania University Press, 1995); D. Held, Democracy and Global Order (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1995); David Miller, On Nationality (Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 1995).

60 Revelation 3:14ff.

61 Not to embrace love of truth is to be “strongly deluded,” believing instead what literal scripture calls “the lie” (as opposed to “a lie”). Most likely this lie is grounded in the nefarious claim to Godhood advanced by Cosmic Humanists. At its root is pantheism, belief that all life is part of the impersonal god-force, defined as the sum total of all that exists (2 Thessalonians 2: 4, 11).

62 There will come a time when all nations will be made “to drink of the wine of the wrath” of what is tantamount to spiritual fornication (Revelation 14:8).

63 International Community, Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice (New York, New York: United Nations, Department of Public Information, 1985), 80 pages.

64 The Bible speaks of end-time false teachers who defame Truth and forsake the straight path of moral absolutism. The global community acts instead upon whatever suits human fancy (2 Peter 2:1-2, 15; Judges 17:6). Principles as these take form in the United Nations Declaration of Tolerance, 2006.

65 Jacobism (The Philosophes) was founded in Versailles (1789) as an extremist republican club of the French Revolution. Its Grand Patriot Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati on May 1, 1776. This Enlightenment-era, Bavarian secret society is dedicated to world conquest.

66 To succumb to deception results in spiritual subservience, 2 Thessalonians 2:10, 11.

67 Galatians 1:9-10. Universalism teaches that all religions hold elements of truth and that no religion or religious teacher is right or wrong.

68 Living constitutionalism is dynamic interpretation of constitutional phraseology. With a view to pragmatism, or framers’ intent, living constitutionalists always take into account contemporaneous society. While Al Gore favors the concept, Supreme Court Justice Scalia strongly opposes it.

69 Cecil Rhodes’ Confession of Faith, “Sustainable Development Syllabus” from Radio Liberty at Post Office Box 13, Santa Cruz, California 95063.

70 Neal Donald Walsch, Tomorrow’s God: Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge (New York, New York: Atria Books, Simon & Schuster, 2004), Workbook 45.

71 Today’s new revelation is seeded in neo-pantheistic syncretism—that being doctrinal mix (syncretism) resurrecting ancient mystery religions with a new (neo) take on all (pan) life’s constituting the God essence (theo). One’s divinity is realized in his “higher self,” achieved by altered states of consciousness.

72 For an expanded perspective, see: Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose (New York, New York: Penguin, A Plume Book, 2006).

73 1 Timothy 6:12.

74 Dennis Judd, “Cecil Rhodes Legacy,” The British Imperial Experience from 1765 to the Present (New York, New York: Basic Books, 1998), 117.

75 Richard Harwood, “Ruling Class Journalists” (Washington, D.C.: Washington Post, October 30, 1933), A- 21.

76 L. Brent Bozell III, “Weapons of Mass Distortion” (Internet: National Review Online, 2004).

77 Frazier Moore, “Bill Moyers Retiring from TV Journalism” (Associated Press, 2004), 1.

78 Proverbs 29:11.

79 Daniel 11:32.

80 Arguably the oldest and most influential U.S. organization openly committed to a new world order, the World Federalist Association was the instrumental group responsible for setting up the International Criminal Court. Along with the Counsel on Foreign Relations, major foundations, and money center banks, the WFA is part of the imposing infrastructure of the World Constitution and Parliamentary Association; and it enjoys consultative status at the UN.



83 In his Keynote Speech, Dr. Chester M. Pierce effectively undermined parenthood when he addressed Childhood Education International in Denver, Colorado (1972). In contrast, Scripture admonishes believers to continue in truth, as taught in the home from childhood (2 Timothy 3:14-15 with Isaiah 28:9).

84 Prophetically, end-time global citizens indulge the lower stimulus of enchantments with drugs (pharmakeia, or “sorceries”), Revelation 9:21 and 18:23.

85 In a world typified by seemingly limitless knowledge, end-time world citizens continually learn new things, yet they lack weightier knowledge of truth (2 Timothy 3: 7).

86 Scripturally, those wise in their own eyes forfeit righteousness by “justifying the wicked for reward” (Isaiah 5:20-23).


88 Robert Muller, World Core Curriculum Manual (Arlington, Texas: The Robert Muller School, 1985), Preface 2.


91 Dr. Shirley McCune and Dr Norma Milanovich, The Light Shall Set You Free (Albuquerque, New Mexico: Athena Athena Publishing, 1996).

92 Robert Carkuff and Bernard G. Berenson, The Possibilities Mind (Amherst, Massachusetts: Possibilities Publishing, Inc., 2001).

94 See page 9.

95 Robert Carkuff and Bernard G. Berenson, “The Processing Science,” The New Science of Possibilities (Amherst, Massachusetts: HDR Press, 2000), Vol. I.


97 Jill MacIntyre Witt, “Anita’s Activism and Inspiration” (Internet: The Body Shop ® Blog, 2008).

98 Edward Cody of the Washington Post, “Laissez-faire Finished” (Seattle, Washington: The Seattle Times, September 26, 2008), 26.


102 T.R. Reid, The United States of Europe: The New Superpower and the End of American Supremacy. (New York, New York: The Penguin Press, 2004).

103 Ross Perot, Save Your Job, Save Our Country (Scranton, Pennsylvania: Hyperion Books distributed by HarperCollins Publishers, 1993), 1st edition 41-42, 47.

104 Huang Hua was the foreign minister of China from 1976 to 1982.

105 The U.S. Army is building a huge biometric data base using verification technology (hand geometry, retinal reading, signature dynamics, voice recognition, and fingerprint reading) to identify parties of interest. This is consistent with the biblical mark of the Beast which is a stamp or brand employed by the Antichrist for permanent identification, surveillance, and control of its bearer (Revelation 14:9-11 with 13:16-17).

106 Formerly editor-at-large for Time magazine, Strobe Talbott (CFR and Trilateral Commission member) received the prestigious Norman Cousins award from the World Federalist Association. As chief foreign adviser to the Clinton administration, Talbott was known to systematically undermine national sovereignty in favor of a single, global authority.

107 Roger Kotila, Constitution for the Federation of the Earth (San Francisco, California: Democratic World Federalists, 1977).

108 Donella H. Meadows, et. al., The Limits of Growth. A Report for The Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind (New York, New York: Universe Books, 1972).

109 Comprised of twenty-eight members, NATO has added new members six times since its founding in 1949. In 1990 NATO added the former country of East Germany to its twelve founding countries. Between 1994 and 1997 wider forums were set up for regional cooperation between NATO and its neighbors. In 1997, three former communist countries were invited to join. After this fourth enlargement in 1999, the Vilnius group formed in May of 2000 to lobby for further NATO membership; and seven more joined in the fifth enlargement (2004). In 2009 Albania and Croatia joined in its sixth enlargement.

110 A professor at Trinity Law School in Orange County, California, James L. Hirsen, J.D., Ph.D., is an internationally recognized attorney and speaker on constitutional, government, and global issues. See: James L. Hirsen, Ph.D., “The Founding Fathers’ Worst Nightmare,” The Coming Collision: Global Law vs. U.S. Liberties (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1999), 25-26.

111 For Christian believers, Old Testament ceremonial laws were voided once they were fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ Jesus. Nevertheless, Christ held Holy Spirit-empowered followers to an even more stringent code of conduct than what Moses delivered in stone. According to new-covenant theology, the law now is written on redeemed hearts empowered to exercise the “royal law of love” (James 1:25; 2:8; Romans 2:14). Founding Father John Adams linked civil government with said principles, and America’s legal system established as its overarching worldview the very essence of the Ten Commandments coupled with New Testament amplification.

112 New Age guru Eckhart Tolle underscores “power in the Now,” thus enabling transformation of consciousness from illusive thought to Self-God awareness. Thusly awakened, “Custodians of the Plan” watch over and even guide all of humanity’s spiritual progress.

113 A multi-billion dollar industry, radical environmentalism is no small player. Deep ecology activists, pandering politicians, and moneyed foundations pull strings to affect what Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center calls an “ecoligarchy” with no less than 1/3 of all federal laws focused on the environment. Moreover, the scientific community has reached no consensus to warrant need for nearly 300 environmental treaties already administered by the United Nations.


116 International Community, Plan of Action to Combat Desertification, PACD (New York, New York: United Nations Conference on Desertification, 1977),

117 Proverbs 29:26.

118 International Community, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (New York: New York: United Nations, April 1992).

119 The eco-socialist new world order counterfeits God’s true design. In the end, the Lord will assume His rightful, uncontested place on the planet, earmarked by restoration. The coming Millennium on earth is a one-thousand-year theocracy under rule of Jesus Christ (Joel 2:25; Habakkuk 2:14; Isaiah 32:16-20, and Psalm 45:16).

120 1 Thessalonians 5:3.

121 Isaiah 52:11; 2 Corinthians 6:17.

122 Isaiah 28:10.

123 Ephesians 4:14.

124 Luke 12:48.

125 Amos 5:14-15.

126 Ephesians 6:11-13.

127 1 Timothy 6:12.

128 John 14:14 and 15:7 (abide and ask in Jesus’ Name); James 4:3 (in His will).

129 Proverbs 29:26.

130 1 Timothy 1:1.

131 For the Lord’s sake, Christians are commanded to respect and obey those authorized to rule over them. Furthermore, they are to submit to rightful laws of the land while staying informed, prone to good works, and of good courage on behalf of the cities of our God. Even as Queen Esther took interest in the rights of her people, and approached King Ahasuerus on their behalf, Christians today are called to proclaim and promote righteous judgments. Indeed, righteousness exalts a nation (1 Peter 2:13; Ecclesiastes 1:13; Titus 3:8; 2 Samuel 10:12; Proverbs 14:34).

132 Matthew 5:16; 1 Timothy 6:18; Titus 2:7; Hebrews 10:24; 1 Peter 2:12.

133 Hebrews 12:2.
1341 Peter 3:20; 2 Peter 2:5.

135 Matthew 24:24; 2 Thessalonians 2:11.

136 Revelation 13:16-17.
137 Revelation 17:12-13.

138 For Satan to inflict human harm, he must first clear his intent with God. Even then, the degree of temptation allowed to be meted out is meticulously measured and masterfully limited (1 Corinthians 10:13). An example is found in the book of Job in which a righteous man enjoys God’s hedge of protection until God lifts it. Never did God allow temptation beyond what Job could endure. In the process, Job was strengthened. Having endured, he saw his sorrow turned to joy and his blessings in life doubled. Through Job’s extended trial, God gave him opportunity to prove his faith.

139 2 Thessalonians 2:8.

140 John 17:16.
141 1 Corinthians 7:31.
142 1 Peter 2:11.
143 Daniel 12:4.

144 In 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul warns of a flood of evil and apostasy to come; however, until a specific event occurs (the Great Outtranslation, or Rapture), evil’s full manifestation will be restrained. By way of explanation, verse 6 speaks of “what” (neuter case, or “the thing”) that “withholds” (“restrains” or “holds back”) this flood. Verse 7 suggests that the one who “is now restraining” (continuous action in the Greek) will continue to do so until “he be taken out of the way” (Greek: “he suddenly be taken out of the midst of”).

145 Esther 2:20ff.

146 Matthew 10:16.

147 James 1:5.

148 1 Peter 5:8ff.

149 1 Corinthians 13:1-3.

150 Galatians 2:20.

151 Philippians 4:13.



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